Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Dec 1936, p. 38

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4 MODERN. ENGLISH rne.,- 2 bathas, iav, porch. brkfast. nook' burner, and ohl water Frigidaire., Available now for 2 years $115a month Y GOOD RENTAL 1603 CHICAGO AVENUE, EVANSTON> Rog. Pk. 6636 WiI. 608 Gre.> 2700 111LTN34-ltc BRICK. 4 BEDsunrm.,- lg. scr. att. garage; 011 heater; stove and We offer a delightfui brick -house.1ln Lincoôlnwoýd >- havlng 8 roomns, 3baths, and 2-gar, attached garage. If you are In the market for a home of tlbistyýpe you.should inspect7this bouse Immediateiy, as lit so ne' of the, most desirable :houses we have at the prie askied. SHORE-TOWNS. REALTY CORP. To Be Happy in 1937, Buy REA-L Estate slate roof; 10 rooma, 4% baths (space for 2, more roomas and bath); extra' suný-sitting rooni with fireplace~; breakfast room, reinreation room; built-in garage; 100 foot lot; near beach. Priced at les thap, Spaclous, modern brickrelanc 8 rooms, 3 baths, large beautiful grounds. Only $20,001Y. Ask to see. these Offers submnitted. this week. reproduction, cost. 5% flnancing. Miss CrQ>nk, Win. 2700, Bni. 1855. 143 Elm F-red'k B. Thomas & Co.. EËxcl. Agentë Winn. 2850 Iil LTN34-ltp, EXCLUSIVE AGENT Winntetkaý 1267 902 Spruce 97LTN34-Ite BARGAIN. FOR, SALE OR RENTSTRICTrLY MO0D ER N, 6 ROOM BRICK, 2 TILE, BATHS, OIL HEAT, 2-CAR GAR. WINNETKA 269. 97L34-ltp Franceès J. Winscott QUINLAN & TYSON,. mc. EXCLUTSIVE AGENTS NOUSES FOR ltgN-FUUNI*HED 1571 Sherman Ave., Evanston Wil. 2602 2150 ý CHESTNUT AVE.: 6 ROOM uni. 2600 111LTN34-1,tc furnished "colonial house. Hot water heat. Very reasonable i' taken now. 98UtN34-ltii Phone Wilmtette 3614. ,ý2 TREWILMET'fE TRECLA PBO0AR D >COLONIALDon't ovenlook this charming g. rooxn home with 5 bedrooms, 2%k baths, oil. heat; beautifully wooded lot; near, station-at,1309 Chestnut Ave. Make offer. W. McLaughlin, :Win. 2700, Bni. 1855. COLONIAL IVY COVERED 'BRICK 5 large roonis, 2 baths; lawn. 220 ft. deep. 5 years old. -W. Johnson, Gre. 18b5, Hol. 1855. 351 LINDzrEN AVE.-LOVELY 9 ROOM brick Colonial: 6 bedroorns, 3 bath.; lot 75x187. Priced to seli. Mr. fletgcfl, ~Win. 270#, Brn. 18~55. YOU'LL FIND AT 650 GARLAND *a distinctive Englibsh 8 room, 3 bath, modern home. Unusual value. Mrs. Fleming. Win. 2700, Bri. 1855. :An Out.standing'Bargain in Ideal Location Near lake, beach, yacht club, andý yet, close to aIu transportatloh, and schools. 8.rooms, 2 tule baths. Lava-, tory on lot floor. Unusually large roins. Brick construction, tile roof. 011 heat. 2-car garage. Priced at $18,000. leàs than haif cost. WINNETKA WAI4flED TO RENT-HOUOES LIST YOUR HOME WIT*I 2 bIks. to campus and lake. $11,000. 8rm. h,6nie, 4 bexdnis., 2 baths, newly dec. Excellent cond. Lge. lot. For University People EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 530ý DavisýStreet, Evans.. Green. 