Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Jan 1937, p. 78

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'rîursday, of this next week, the F-ederation of Clubs of the Tenth Congressionial district wil have an all-d ay session at the Rogers Park Woman's club3.:, Guests of honor on that occa- sien 'will be Mrs. Truman F Creager, vice-president of the: Northern region, and district presidents of, the Northern re- gion. The district meeting> op e ns at 10 o'pclock fllewing a meeting of the bôaid- one-haîf heur earlier. Mrs. Samuel James, presidetit of the host- ess club, will greet the assemblage, and Mrs. Henry Rhode, president of lar business and election of the*nemi- nating committee will precede the program te be presented by the de- partments of American citizenship, headed by Mrs. Charles Masen; civil, service, by Mrs. F. W. Jensen, and legislation, by Mrs. Louis Diamend. They will present Mrs. E. E. Byer- rut», state chairman cf civil service, whe will talk on "Governnient as a Ca~reer for Our Youth." at 10:30 sing. Its personnel, includes .Lou Byram Reed, dÎrector and accom- panist; Margaret Davis, first soprano; Ann Ullrich, second soprano; Lucille Cclvin, first alto;. Olga Oden, second alto. Roll cali will precede adjourn- Ment fer luncheen at 12:30 o'clock. Guests will be introduced at 1 :30 when the afternoon session, com- Carlos Photo Paul Stone-Raymfor P hoto flis Mariorie BeU»eYWIII, fl Wùt*5ff5'wVI1W, *e4$4i9rkJta senir ot the Kap.pa Alpha Tiseta house at Northuw<*tern universit y, is in charge of the arrangertwnts for the fashion. rezeïew whick the pledges îvilI present at the. Pou.nder's day luncheon, Sat urday, for tihe allnnae of thse Chicago arca. The luncheon wilI be held in thse Wedgwood room at Marshsal Pield's a( 12:30 o'clock Miss Margaret Anne Loomis of Glencôe (right> has charge of thse muric for the program. "Theta of Other Day?" is thse titie 'of thse entertainment, and the pledges will model gowns zoorn since thse fouiidiîîg of the sorority in 1870. Each ten-y-car period w111 be re>resented. Kenlworth will nolde me Liuai breakfast in hotior cf new members. This event will také place at 12 o'clock at the Kenilworth club. with memnbers cf the board and.Mrs. R. J. Wiese as hostesses. Mrs. George Shipman are Ms .W. ýformal en-, .Au enthusiastic group of womn- en Met On Tuesdày morning, January 12, in the long f0h Wotman's- Club of Winette to, diseuss plans W ith, Mrs. Ed- ward Lingel, chairmnan of ý,clu.b activiti .esin th-eannual Better. Homes exhibit which is. to. be held February 23, 24, and 25, at. the clubhouse under auspices of the'ways and means commrittee, Of ýwhich Mrs. GeorgeP. Ctnlée is chairmfian. SMrS. Arthur Dixon is general chair- m Ian and Miss Rebeccaý Fitch is ce- chairman cf the Better Homes ex- hibit which is being held a myonth ecrlier than sual this year. On their keneral connnttee t11y have appointed Mrs. Lingel chairman of club activities; Mrs.. David More- ton treasurer; and Mrs. Walter G. MNitchell chairman of publicity. Mrs. Dixon and Miss Fitch are in charge of the sale of space for booths to ex- hibitors. At the meeting Tuesday cf Mrs. Lingel's cotnmittee, tentative plans for the club's part ini the exposition tory of outstaflding work and experi- ence with criminals and delinquents, will gpeak at the Weman's Catholic Club cf Wilmette Friday afternoon Cause and Cure of N of this week at 2 o'clock. His talle will be on delinquency in boys and Parley Opens Jan. 26 girls. The pregram, arranged by the TeTefhAna efr riics eurttment, of which Mrs. _ h -lt nna ofr Var 0. of M.M Thse uext ix Household, Or held at the1 Ludwig 7526 Cicago, oS1 ,atmen ave Jassuary -ce.,ý on behér. tr a yery f roto e 011 I1 be cago resting taII< te Italy.

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