Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Jan 1937, p. 14

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tors. i'arrîsa semw BUV'i Spain. But only two days ago, iif northentrace. he Reptiblicails made their ctommit- teasiéýnnients for its iemnbtrship, Mrs. F. M. Forrey' of .516 Fiftli was the organization of the House street. returned to Wilmnet nSt opee o the work of..this ses- urdav from St. Chiarlés,., wheresion. she vi-ited bier son and daughIter-iin- No one cati expeet to understaiid law, Nkr. and Mrs. George Brighiai. the work of 'the. Congress unless, he for two weeks. understands the-funiction and, power ____________________________of the committee units. Al measures intrôduced into the. House are re- ~. toi iortrferred to the proper committee, and it is flot competent for the House -Ua, awhole to consider any one. of> the buis.. until , the commiittee in cbargè-has report ed it back to the Â4 chamber- with its recommtendations.> The comMittees exercise such an, W ha enormous influence on the course ofý V W~lgislat ion that, in a spirit of ad- t èrse rticsm ý-ehave ofteri 1,eein off,>. g is said to have a "committe govern- ment. .._ a.y*#~s hnically thbe House selects. the ttee membership, but actually ,lect ion is macle by each party caucus. More accurately, the ýon is made liy the party's coni- on committees, which is ran unofficial party organiza- Sitore. of higner ran'c iu nu tne vanc and new assignments are again miade at the bottom to complete the Party personnel 'on the committee. Tbe rest tIs that the longer a miember serves, on'a. committée the higher bis position by virtue 'of bis, seniority rights. In due - time he' may, if favored with many years of ýcontinu- ous service inAlthe House,' attain' thé position of Committee chairman. if bis party is in. power or tbat of rank- ing minority member. This recognition- to seniority cari perhaps be best explained by an illustration, if I may be pardoned for making it a personal one.ý When as- sîgned to the Committee on Naval Affairs by the 74th Congress, eight m1em1b r Ôffimp-d l!te inrrrity side- and my rank was that of seventh. Subsequently the committee lost four members above me witb tnany miore years of service-one by death and three by failure of reelection. The resuit is that when the assignments wvere made for this Congress 1 was given the third higbest seat on the committee on the minority side. There is no bard and fast rule that G to this N EW on the North Shore DitrbuqIb~PEASTER OUL COQ. suekI. s a siate of comm'rrtee aà s§ for the ent ire party mer in the House and submits party caucus.- Upon ratific te sIate, with or without n ms, the caucus prepares a [ut-ion specifyin g the miembe all standing . comtnlittees. was supporteci oy Longressman Ilur- dick. Loss Seniority Rights Both Congressman.. Lemnke andi CogesmnBurdick1 were given Dinicaris to Open. ýn Novena This Sunday e si well-knw Dominican mis- ýP Rev. J. W. Owens. 0. P., S. T. Lr.. le Prior of ' Dominican Novitiate of le~ ýQr#";TF.V- ..i 4L - I-Yr TÂCKLE GOOD GRAPPLER Cap-t. Dewitt Gibson, heavywveight. on Northwestern's wrcstling teami, has won three straight mnatchies this season. Gibson played tackle on the IWildcat -football teani. for the past I fhrce years, 0 Liedon Ave. Hubbard Woods 330 Devis et. Evanmton Phiones: WinneIc. 2103-4 WiImeffe 64!9 UNIverstty 2555" Enj.ey Mord N S L I-J-5

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