1080, Wi. 228 111LTN341tc 5 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS. RECONDItioned. Northeast Winnetka.. 011 heat. Offered at 10w price of $13,500. McGUIRE,&,ORR, mc. R &RaIF clients deslring furnishied or unfurnlshed homes on the North Shore. Visit or phone one of these local' offices. 3 convenient 2 Davis St.. EVÀNSTON-52 Rollycourt 1855 Gii.onleaf 1855 THE BILLSREALTY, hic. nutnber of r£ ' ,T C nMlfT who -have a 529 DAVIS ST., EVANS1'ON Wilrnette 3740 Greenleaf 1166 H O'ME SNEWr GRAND 111LTN34-Itc TWO They're near lake on large wooded *channiing French brick-both of quality construction; *pine paneled gane~ roorn and bar -in each. Priced *HIGHLAND PARK 140 R. B. Whitaker Company Center Street Winnetka 3254) l1lLTN34-ltc lots-One an 8 rooni Early Amenicari cf.stone and frame, t4e other a IN QUIET BLOCK BRICK-SIMPLELINES. 9 ROOMS. baths, oil heat, garage, lot 100x140. We and suggestions architect's have sketches. Horney and substantial "as is,' or painted white and with smre decorating it would be a perfeot gem. 584 LincolnL *HARKNESS & LLOYD. 177 Winnetka 99LTN34-ltc FOR SALE OR RENT PROYER,. Z Wi"l.r-*u ON home. 6 r( payrnent oc AN Evanstor ÇCLUSIVE STREET IN 1 pretty, almost new brick * FOR UTSRSl SNOi Glencoe 792. 102L34-ltp 528 Davis St. CONCRETE FLOOR, ELEC. LICIH1-TS.' $5. 750 Vernon Ave. OW*NER AN3 6 rm.lise. 1-CAR GARAGE JUST BULILT BY OWNER TRA.NS$4,000 Investment East. ferred 's, 1 bath and ex. lav. A more in August than now ask ing: ,500 wlll handle. 7 rooms, 3. baths; libnary; 90 f t. frontlng on' North Shore C. C. lY & BUILDING CO. Exceptional Thoroughly modern. GLEN VIE W 3 tile baths. Att. gar. $22,000. 5 bedrmi. 3140 Center Street R. B Whitaker Compa.ny LOCATION MHWESTERN Wlnnetka 3250 111LTN3-ltc [ders for 36 Years" Uni. 950» 111LTN34-lte value. Mtge and taxes payable$103 per niont*h. W. Johnson, Gre. 1855, Hol. 1855. X. trans. and* school. 7 rooms, oit heat, garage, nicely iandscaped 50 foot lot. Cash above H 0 L C mortgage, $10,000. DEýSIRABLE COMEORTABLE HOME NEAR. R. M. JQHNS'rON Wilmctte 444 FOR SALE-HOUSES5 * IN4, 340 Linden Ave. 'ME BILLS 529 DAVIS Grenleaf 1166 nc, LME LN tXJEJN LOtj ATHSý DBL. GAR., QIL 'MAIN 0' wn pay. Bal. easy,'ong opportunity. ýNEW lot. Except.ý SEN z, Fuller & Piclçard, Wil.3,,,. VEPRY COMFORTABLE 6 RU. HOUSE 8 ln close lu loc. Winnetka.. Gond cor. I5L00 R.L.Thatcher. lot. Only a most desirable acre anid a haf. ST.JOHNS *RK-5 ,nd Park 1855 near Woodley Rd. Going at a price. -134 S. LA SALLE ST. Worthr lnvestlgatlng. PROPERTY INDEX pei B. SÂW-YIR SMITf 726 zlm Street, winnetka -,Ph, 2500 Ca I11LTN34-ItC zni RiUPON REQUEST 111LTN34-lte ALT PTATE-SD1S R 421 Richmoénd Road. ]Kenilw onth 5288 114LTN34-ltO

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