- t ions in tbe struggle for satisfactory obsaclsquandaries, 'andi trustra- t Picture Promes 20%/0DISCOUNT ON ALL FRAMING, Aisole Jibal dtscotuts on ail ftamed pictukres lu sMoh. 1 17. CalS for snd Dols ar 1729 Shermn Ajve.. Evonsfon 'Uni. 0770< MIDIAILY Rtàtiomery B. Christopjher.of Wilmette, Adélaide Love of Kennilworth, RebeccaAJohnMaseleldhasturn~l. rom t/he sea to thte Engl1ish toufntrYSide thoi.iv Glencoe, and Lionel WigWar and peace, love, marriage gain, the Nortbwestern universitr ini his îîeu' .npozel, "Egqgs and Baker," and morals. race. hatreds, education, published receenly1fy the ,Iacriii1- student whose recent book of poetryV. money and property,. govern .ments L-andscape With Figures, lias atkain ~ Colilqq'. He tell s the »îovinq and ittdlvidtia1 psyehology -are among I facted the attention of ciritirs a11 tast ini the faimillv English of a;n ston, the aspectsof life about which this lin/f of the 1ast centiiry. a Perod iii over the country. book bas countless interesting tbings Bookfellows also publish ccoThe zhen iii ÈEnqlapid ape ivdiisria the to say. operativelv an annual anthology of far»,. lahorers i-ereiittle beétter thaiz Steele rejects the despair with their own , work. The 1936 issue. serfs. a;id eitv toilers îpere mnore wbich Robert Burton, author of the which is Volume Twelve, lias hef.. aiiserabic thaii slaves. Melanchely, of famous- Anotomy dedicated to the memorv of A- viewed the natural order. His diagHigginson Spicer of Kenilworth. Ille is' character chief Mr. Masefield's nosis of the disorders and limita-'- Ecountry baker, who lives and dies late poet and life member of the O-tiQns of modern life is aggressive and i conflict witb the horrors of bis der of Bookfellows. constructive; and altbough lie finds in The Order. bas members in everv% The author bas that rare coinge. the universe irrational, lie does not ai living. Both the 'individua*l and societyý have their. place in The Anatomy ,f Fru&stration.. Mr. WelIuresents the work imaginatively, -representing, it as tbe masterpiece Wiitten by Wil-ý liam; Burroigh s Steele,, Amerîcan, scientist, industrialist, and interna-. tionalist. HaVing known iii his timie science, religion. war, business and love., Steele retires in later life to a v illa. on1 the Riviera, where he writesbis fasciînating.work, less for publication than to think through his: own philosophy. - '~BbPkfellows: report ofthte montnîy meetings of the circle will appéar in the Step SLadder. official organ of the Order ~of Bookfellbws, cbmmencingf. ini the i month of February. Mrs. Tarr succeeds Mary Pauline Richardson. of Chicago,' the, author Iof several, books. The president of ithe circle> this year is George Steele Seymour, founder of' the Order' of Dr. ýBurtoni Hazeltinie -<of the Edgewater. Beach hotel is vice1aeForesît is the retiring president ofthe circle. A~mong the -local north, shore memi- ___________________________bers of the circle are Mrs. Leonard .1ad the Lost. Revolution By RaiNa Roeder ver of pence, advocate of fol ble * tury problems of melanchly mau- penetration that bites t o the bone;. John Massefield %vas himself born Steele, the practical thiiîker. sees a fuller and liappier phàse. of in Hereforâshire at Ledbury. in the Ilife almost within our grasp. In fas- very heart of the most heautiful and Icinating detail, Mr. Wells presents cbaracteristic English scene. Singýe bis speculations and his conclusions. 1930 lie bas been poet laureate of England. He nowv lives in Gloucestersbire. R.views Follies Iness. reaninlg of owriing and tréasuring books: the honoring of great writings that have survived the test of time. poetrv circle. Members of th. wýhose activities MNrs., Tarr will report, meet eacli. nonth, except ini July and August. for criticism of their * ul UUUks. adli me 8Vpractit Ir r.I own work., and for specia.l stud-v of assignied suhjects. Both. professiolial and amateur poets find iii this grourp miany conimon ' interestsý and much mnutual inspiration aand stimulation oi Reviewing Pa Foulies by',,e ale Young Vi or They". Poin ts m ait itrasure wi erican audience. out defnnîte uines ot acthe Jand tion points to this end. ji We Or They' was published by Mac"Here's an, old taylouir, rest bis eye: Imillan -o December 8.. Needle and th.rede. put by.