sentcd their Christmias service at the Baptist church with the attendance of a large audience of parents and brothers and sisters. The,. candle-lighted room and the hushe'd attention of the gave, the appropriate atmosphere. for the pageantry, and the -crbis, and hynins of the Christmas sceries.. After the business session the counicil ,adjourned to the Shawne club to be thé gUests of Mrs. Ira Reynolds, 'the coirn.issoner, for luncheon, after which the deputycommissioner, Mrs. Dennoyer of Kenilworth, gave a motion picture,, part in> color, and 'a travel talk about, the, trip that she anîd Mr. Dëinnoyer took last sumnier ,when they the west coast and then took the trip Program passage Miss EB.usby up into Alaska, up the inland Music "Christmas at Homne" and rivers over his and mountains, Scene One "Up en the HoUse-Topi,,. ..,. Brownies- along the Manuska Valley settiement, Reading........... .. Lois Peterson and 'returned by the alternative rouie. Violin Solo.............. Peggy Hawes and beautiful Scene, Two ...... .. ,.."Mdieval Scenete The pictures: were clear fine machine a by1 sbown were, and 4 .,Troop . . . ... *"AdesteýFideles" "«Tt Came Upon the blidnlght Clear" that.behaved as it was wished to do. "God Rest Ye *Merry GentlemenIt was a fitting selection of pictores l'O, Little Town of 'Bethiehetni" Piano Duet.:.....Lr-aîne Zeutschel, to precede Christtmas-snow'y'peaks, endless. forests of pine, and- fiels, of .MargaretKivland. "MangerScene" gorgeous northern .flowers. Scene Three . ......... 1... scouts '*Sient Nlght" ........... " The jantiarv issue of «OccupaCarol Hermnanson Poem .....Troop 2 tions !" It, careés -an article on voca"Whiat Child. is Thfis" .... Scouts tional opportunities in Girl Scouting "lWe Three iinga".. *'Joyto the World" b.y Norah Meade Corcoran, member Curtalil of the national public relations, division. ffivisioli ofLabor Assistants Troop One Listen to Lou Roger5 and Animal Scene Three Troop Two..... ......... news on the NBC network WedClub Troop Three............ .. coratiotis ... Scene Twcr nesdlay and Friday evenings, 5 o'clock Troop Four ....... One CST. Miss Rogers, former radio Troop Five.........Scene Troop Six..........Programns director on the Girl Scout national Troop Ei'ght.........Scenery uses many stories of Girl Scouts istaff, hands Stage Eleven... Troops Ten and animal pets on ber prograrn. Girl their by 1and made two scene for Scenery Scouts under the direction of Miss Dore- If you send ber your pet stories, she thy Taylor will se nd' them back to you over the Scenes directed by leaders of the air. scene. the troops presentiiig . A COL». Visit your physician, and do as lie advises. We solicit your prescriptions with a 'uarantee of rendering the finest professional service obtainable.. 60c-Remi....9 35c Lax. Bromo.66c Aika Seltzer uI.BnO $2.50 Citro.. SquIbb's CR09,AT 49C carbonates,..$,9 100 A.B.De. Capsules....$3.79 Fu: 43C 16 oz,:. Dobe's 'Wyeth Petro Solutioni> ...... 39t, Suck R... Supplies At Lyman%. yQ. wR fimd anl y.ur 60c Bronzo Seltzer .49ce dfor the sickroont Syilium ....... 89C a" curc ý .... $1te Try this popular ice cream. It is different . . . ricli, ,creamny, and specially m~ade from Mrs.. Lyman's private recipe. SPECIAL THIS WEEK LYMAN'S 1C CREAN TPro R on Monday, December 21 he -13cot we1"v' scusseci supper. place luck took clebration Christmas Own" in the festively decorated rooms of the 'Pot lu ck and taptist church. The evening started friend. We a with a delightful piano solo played by fine dinner. -the Sprout pa Miss Busby. Then, the Broies depicted a JOIIY homes and pr On Deceml fireside scene:'."Christmas at Horne." As the curtain closed, Brownies sang a 'Alice's Blue caroL. The curtain opened. again and we of Mr,. Mill sa.w a.cozy scene: three. Brownies who gave a recîta' *wr.supnosed' to be littie eilidreil and announcer.I SUILD UP TOUR RESISTANCW Ae <inE ;the AVOID colas We suggest Squibb's Navitol Capsules as the. aost .conoanical an& efficient fornu of v#tan*ntherapy. Vitamin A and natural Vitamin D. ~iI ing, and Mrs. Ered Schroeder. Those retiring were Mrs. Julian Stark who lias been such an. efficient and enthusiastic badges and awards chairman, and Mrs.ý Walter Magner 58 ar -o-0. f58Pr George Yeoman, j. avenue~ wiil return to Purdue university $1unday after spending' the holidays witÉ his famuly in. Wilmette. Lyman.»Ronflcr PHAftMACY WIImelfe and Central Phone Wilmtte 28