Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Jan 1937, p. 5

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rneeting tomonr.row (L<rîcay>, will go -i into thé Inatter of judiciai selection. The. sanctity: of* the côurts is very. clfose to the:, hearts of, the people, whvo Téèalize that if judges fail ýin their, -dutties, either th'rougb iàck, of ability *ôr 4insufficieènt apprecîation -,of -,their àrgponsibiities, thjç cause of jutice, must, suifer. *Recoginazed Àuithority For this 'reason the' 'eague bais*s'e-, cured4 E. M. Martin, secretary of the committee on public aif airs of the Union League clurb, wvho wiii speak té them on -the. subject, "Judiciai ,Se- lection: Eie 'ction, vs. Appoi-ntmnent."' Having long been a student, of mat.- ters pertaining, to the Judiciary, and *being the author of a book on 1the subject widely read by attorneys, he isespecially weiI equipped to present facs adAigures bing ~upQu th~e question. Fàvors 'Mana.ger Plan, Mr; Martin is keenlyý interested in public affairs, bis" attnetion now 'be- ing directed to enabiing 'legisiation which will permit inunilcipalities to adopt th village ma.nager forni of administration. 1 The .luncheo n will be 'served promptiy at, 12:15,. lu the English each one of these pictures used we will pay' Oie Dollar., The pictures Will. be. returned updamaged to the' owner. Read TEtAvsI. Nws and become a c.ontibtùr*:to its columns., Address pictures 'anid .accompanying i nfor-, mhation to 'IRAVEL ýNEws Editor, Wii.mErm Lim 1232 Central ave-ý nue, Wilmette. Congressman Church Is on Elections' Committee see Mr. .Sinsh'eimer, 'it, is expiaine.d, Wilf resuit in real estate transcripts being. filed with the,Çounty recorder. Trhis proc.eeding wiIll-place a cloud on the titie.. and at the same time in- terest 'charges wiii accrue -at the rate of one Per cent a ,month, ail of which will have to be cleared, if the property changes handsý. Mir. Sinsheimer said 150 executions were issued iast week in Winnetka cases. Sýirilar action wiil follow in Kenilworth and Wilmette, shortly.. àà. day, january &Z4, presenting a musi- c ai travelog on * lIreland, "Touring the> Emera:ld Ise," ..illustrated of art and. pho- tography., t- ,i n .at. 7:45 o'cleck a n d- is open to the pub- Bianson de cou lic without ad-* mission charge. The Rev. George D. In addition to a seat 'on the Com- iNembership U rive of mette wili Rive the -nvc mittee on Naval :Affairs, Committee Olm tes o nil musical prelude is in. ch on Patents and Com mittee on Re- meteJ' e avies Lazear of Winnei' vision of the Laws, on which lie Leo J. Hassenauer, 526 Linden ave- D. C. Orcutt of Glencoe. served in the 74th Congress, as weli 'nue, is general chairman in charge of De Cou's 'Dream Pictt as. à memer of - te. Minority Whip a emerhi div y O iiInete mous Urousghout he C4 Organization, Conzressman Ralph E. Council No. 922, IKnights of Columi- Mr. de Cou himself is a .Church (the lone Republican zuember bus, which wilI open with an enter- pleasing speaker. For s( from Cook county whose district ai-l ireta t oehsho ~- ibe bas been an annual a so comprises 'Lake county), was se- morrow night (Friday, January 2U.teSnayEelgc lected, by the 75th Congress to serve A feature of the program wiîî be when it was known as ti on 'the Committee on Elect*,ons No. 1,0 feet of -motion film showing the ciH.adno sth-e l. 'The Committee -on 'Eiections, mao cinnalgme nwi H is lecture oni Irelane which is composed of prominent at- tmajore action otbail a e inpwrihKiliarney's lakes and fells torneys, bas jùriscliction over contest- téNteDm otalta a country of Connenutra, cd elections. It is eypected that there tic ipated, during the, past season. It roast- and the Giant's cii ...:iih ritlmt %pr' ...,i. 'is expected that some of the players, con <, numusi wi ;i rotation, The harge of Dr. ,tka and Mrs: ures are fa- rugged Antrim iv. 'Ac- Better rHomes rxpo. Awards given away each .afternoon and evening by each exhibitors at the Better 'Homes exhibit February 22, 23 and 24, 'at the Womnan's' Club of \\Vilmette, are to be a new feature of the three-day exposition this year. -This year's Better Homnes exhibia, Alasonic temple early 1n-*rebruary. "I vu K-.1. Revive Old lairns for fçaturing a nationally known speaker. OnTrda Wate 'NVrks The national organization of the Februarv 4 and 5, the Mothers' club' Money onfl rW rk Knights of -Columbus annotunced a o'f St. John's Lutheran church. Wil- The old diso)ute between Pearse. five-fold plan which will be followed mette. will present' "A Little (Clnd- Greeley and Hansen, sanitarv engi- by ail counicifs' in the present mem- botpper.." a play written by Walter neers in charge of construction of bership 'campaign, which lias in ad- Ben Hare. the waterworks. and the village. was dition the purpose-of creating greater The author, lt wâs- explained.- in recalled at the meeting of the village interest in its fight against the threat writinlg the come y was to preçent board Tuesdav night. 'lof communisni in this country. t10 the rubiic ani effective picture hind the to 'your Note: Economy shop ls conducted Iby the Womnan's club o! Wlmette. l ocatedata the corner of Linc< Vrnon avenues in Glencoe.

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