director, W1I De as fiiws: ."euL "Preldio"(Suite Bergasmasle) De-t buss; ntem Pralse the. Name of theI Lor,"Ivno"f;sol',0 O Gd, aveI MercY" St Pu) enessohn flMwardI Otis; Po tude, "Math n D,"luk Thie Sunday school wiil meet at 9 :30 o'celock, probs.blyunder. sohie diftlCultY and InconVelilênce, because of the build- ing operattis,l but eve' effort, wIll be made to, make ail cofffortable. Thie Adult, Bible lass is studyeifg. the portrait of 'Jesus As a Fiend," and invites you to meet wlth Itat 10 o'clock.ý The Pastor'5 class for'those who are preparn o chc membership will. metar 9:30o'clock. This will be the last cIass before -the February com- m nn A new lass. will be ttre FebruarY 14 for those wio. wish to join the church at Easter. Junior church will care for the little folks durlng the morntnig worsiip service ,fit 114 O'CIOk. TTii 1uxis club, the hlgh sehool group ,of young people, will meet at 5:30 o'clock in the ciapel. Aile. Mnearwill lead the meeting with the toplo, "The Spirit of * Jesus." W. Invite the Young people to COrne. *The New Trier Sunday Evening club at New Trier High schuol at 7 :30 o'cdock willi prese2it the W. C. T. U. motion pic- ture, "The Beneficelit Reprobate," a.nd an address by Miss Bertha R. Palmer. As a jireiuue 10 Ms.** . ... alternates, rectors, wardens, vestrymeli; welcome and are cordllinvite*VILoU and other meén and womeh Of the dio- visit u~s any Sunday. cese are:invited to assemble at a pre- The BegInners departxnIert meets ln converitioli ýdinner, to b. beld at the the' church parlor during the moriting Hotel Sherman, »ext Monday-eveningi, church .service.. February 1L The B'isbgp's annual awards T he World ]Priendship group 1 meets ln for distingulshed ser vice, will b. an- the Bertha Wheêlock hall followiIg the nouneed. Bishop Stewart and George A. dismissal of Church schooL. Next Sun- Raflney will be the speakers. Reserva- day they. will have lantern esîldes, about, tions should be made at once wlth the Mexico. Church sehool boys and girls are Reetor.1 or with Henry Fowler, treasurer always welcome, of the Church club. THE *PUE.EASTEIZ PUEAC]UfING At the parish annual meeting, January. Once miore the 11ev. Mr. Hindley will> 21,' reports of the year's, work, were nul orein, "Christian given b h officers representing the Fundaiiientals" under the gener al theme, varlôus organizati0ns: treasry- R. C. 'Our Everliviflg Faith'o Jennings; Atar Guild-Mrs. J. O. Con- ïýeb. 7-"RecosilizingGod .Todayý" verse, president and Miss Cornelia Jlones, Feb. 14-' Disecovering R iis Will and treasurer; Womeh's Àssociated Guilds- Way" Mrs. J. W. Edgè. president and Mrs. -Feb. 21-"Gettiflg Ris Help and Trust- S. B.- Haley', treasurer;- Women's Auxili- ing is Care."' ar>' to i?4issions-Mes. HI. B. Johflstofl Feb. ý28-"Ulnderstafldiflg and Taking Women's United Thank, Offering-MUrs..Fis Guidance." R. N. Wade; organist and choirmaster March 7 ."Managing Our Overtense -..Chndler Sterling; Acolytes' Gild- Lives."' Van ËMeSuide; Saint Augustine's Church Mardi 14-"Overcoiiiflg IFaith's }Heavy schol-te rector, as superintendeflt, Obstacles." and Mrs. J. W' Edge as sûbP4!Msérof the M~atc- l ýrowi î4 te- Rgh King." Primary department; St. AUgiistifle's (ialmi Sunda>'.) Boy Scout Troop No. 4-William Ed- March 28 - L i v i n g Eternally." monds, Jr, Mrs. Royal D. Smith readI (Easter.) lier reports as parish representatîve for These sermons will get tu