Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Jan 1937, p. 94

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M1EET~INGS Social circle, today, iwith Mrs. Chas. J. Cote, 323 O)ak circle. Open hpuse, today; 7 to il P. m. Senior Waltherleague, Frid-ty, 8 p. mi. Chlldrens 4hristian education lasses, Saturday, 9:30 a. rn..:Wed n"sday, 4 p. m. Board of education, Wednesday, 8 p. in., in the pastor's study. Martha gulld, reXt Thursdiay, .3 p, m. The order or service at Il o'cioc k next, Sundiy will Include thé tolloWng:-, Prelude--Mnderato Gade Introit-"'The Sorrows of Death Corn- passed Me'"S2hmauck AnhmýTru- the Day Thv Love Hath Spared lUs"l.........-Wallace Offertorv-"'SiCiliaflo" .. ... Hopkins. The sermon--"The>Third Cortinandm-.nt". Exodus 20:8 ]Postlude-.Ai1egro glusto.....Rder Sundays sermon c'ntinues the series of sermons on the Ten Comm andmeflts. No, these sermons are flot eniy forch il- dren. or fnr beginnfers ln Christiali.tY., Even th,- oid, experienced Christian ci id much ln theni to apply to bis dailv lite. And the preqichiiig of the law will makt#e uapr-caethe oql of hrt crucified for sinners so much the more. Corne! Every _Qunday afternoon at 3 :30 the Luther--n hour 1$ broadc-ist over a chain of e1ghteen stations ln the east and nitd- dle west. The local outlt 15 WCFL, 970 kilocycles. The speaker Is Dr. Wo iter A. Mater of St. Louis. Music by stiidents of Concerdia Thenlogical seminary of St. Louis. We Invite you to tune ln. The musical program for the nmrnlng worship service, arranged by Miss Ertua Rounds, director. is as tollows: prelude. I'Ave Marta," Arcadelt-LIs7zt; anthem, I'Fear Net, O0 sae, Spieker, Mrs. Gathorcoal, Mrs. Fiske, Mr. Rust, Mr. Otis, and tho choir; sole, "The Earth Is the Lord's," Lyne-s, Edwýard' Otis, solo- Ist; pestludo, "Cornelius March," Mon- Our Sunday school meets ln ail dopart- ments at 9 :30 o'clock. Supper v7ill be served n~t 6:30f o'clock. There.wll be a s"'tM'IV11gpicturo.' ,fou th PrerO." I'he om-"ice of th$> Dollar çkill b", contInued, Ch'irts ixill show the work pf thé. Pre'ýhvtej"n church lin the ediwqnti'vvi«l field.' Dr. Rob- rtHEljit.fl eld, 4 r.'.%ntati"e of 1th1 Bioard nof Christn -étla ""i4n1, iMll k. Ail are linvited,,especiallY the youýngpeo-. The choir willI meet f'.r rehearsal Fr1- day .eveninq at the -hurch., Communion ond rrnc"ýntin'i of new meni. be's will occur on Su-1doy mw>rinz. Feh- ruary 7. A large group is prepared to join us. On Suinday,,eveninwr. Pebrubr v 7. -nt 5 :20- o'ciock. there vnul h- a çreýjI l'.erv- ice at which sonie'ftha vyou'rig nTeople wil ro!flpPt' n in en-bt"ii Otest. -ith, Che ee"enl "The Future of Poreignmisiof"" ho01-Pe n' h Preýhyt-v of C w-~'~heh v-11 b" helM ln Marrh. Thiv i1- n-'rt ni'qptol .contpýt l te" ýt""'ct' 1,the er" ns~mby i 1-,v. i-d -111 -)I-o he eLve-n a free trip to. sever-il countries ln Work is progressln't- on the auditorium of the church, w'hich wiIl make this avihbie for, services before man-y weeks. Spoke Six m,111 met .anuary 26.ait the homf- ofi' Mr.p:.K(-"ne-tbh A e 1729 Hlighland avenue, for 1 o'clock luneheon. ijoroUwsft Anthm-Dear Lord, Who Once Upon the Lake Van Denntan Thenipson 1 Offertoire Duet-"Watchmail. What cf the Night?" Sareant * Mr. Ross and Mr. Learn p.ostlude--Aliogro from First Sonata ... . . . . . . . . . . . . Borowski Kappa *Pi Phi has been invited to. the Winnetka Young People's evening meet- ing next Sunday night. Plan te attend,.. (irIq' choir rehe.arý,al at 3 :30 P.m. 