Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Jan 1937, p. 8

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»c PLATE LUNCHES, Short Ovdws D.ubh-RSch M.it"dM96 a19C LUNCH ROOM' 417 FourttilSt. "L" Trinal PAIL-uf' vitA PhiIU>'a ducted, by Staver Moulding, chairmian ' of the convention, assisted. by the sec- retary, Mrs. Albert L. Grinneil. Many ýof the convention. members Were in at- ten'dance. Welcome More Namrnes Chairmnan Moulding stated the pur- pose of the meeting, and emphasized the fact that the convention bas a completely open niind as to candidates for the various offices to be filled. He pointed again to the fact that the convention is in' every way a citizens' body, and is seeking in e.very possible manner. to get the names, of. villagers- qualified for public service. He explained that, while: aIl namies proposed at the meeting would receive the fulleet conisideration, the convention is still open for the 'receipt, tmeeting were tnose 01i111 others wee offered of persons, flot heretofore been identifiedN service. Naine. Committee Upon acjourtiment of the put ing, Chairman Moulding called vention into a short session, Wilmette Women Will SObserve DaY Of FrayeOr at Services ,February 12 The women of the Protestant churches of Wilmette will. observe "The World Day of Prayer" Feb- ruary 12, the. first FPr.iay in Lent, when women -in ail parts of the world wvill be "praying with and for each other and for Christian friendship and peace." A- cabinet meeting of the lea0lers of the women's organizations of Wil- mette churches was held Wedneýsday. afternoon of this week at the homeý of Mrs. H. J. Dernehi. Arrangements were made to hold the World, Dayl of PjT4Ir meeting in, the ptist church on the day designated, PFeb- m rary 12, at 2 o'clock. ire on, the theme, "Thon Art the Christ, rthe Son of the Living God." It was. prepared by -Miss Mabel Shaw of Northern .Rhodesia, Africa. . Mfissý t- Shaw will be rememnbered as the )- author of "God's Candlelighits." ých The number of mecetings on this ion, "The Beneficent Reprobate," andc its 'director,1 Miss Bertha Rachel Pal- mer, who is in charge of the scien- tific temperance instruction of thet organization. She will be itrdue by MS. Ida B. Wise Smnith of Evans- ton, national president of the W., Ci T he movie is, being showni through-. out the country and had its first Chi- cago showing recently before an in- vited audience 'of "300. persons n Thorne hall on the McKinlock cam- pus of Northwestern university. Dr. Douglas H. Corn ell, minister of the Gle 1ncoe Union. church,, will give the. invocation, andà the Boys' octet of New: Trier High schoolwill sing, W. Frank McClure, president of the club, will preside. The public is jpyited, to attend this lecture and others in the serie s, 1whîch will run through March. There is no admission charge, but a collection is taken. The next program will be given on February 7 by Albérto Salvi, notedý harpist, and his instrumiental, 1 utartet. __________ Christian Science I NRW CLAS FEBR U-ARV I ona IAngelt Mll commercial branches including Shorthand, Typewriting, Zealan ccouting Seret~ialapolis, Accuning ScrearalTraining, Catalogue sent on request. Africa Day and Evening Classes THlE PUBLIC 18 COgUIALI CIIURCH $-ERVICES AND lu; AllanaDau,ma ;or Seattle; Cape Ti aor Sydney, Anstr Toronto;, or Vancç rED TO TRE W ces, and. Léon,i y z-a - e tuicd ini The golden text was, "The Lord is f roin Los 'good; his xnercy is everlasting; and ngton New 'his truth endureth to ail gen-rations" a; Indian- (Psalms 100:;5). 1own, SOUthl Among the citations which com- alia; Loni- prised thec lesson-sermon was the cinver; Rio followiîîg f romn the Bible:~ "Among ai. Af ter the gods there is none like unto thee, bed, and a 0 Lord ; neither are there any works n the Near like utn thv w rks, Ail nations Fran- cerer.", Xe is a me ITheta fraternity. ýr of Phi Dt it: ,ao 1 dori;,

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