Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Jan 1937, p. 10

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in Niles Ceîter for wany years. She is survived by ber daughter, Mrs. Heppner; by a son, John, of Niles Center; by seven grandcbildren, and by three great-grandch.ildren. Funeral services 'were held Wed- iiesday afte ,rnoon from St. Paul's Luth eran church, Niles Center, with. burial ini St...Paul's cemetery. VISIT SORORITY CHAPTER Mrs. Willard T. Grimîm of 515 Ros- lyn road, Kenilwortb, and Mrs. -D. Bligh Gyrasett of P99 Walden ý road,. Winnetka, spent several days, last week at Iowa City visiting the Uni- ver'sity of Iowa chapter of Kappa Alpha, Theta sorority. 3&c 3 PLATLUNCHES- Short Ordorsj 0Dl-R MltdMlka .15 I wîII give a musical pageant, kvirs. ]ý. Ji. Snyçler, class" president, and. Mrs. F. P4 AProctor and.a committee assisting. Wili Hear Reader The Philathea class, of. wbich Mrs. W. T. Chapma n is presideujt, Will pre- sent a reader, Mrs. John Connell, a sen- ior in the scbooi of spech atý North- western uilversity., Mr§. Conineli is i member of. the governifig body of the studentlycetumi 'andi has been. inter- ested in the work of the university the- ater. Mrs., John 'D. Stewart is pro- gram chairman of this ýgroup. Dr ilton Ira jones, a member of. theý men's class,- known as a. speaker of note, will carry the burden -of the pro- grami for bis class, giving a lecture, at whicb hundreds have laughed, on "'What We Laugh at and Why." Harry C. XPifer is presideuit of the nien's class. West to b. 4'M. C." As in former years, mnaster of cere-, nony duties will- fali fo T. H. West, superintehideiit of the Stinday school,. and to Morley Stafford, either of whom is know to carry off this task ini a quite professioxial manner. A social hour will follow.tbe 1prograin. Iierested members and frieuids of the church are invited t !ii vnjoy tlis festivity W'ithi the three classes.. At the tiime .of. lier engagement %vithi Mrs. Mary L, Forest Dies Tthe, Chicago Civic Opera sonie. few years ago, this young singer f roin MNfs- After Extended Illness souri did flot know a siungle comiplete Funeral services for Mrs. Mary L. operatic role. She had -suig ini concert Forrest, 78 years old, .who passed and hiad Iistened to ber friends urge lier away at her home, 10%0 Crescent to mnake an attempt at Opera,. Finally lauie, Winnetka, on Sunday after a, thie friends arranged an audition for lier long illniess, .were lield on \Vednés- ini Chicago She sang a few of the day. Charles W. Rose, 1927 Thornwood ave- nue, Herbert S. Simpson, former Evans- ton alderman, gave an interesting talk, acconîpanied by colored moving pic- titres, on Switzerland, France, Holland, Englaiîd and Scotland. This group,' now iîumbering forty members, is known as one of the most active neighborbood organizations in the village, exhibiting a lively interest in ail municipal mf- fairs. IlCharles Kingsford, whicb was written vey of the H isto for and dedicated to Miss Swarthout, for the concert ai will also be indluded on the program. able to the pubi Prof. Felix Borowski of Northwestern the Auditorium of Music." Titckets parted, by motor fo the lecture are avail- Saturday. They plani at tbe box office of six weeks an&' will eater., east coast of Florida. >r the sout h on to be gone about drive, down the SI.p. Kenil, 35321 62 1 Park Dr' oea

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