Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Jan 1937, p. 52

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SEIG OPTOMETRIST 35 yrs. experience. Eyes ftted prôpeÉiy. Broken lensea replaced, frames repaired. lIN o-II AHNERPIO .KENNELS RUIENýHOF Rds., NMes C. 129 Youngman'sKennels. YOU DON'T GET OUT MuaiTHESE DAYS You spend. a lot of time around the>house.. But staying>,home isn't go bàd - i y o u r aurroundings are brgtand pleasant-ý. *The -people who advýetise'on iis page. o9 you msny welcome, ecsayservices, et rosôab!e. eoit. . They can do. a lot to make your existence. pleasanter durini thege dreity, dys whWch Pecede i Spring. * Scan this ,page's columns. Take inventory. How does yotir home stock up?, *Couldn't you make use of one of the services Iisted bore? j'OSEIPH*F. KUSS St. 804 Efi GUAR. SALES ÂND SERVICE, S5eW. machs.,ail nakcea. Radios, ývacuurn cleanersalal haehid. appliariCe. Free est.. BLISS eLECTRIC SERVICE Under supervislôn of Dr. 0. NorligWinnetka 3671 ýUiiversity!6680 Christensen.'Inspec.Btio)n invted. 04 Dempster -St. 17A-LTN35-tfC plfteen years of service to DlRAEgRIESAND SLIP COVEUS YOUR DAVENPORT AND CHAIRS Separate quartera for each dog. Specialý finet, workmaflahip. attention given puppies a nd sarnal dogB. re-upholstered, Phone and our estimnator will call witli Doge called for and, deliveed.,. comnpiete line of samplea. Special dia- PLUCKING - CLIPPING - BATHING count this month. Simpëon & Skokle We Buy and Trade 44LTNe6-ltp CLOCK REPAIRINO CiiME, HALL CLOCKS EXPERT, *antique dlock répalilng. Learned trade TiffanY and ln Europe. (Formnerly vwith. Fleëlds.> Wilcaîl. Fr ee estimate. David. 3846, Johansson, 'phone Gracelafld 2OLTN43-2tp BOARDINGî 11 730.Hibbard Rd.,,Wil. 44LTN24-tfC 1916 AND DRZSSMAKING, 22L364ltp M. OkmniEs'Bt. Winnetka 110., Expert Upholateriflg Furn. repairing, Venetian blinda DiRESSMAKIýNG, R E- MOD-E LIIN G Day. 7792 suits, coats. Also drapes and curtains. 2005 Maple Ave. 8LT36-ltP nmachine. Ftirnish mndte. or homeYouw E 125 CALL %NJLMETT 22LTN36-lP ____ CL.UUWORKERS DRESSMAKI.NG GOWNS, SUITS. AND DRESSES -MAD, reatyied and re-fixed. Special price through January. Wl'lmette .855. 22LTNý\36-ltp *EADY.TO-WEAR WILL Lie. CIUBWORK WOMAN WANTED BETWEEN THE ages of 30--45 experienced in club work, to 'take permanenlt position in. national woman's organization. Must be familial' to wlth al social amienities and be able devote full time. Remuneratioli naturally commnsurate with posltioll o! this charactel'. Write fully regarding qualifications. References requlred at Interview., Please addresa Gertrude Bell, 307 P~LAIN SEWING REASONABLE. 721-23 Main Street. University 7210 59LTNIO-tfC COCKER SPANIELS fleautiful wellbred pupples. A. K., C. Reg, Prlced to sIl. 8605 Ferris Ave., nr. Lincolin, Morton Grove, WE HAVE AT THIS TIME: Germnan couple 39 anld 32, North Shore . and city references. Swedish couple, 35 .and. 34, Highland Park references. Finnish couple, 26 and 28, 4 years North Shor'e references. Swiss and Gerinan, 38 and 30, 6 .years Iast place. Als(p other couples. A-i housemnr-chauffeur, very ,reasonable. EMNIP1OYERS $95 BOY'S MOI ficed for $45. mnotôrcycie forc or 1909. Buii-Di or .x i 1u u uo n to r 1201 " " u. s' Chaltield. return.ed 3,T-N36-ltl% ALL MASONRI Chimneys'- and OTT 625 Exnoors Rd UNDAY ANDJ ±HO.LDAY Wil. 5458 Phonelvuu 5 Wilmette Ave. 9 a.m. to 10 P. m. W l et Wlet Ave. ftEPAIU805 Ridge 9 te 12:30 a.m., 4 te 7 p.m. Hubbard Wood s Ave. BRICK WORK 900 Linden Geie 9 to 12 a.nl. es a SpecltY. Glno Vernon Ave. TEN67 tp 9 te .12 a.rn. Keniiwol'th 130 76 15A-LTN36-ltP -ltp 1 STRAYED JANUAInY 3-SPRINGER Browni and Spafliel pup-"Buddy.'" white. 8 montha old.. Ueward. Filia, 1138 Tower Road. Wlnnetka 1010. 3L36-itlp LOST LAST WEDNESDAY, FEMALE Scotch cole, tan and white. 6 months old. Cail Ralph Stoetzel, Giencoe 526. 3LT36-ltc WE SPECIALIZE IN HIGH- GRADÉ. No domestie heip, ail naionalities. References lncikarge to employers. vestgated. Under St.ate supervision. EXPERIENCED HELP Reinhart Empi. Ageney 748 Elm St. Wlnnetka 3399 68LTN28-tfc CQMP. WOMAN - HOUSECLEANING EVES. CIIILDREN CAEFOR ALSO WORK SUNDAYS, SUNDAYS. HOLIDAYS, BEST REF. WINNETKA Xartn 1 1LTN35-4tp 1 verslty Sfl8~ 1080

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