'Tiî?sdays. Boys' choir rehearsal at 4 p.n. Thurs- senior' choir rehearsal. at 7 1 p.fl. Thursdays. Wilmette and For'st avenues Rev. George D. Allson, Pastor .the Woiman's sneiety groupsj. known as "Links ln Ouîr Chain If -Friendship,." më""t tfhis w44k as Thursàday, Jan. 21. Link FriMrs. Ardeni,1 leader. meets ivith Mrs. R. M. Petersonr. Mrs. Howard Brown. a.sistingý. r,dayr. Jan.. 22. Link R. Mrs. C. C. Clarke's , meets with Mrs. O. W.ý Sù-hnfiidt, m is4s Bfl a, sqlsting -.I SLink 1, Mrs. Kerr. leader, iill, meet at the Parqonacre, Mrs. Kaufrnan, assisting. Link E, Mrs. Lascelles'.. at the home (if >Irs., E. C. Carlson, 231 Winnetka ave- nue. Link D, Mrs. H. A. Sith,ý% meets with Airs. Jacobson. with Mrs. DaIstrefl, as- misting. LTonîorrow (Friday) evening, a large company froni this church wiil go to flillsdale avenues, te paýrticipate In the Ml-.4sion Stuwlv cls tsn the linwortnnt stubJects of "Race Relations~" and "Out of Af rica." Those who attended last week are enthusiastie in urzing their <rienda te acconmpany theni during the remaininr Friday evenings. Meetings are àt 7:30. Dean Hl. M. Smith and Mlssionary M. D. Eubank are thrflling speakers. Choir rehearsals this week are: Sen- iors. Thursdfty evening at 8. Juniors on, . atitrday mrninoe. 9:30. Miss L ydia The publie worship of the congregation on Sunday at il1 a.m. continues to be of vital interost. --Man's Need. et Sa- viora" is Dr. Allisen's theme this week. The participation of children, and the fine musical setting'~ add much .te the joy of worship here. You are invited te join us. St. A ugustine's Dr. Hubert Carleton, roctor .Widor Anthem-The God of Abrahami Pro ise The S*(nlor Choir Solo--The L'nrd le Mv lklht .Speake Edith Mtitendrif postlude-Short Prelude and Fugue lnC . . B ach Victoria MeLeod-Mfliltry of Music the Womafl'. society will meet on Thursday fternofn of this week at 2. o'clock at the'homne of Mrs. Franlk Hay- sion, .227 Genla.Wilmette. Senior choir rehemrsal, Thursday eve-! ning ant 7.-30 o'clocrk. mornifng aU 1«. Next Suday. vhieh lis Sen)tuageslna Sunday. tbe.,Sermon will bo on the Epistile for the dayi Corinthians 9:24- The Churuh schnol convenes at: 9:45 o'çcioc1k. There are claFses for al âges. if vou do not attend c1hurch e1ioa we Invite you to meet with us next Sunday morniflg. The Junior Luther league will mneet on Sunday afternooii at 3 o'clock. Robert Lindberg w7ll present the toplo, "Helps for Prayer." The Senior Luther leaçrue will ineet on Sunday evoning at 6:30 with Ernest Schaper presefltiiig the topic, "*Poise: Ready for Anything' Enjoy the in- spiration and fellowship of these fine meetings. Mýorning worship with sermon at IL. o'clock. A prelude- of org5i1s -musc begln-, at 10 :45 o'clock. The introit is sung. just before Il. The mninister. of.the church ,wili preach. The publie is Invited to at- tend and share in the service. Speciai musie for next Sunday le ass follows; Organ (10:45)-. "The Huîgry Shal Et". ........ Bach "Sonatina" ..Bach IThe Second division Will ineet with Mrs. R. E. Woeden, 389SEIder lane~, Wn- saturd.ay

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