Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Jan 1937, p. 69

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* are inlUded inj meI pILJpjlJe4 p""M'an' ,-....:u -VIII ....1 i ý%q1U1U frthe developmel t of. Northixesterîî from $750,000 to $1,000,000, besides an. for endow*ment for maintenance equal to in te nxt ffteen- ~ar. « approximately h4lf the cost of Coni- Raising of ftmids for.the new. ull struction. ings is seen as a distinct possib)ilitv 1n addition the plan~s cati for sevcral' byT.homas A.,ý Goiiser. director oôf genleral uivers.itv 'buildings,. includ-1 developmeflt for 'the -uniiversity, andiguiobilntop- 1. A utd nioulik,.t r the -hope1C is iel-d thaât the, Oro;,raim ,vide- a veniter- foi, social and campus ma eaccoînplished' before the Ob -~ ýatJ,,ities todeonisolidate the V'arious servaiiceý of thé school's centennial 2. A university auditorium, to* pro- celebration in 195I. vide the ujniveisity and the north shore wvith a nhll(h-fleeded place for convoca-I Prospets, Are Good tions, imusic and edttcational ev'efts. 3. A uniiversity chapl to develop the Noone can accurately. forecee Sl'iiitualý and religlous life. ofstudeots un ilat the future wifi bring," he said the. c.ampus. recently,ý -".ut thé fact ihat the ui-i Plan Three Hospitalsi versity b :as received an average of iTeetre.bidns ti si $3,000,000 a yiear in gifts during the. last few y ami n( the prol)alilit%, mated, would each cost from $500,-. years..000 t'O $l,000,000 besides endowrnent that that amounlt Nvillbc equalled in the future leads us to believe that fi -for maintenance. niaî11lv 'e shall1 bc able-to under- > lle proposed. aproggçin .aso calls take he costrution. forthree hiosp)itals--one, a childreni's takethecontrutio."- hospital for the study, prevention anid Prospects for acconiflihbnent oi cure of the acute diseases of infancy the extensive prograin are regarde(l and childhood; another, a eeneral as promising whenl viewed in the university hospital to establishi a iight of whiat lias actuallW beeil national ceînter of nmedical teaching achieved ini the Iast fiftcen years. and research, and the thirl, a mater- During that perioil a $,35,000,Oüo nity hospital, for teachino' and re- building progran hias beeni compitletedl. search in~ th e field of obstetrics. More with the creation of M.\cKiinlock- than $8,000,000 will be required, it is campus and additions to the Evn-believed, to erect these niew North- ton campus. western units. The sale of lots, carry certain re- N. J. MERGENTHALER. strictions as to building improve- ~ ments, or, if the ýpurchaser desires, the Colonial Home Sites organiza- Phono Wilmitte zff IMPROVED and VAC11ANT BotA Rentais and Sales Exceptional Bargamns in, Acre Estates. Specializing in Sunset Ridge Section <'W/ere the Griesa Is AUi Taken Oi" WE NEVER MAR YOUR P1ROPERTIES WITH SIGNS B.mý H. BARNETT S26 Center Street (over Wtilgreen's) Phone Wannetka 965 1. A chernijstry building as a cen'.cr and %viether or not tunuds arc rrcçivea foi, ~ arhand intensive teaching, fo-r specific structures. both graduate and undergraduate. 2. An educational building, to house the classrooms and research projects of I H PNS MANNER th e rapidly growing seliooni(f educaition. I H PNS :t.A uivesiy îusem;to provide An innovation in the xiew home of exhibit spat e for %%iluable educational Mr. and Nirs. O. W. Clifton at 831 :t 13<1histol i c l hc ini * ,Michigan avenue,' Wilinette, is a ful 4. A unhverslty cllege building, to rceto bsm1 aridot.i h<>u'se theitfterniooti and cx eninig courses.rceto aenetcridoti il)libral;krs, di amusican teSpaîxish and Western Style with speech on Mvki13lO(l bull fighting posters, gourds, buil 1¼z-stor, irooin,. acaitct.C.A. lH 01fr. 2,

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