Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Jan 1937, p. 16

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The Commrunity center's children's table tennis teain played its first match against:the Boltwood teamn of 'Evanston and was-victor, 5 to 3. The most excitig match was played betweeni the two teamns' number one men, George Schmitz, Community. center, and, Ted- Bieda, Boltwood. Ted Bieda won the match, 22-20,-20-22, 21-131 Through bis very strong defeënsive play, Phil Streif, No. 2 man of the center's'team, who was W ivery, good form, won both bis matches. M uch crédit is due to the center's team, for aUi he,,boys liad, played ývery little table tennis Ibefore the center opeoed Jast january. Since the cen- ter reopened in Novem-ber they have been practicing tliree days a week. The teai will have its second match -wth the Mason pfark teain of jEvans, ton this weelc. The date bas îiot been set as yet. The teais were as follo%%s: Comiaunlty Conter Boltwood George SchniItz Ted Bieda Phll Streff Boiiby FIngllsh John Kaufmafln Chester Pankowski Gerard Neuses Bob GhiselliI Willard Schneider BiIly ilebson Norman Hoffi man Junior Hebson Iramid Tournarneut cuiteers. jack H-eitinan, ofthte A-.. L squad, again demonstrated bis worth to his tea m by successfully coin- pleting six long shots and a pair of free th rows. By' makîn g sixPo ints Dick 'Huck was.;the high Point mani .for the team that "'also ranl." *The Rovers again sbowed that they -cao, really takeý it;, another loss was challke4 up by thein. This tine it was the Wilmette Cnnfectionery team . that groupof rather selfish nien who just won t let any other teain win a Igame. The Rovers. augmented by tie serv- cés of one John Milton, liad a real, chance, especially wlien this star land- ed a- ightening fast rigbt hook, upon the port. running liglit of Mr. "Rosin" Jones. It was ail good dlean fun of course, but tbat did flot keep "Rosini." 4YM141a4 4he bJst -tpern.rmerf -the. game, froin going around in circles for -a while. Final score: Wilmette Con fectionerv 40-Rovers 14. The scores and teain standings fol- l-w: WVinetteCOmi fetil ,Ier %- 6 4)1~) S~iiib, i)~~~~e erv .....3 . .300 3 Iloward ... .... 3 3 .'500 5U- &VI L P% N. T. .i .500) .6 830 WilmetteFinds " C" LEAGUE The Eagls took the first gaine ini The Comimunity Center which is the Piayground and Recreation board, sponsored . by the Wilmette .Play- *C" Basketball league last Wednes- .grouind and Recreation board con- day night f rom ýthe. N. T. Ponchos f26 tinues .'to be a. popular place f o r to 22. Bill Smith of the Ponchos led 3,oung and old. in scoring with 12,points. 'His teani- Thursday aftern oon at 4:-30 o'clock mate, Life Mikelson. scored the other. Edward Pettinger presene b'e 10 points of the Ponchos total.. ; movie for' the, entertainnient of the .The Grate Dames- came through' children,. Its -verv briefness was in to nose out the Esquire five. 105- to ' itself ainusing. Ed had.:10 reels of 26. This is a new higb for the nlum- . films, whichi included Mickey Mouse ber of points piled up by one team 1in aid 'Shirley: Temple but al were one game during- the lifetime of the very short, and lasted only a fem, "C' League. Roy .Scheibel, witb his minutes eacli but were verv much passing and feeding the two high enioyed by ail. point. men should be given much Thé Thursday night sewing, group credit. along with Swede Samuelson- specialized ini skirts this week., Mrs. who made '40 points, -Earl Gray who Hoffman started.and practicallv fin- accounted for 25, and Capt. Gleason ished- a very.attractive green plaid who made a totaf of 20 points..d skirt . for ber duagliter. and also The Maple Leafs showed their su- miade a inatching bat and scarf. The preinacy of the league by beating other women were busy remodelinz Willies 54 to 33. This vietory assuied- skirts - the Maple Leafs of winning the first The Handicraft workers have been rouind of play. If the.y win one ofj verv busy making jewelry andi sewing the remaining two rounds, they will boxes from oId ciLgar boxes and- wall hold tbe championship of,the leàgue. paper samples. The finished boxes Capt. Bill Leary of the Leafs led the are very attracfive and have many scoring for the gaine with 21 point.s. rctcl ss Brad Hahn was next with 16. praPksdc Jew.Iry *The Wacker A. C mnaintained their The older members of the handi- hold on second place in the league byl cra ft group are eàgerly anticipating sq(ueezinig ont a 29 to 27 victory over1 the making of plastic jewelry. Rings, the UknoNvs. AIl through the gaine baees arn iAtlfl iv willl occupy at least the second berth Metrc - okg befôre the close of the- tourname.nt. Wded Well, here'.s wishinig them ail good -,.tuel luck for they have ail worked liard and :meter, have displayed the best of sportsman- Referee, ship throughout the tournanient. Sbra The competition lias been so very 7. - A49 UlalVflo, g- 4 o 0 0 l<Iidght. g 1 g- 0, 2. Soule,14 1-0. 107 e, G. .lones-Scorer, V. Waite jShores 30 N. B. C. FVr1FT P FCGPP'I f 6i 2 14 N'ds-ti-ot, f 0 0 f 1 1 C'lrpenter, f 2 0 1 1i1 1Herbon, c 1 O 0 6 Huck,g 380 2 Team Standings '] 'e; t 1 nWon Nfaple- Leafs,------------6 Wacker A. C .... ........5 nrate Danies ... .......5 Eagles......... ...... ... 15 Willie-S... ..........2 *PI Esquire-------------- 0 N. T. Ponehos--- ----- 4 2 EagIes 26 -N. Te 6 FG.FrTTP 3 Clonud, f 4 0 8R 1ikelso.uu Lost 2 7 2 Pet. .857 .833 .714 .571 M27 interested- iii it.. . There wiIl be social dancing at the Comniunity center Friday evening froni 8 to 10 O'clock for those- who care ta dance. Anyone desiring in- struction in social dancing may join the class froni 7 to 8 o'clock Fri- day evening. Saturday' afternoon n ..nenp ienher, - -Any how the gent Who played the i most real 1,asketball was Tub Meter who made'seveu field goals and two - , free ýtosses. AI Ciaytoni, center for the, c 0 0 g 0 0 01, a l ]teferee.R. V Crl g tJ~L Penlck, f Clarke, g Ltpseh, f Huck--scorer, D. 'o -0 0O 0 0O0 i 0 2 21 11 t irajya.Ju.uaa..,e eaio Du , nus Prograni at the center is made* Basetbllleague, and trounced possible through the assistance re- GrouchqIfive, 50 to 14. Jack Duo- ceived frOm W. P. A. in furnishing seemned to take his suit seriously, recreation workers, according ýto, lihe made 10 baskets for the Gens9 Danicl:M. Davis, director of recrea-' -(Continued on page 75) tion.

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