exhibit, on t!he' seventh .floor of C.ar- son Pirie Scott and cQmpany. There will be ncw kinds of -pottery, gl.as, textiles, tini and lacquer which-haveý iever, before been shown. Show Azt.c Lanterna* 0fspecial iâterest to art Coletr are the, unique, Aztec lanterns, 'de- signed ini tini by famous craftsmen. Also, in titi, there are copies of enorinous cathedral ýcandies,, Which are a blenid of Castilian and Aztec. There are large'el'aborate tiii frames wvith tile jiinests which are copies 'of the Spanishi Colonial, Ch-urch ones, used to franie the Madonna 'and' the patron Saints. There are titi sconces: with mirrors, ýcopied 'f rom those whjch ligbt thé beautiful cathedral at Taxco in the state of Guerrero. Sorne of the new pottery cornes îroin an Aztte -v#ilae called Tlaq4so- paque, îiear Guadalajara in the state ofJalisco. This is the miost , color-1 fi and drarnatic pottery that has1 corne f romi old Mexico. It is in a floral design, of red, bine and green on ani ivory background. I'ottery Froni Oaxaca Also, thiere are ilew kiids of pot- tery iroin far-off Oaxaca. One type is hiuiîiv £?iazcd ini bluies and greens supper tables t or intimate dining. Each table setting, of, bibble glass, hiandmade potteriy, tin candelabra, silver pl.tters and homespun table- cloth represents, five gtates. of' Old Mexico, Forrest "Shorty"ý Brightwell. erni- nent tonsoirial artist, with head- quarters at No. Electric place. pos- sesses a magnificent mane of ebony- bued locks of which lie is uncom- mnonly proud. S"Shortypp'bhig of a symptetc ,nature, bas ever bemoaned. the fact that men-and so niany of his own good friends amonz themn-just, will be careless about sheddinz iocks. SHence. "Shorty" decided to do soniething abiout it. The net reult is a device. fuly accredit.ed. and sertired b)v "ShortVy" at .no stinting of expen se. -wNhich. while not eil.ranitëcd to "pýgrow liair Large ,8 oz. Citr)carbonae $1.1 Petro.syllium. c Large S. T. 37 .89C Ou r stores-pride themmselves on the quality of individual attenition they ofer when supl. plying the needs of a eus-, tomer. Pharmaciet and salespeopie béhind. our counters are aet, courteouse, eager te serve, at-, tentive, competeut and accur-1 ate. They know the merchan- dise they have for sadsud teli the troth concerning it.. We sell you what you Oak for and solicit your tirade o&,tii. basis of quality produets ahd dependable service. $37 FeuL" QUART ...$.97 IZE 89C )I and sfB ...$1097 MIffEAAL Olt lit bc of Cliniese or Spaniish de- ers o socitvî s i fat il harni- ibut the lac(juer is' typicai of the less andi cai 'be fitted to ailv size IAay Return to Sohool Advoin have "Sliortv'"word for Because of Illness foÀnsa teoontrpjo.'. alv er .............ol) M rs. Franik bal ldwin ot Shlavee Ofer' pects. to returti to oth co11ege~ the' earlyI -. Site was to have The. la LTMAM!8 ICE CREAN I So smootb and rich, it makes the perfect dessert for anY- occasion from the simplest lunch to the grandest dinner party. SPECIAL THIS WEEK I i anane a a n d S tra w b e rry . . . . . . . . . .4 2 the rirst tU cago. Mr.; gone to Wa dingtnp., Mrs. na~ve, wed-. only that tii telephone hit the concert. ;e wR>o plan to atIXII1 befor ethe evening of1 Wimeffe end Fb... WIImum.ff. 28 De]