the core of the Catiiedral Shelter and also the Di- the Christian Quest for God. They will ocesan Altar Guild, Mrs. J. C. McQuide. bring us courage and spiritual aid. The>' as parish representative of the Church will covrer in a practical and up-to-date *Home for the Aged, and Mrs. Stanley way what Christianit>' reall>' is and Smith as parish representative for St. does. The>' will proclaim the abiding Mary's Home for Girls. goalsof life and the power to reach and _MW reaiize theni. T4-nvFnurier. treasurer of the Church . .. , - 'rpdv krl. The Goodwili Truck cornes to Wilmiette on Fridays. Please notify the church office (Wilmette 2348) if you wish to have it stop) at your homfle. -On Saturday of this Weeki January 30, at 2 ôeo'ck in the Chicago Temple,, the, Wesley Hospital Society will hold lits forty-eighth annual meeting. The Chicago Mthodist Social Un ,ion banquet wiIl be held on Thursday eve-. ning, Februa11 rY 4, at 6:30 Ô'clock at the Hotiel Shermnan. This occasion* will empihasize the educatioflal opportunitles of_- the Methodist Church through Its instituitions of learning a.ndaio through, the local church. The Board of Educa- tion of the Methodist churcli is having, Uts annual meeting here at that time,' and the, board and staff will be present as speclal guests. -The presidents of our Methodlst colleges from Illinois And near-by states have been invited to at- tend. Dr. Wildman, the new presîdent of, DePauw university, is to be the prin- cipal speaker. The Northwestern uni- versity A Capella choir will sing. Reser- vations frcnm this ckhurh ould bade with Trhomas Il. West or R. G. Kin- bail. The Officiai board will mieet Monday evening, P'ebruary 1, at 8 o'clock in the Junior room. Al members are urged to be present. TPhe Wonin's Ald snc'iety v wlll meet .age. Troop'No. 2 meuets Wedlnes- ser ve Thie Boy Scouts wil meet Monda>' eve- ning at the churci. At our Church Night Wednesday eve- ning, we will have the storY of "The Church's Social Securty Plan" wbieh * is Isaid tQ b. une of the best ln the counltry, and gave some suggestions- for the Governmnft Plan. The speaker will be the .Rev. Ira M. Gray, D.D, of Mil- waukee. Dinner will be served at 6:30 o'elock. -We Invite you! The Cinl Scouts will mieet Wedflesday Sha ver cf -Boston, ut tne uongrega- aays. Educatioflal soclety will preaci 'The senior' choir *iehearsal at 7e:15 ,orne Learn .-~.Go Teaci l" Dr. p.rn. on Thursda>'s. r attends the- youti PrograflS ýghoit this country and wilI have M to stC uc ssage of knowledge and power. éh dstC u c ers and friends of the parish WilI 1v msTorbrmxse ost welcoine.Th e.Ao hrbriinsr music foi- tus service will be as vs : Tie morning worsiip service wili be de-Hymnus .... ........ ..Fieltiz held Sunday mnorning at il o'clock. Thie elm-"Seek Ye the Lord",. Adasl"Il flister will be. in the pulpit. The Girls' and Boys' Chôirs service actually begitis with tne organ ~ A ~ Walte forthe Pld a I45 ociock. The Introit is aîs PoweÏs, forme e Woman's Home -ene The Hamline universit>' A Capella choir will sing in this church on Sun- day evening, Februar>' 7, at 8 o'clock. You are invited to reserve this date and. plan. to attend. The following scout troops for boys andi girls are sponsored by this church: Girl Scqut Troop 1-Tliursdays at 7:15 ThO Ow' rer in4ay Nlvenng club LIU c I. Js tat 9:45. botweeli the high eloi p. 1 chu O Mns at iff orphan- ý will meet The New'Trier