Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Jan 1937, p. 26

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given delinite àssigflmenIts covering a broader scope than any in the past. If the in)structions are followed to the letter there will be littie chance -for relaxat ion on the Part Of' the col»- mjttee .chairmeén. Presideti* -Mat- thews Sounded th e deatb-knell of ini- actie committees at the Januiary meetingof the board and staped: Ne Usdhss ComumittesS "If there are any -us cle p oiulit- tees% we, may just as wel l elinijilate, thein now. Ékaeh of the cornillittees this. year will, bave definite and con- str uctive f unctions to perfori. 'rhere is tnuch to, be accomnplished, and 1 know 1 cati counît uI)Oflthe member- ship for tlheir whole-hearted coop)era- Somne of the flrst duties of the siew commnittees will include the distribu- tion amnong alli embers of copies of the Code of Ethics of the national as- sociation; the formation of classes in real estate appraisiflg and convey- ancing; the developruetit of the "round-table" discussions for closer cooperation among realtors iii ex- changing preferred listings; the elin- ination of abuses in the practice of- ress of business has t)een gradiual; the inmt)on iLv ets mr are not aware of the continued im1provefient. I veme iii1 praétically ail fines of I)luines 'lail A )rillcil)ali desigil and eîiuip- cities throughot the couintry havie reported- stuin-. ni e nt. G r ea t stantial, ilvances in their business. >.istrides have be 2. The irîcome of the country Since 1932- lias cadbinte of incrcased f roin approximiately forty billion dol- steel anid -wood S.R. Matthews lars to an estimnated sixty billion dollars this Hrwr n %-car. The fact that so mlanyý conipaflies are rep)orting salary ~ inîlg ei laborv im~ evics fo creases, boniuses and extra dividends ail have ,a tendency to aid the saine have w c uga general conditions this coming year. been'imiiproved' Aindications would leadusto be- to dhgrcatly. evei hfi the last SiX monfhS. Ailn ndty will invest iii real es- Fire-prkuof floors are an 'important lieve, that this upward trend will cn tate as a hedge. fiauei h Hueo oa. tinue flot only during 13 but for 5. For the first time in a number ofTe siht dtinl otismr sevralyeas t cone.years a suppiy of money, for ,home, thaît compeisated for ini the làck of 3. Atthprsntiehrearflacg and building is available 'flshrinkage in floor construction and practically no vacant apartmefltsor substantial amouflts. siidpofn fhsmns t)al homes for rent in Evanston and the Real estate, always sîower to i sounjproof nduing yo bsemtt. lv north shiore. TlY1eadg 119 'tô belfr',e thâ i te aiverroons and utiity rôôan that un 1less building costs advance improvement in general conditions, betieve we are due for reater clear out of line, there will be a very will continue to follow and wilî '- .Improvement inx our heating pflants. gréat increase in new home building corne increasingly more active ae-s A coiibination of radiat t inat o)Lu". and somc new apartmnent building g ea uiescndtosipoe circulated air wiil find a defirtite i»1aCC- thi co ing yea i Ev nst nea dera1lo business dtonsrove in any hom es. tertis shoieg yeinasto n1o ~kfr ant evryear, of Insulation is another ipratfc th ot hr.Bcue of the short- iiucreased activity and business pros- ipratfc age in vacant apartmeflts and homes, perity; to a home demand great îy tr. but I believe it should be handled rents will -increase very substantially excess of the immediate suppb'. with the greatest care as it is psd and mnany willfi134 it to their advantm, Taking iiîto consideration ail the Ibleto overdo this item to the extciitý ageto buy or build this coming year. above factors, it is vriy obvions toi ta the ownier May pay for sonic- 4Anii,PV actnr whicb wili no us that there. will be continued in-in follic he cfiani h ort . r reivp utbiel fnnilvo Slanr H.Johuk Cyrus;' bousE legislaiof, D shp. H.L.ý Oscar FleisCi att: publie publiclty. Wl Loweil Baker transportatil valuation. NJ affairs, MiSs restrictions.J erlck A. CoOl AN ARCHITECT9S NEW HOME t y- 's; d Frediel board and dinner at Cooley 'S U board will precede the talk. stewart 1il )Matthews, president, will preside. The col meeting will be ôpen to the public, SUC as bookcases, china cabinet many items; that cani -and sIl discussed il, the constructic new homne or the moderniz. liould "e* i f a Large Living Room Is Feature of This Hoi Tite fine French design home Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose H.' Wecli directuss f the Aniericani style of- Although this housç is flot startling 1810. ni its conception, Mr. Yost says that it. The living rooni ivili have walis tof fuses the best of the Old with Uthe ýolive green hove a wh1ite wansc te. A1 newvest of. the Nev.' 1Iý

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