Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Jan 1937, p. 21

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In* commenloration of its silver5 anniversary celebrat ion, the Ohio so- ciety. of Chicago,. last Saturday ,pi-e-1 sented: Mason Warner, of 154 Churcli road, Winnetka, witb a.specal. award of bonor. for bis work in the field of travel. The award.praises Mr. Warner for- bis 'outstanding, achievements in' travel «reportorial work throughout American and the weorld."l The occasion, of the presenitation was a luncheon meeting, program, anduta at the She rman botel. The spe .: was Mr. Wirner who p re- spete a travel lectureenildCrc liée the Pacific, illustrated with nio- tion pfictures. For the past three yea rs Mr., Warner has been a travel *writer for the Chicago Tribune,, and his talk coveredhis visits to the Fiji Islands, New'Zealand, Australia, New Guiinea, the Cook Islands, and Tahiti. He has been abroad 17 times, and he and Mrs. Warner çevote a part of each year to trips to 'far corners of the world. Mr. Warnier, a native of Cleveland, was educated ini Toledo, Ohio. He lias been a printer, reporter, editor, publisher and advertising man. His advertising business he now leaves in the hands of bis sons w'hile lie de- votes his tine to .travel and. travel special game eq plane *telephone. Coronation Cruise- Is PIlnned for Visitors to -,Coronation Fetes According to, Wilbert ., Chapman Travel Servrice, Kenilworthi the prac- tîcal imposýsibility of obtaining hôtel space in London during Coronation, Week 'and the, heavy demand'-for steamship 'accommodations on cor- onation. sailingsi Thos. Cook &. Son, and the Swedish American ,LUne, have solved the problem ýfor at least 400 persons ini the form of a special Coronation cruise. On May 2 "JCungsholm" sails dir.ect, to the Port of London and serves as a hotel dur- ing the stay. She anchors in the Thames at Gravesend, f rom where their special trains will be operated to Victoria station, which is a run of about fort y minutes. This train service will flot onfly be operated ini th~e day time, but also back to, the ship in the evenîng and in the early mnorning for late stayers. T he Wilbert J. Chapman Travel operated through from Chicago te Service also announces that 'negotia- Los Angeles and San Diego and the. tions are. under way. between >the other section to- Phoenix ýand, Palm United S tate .s and Great ,Britain for Springs. Winter. tourist travel t a reduction. of. the consular visa fee Arizona and the desert section of for ft1ravelers f rom the United States California, "Garden.of Allah," is ex-' to Great Britain, frorn $10 to $2. tremely heavy. AlFloride is et Your cOnmaàid (rom thia dehightful cîtY "tii. Athem sof Florida". Yeu wiII love a week, a. nth or a full Truly d"Tii. wiuter home for discrimisiat-, ing people"-offeriug the. best in > r- w- *-ao--W i--- n *wjoy life. Sea.on December 1 to April 10 TI*EODORE C. BROOKS, Mgr. as. Travel Luxury Heralded as the most luxurious commierial plane in scheduled serv- ice, the. new Skylounge Maininer of United Air Lines made its aerial debut January 19 by inaugurating 3- hour 55-minute non-stop service be- tween Chicago and New York, to be followed by three-stop coast-to-coast fights in Februarv.' It is the world's ladies and gentiement, so there wilI be no need to return to the ship for a change of clothing. Twenty-four- hour service will becniaintained at the "Kungsholm Club," so.a perso n tak- ing this cruise will be just as com- fortable as if staying in a hotel riglit in. the heart of London. Coronation seats are. incuded in the Drice, and no better sea ts can bc Other outstanding features of the Skylounge cabins include steam-heat- ing, air-conditioning, sound proofing that lowers the decibel count to a point lower than Puliman cars, ricli ox 'phoas 1966 "I

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