Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Dec 1936, p. 36

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the next few weeks, and you'Il want your home. to b. in readiness. WilI be hoen.f romi school-is thé i'anoin tune? plan to stop with ye-ethe. eating systen i n good order? The. Ioors or woodwerk mnight use a cleanng or peint job. Why wait longer to do sem.ething about the dining-rooem drapes and that weakened piece of furniture? cenveniences are a nuisance whben they're net'in good repair. Neither. you nor the dressiaker can' use the. sowýing machie. inits present conditien. The cakiiney needs ce.aiug before yen use that new fir.wood yen erdered. went a cheery dwelligaud these sdvertisers wlll help yen to Maintain eue. 1 . oungman' s Kerinels BOARDING *Chidren 'Phone ±Highland Park 2,3. 16LTN32-3tp OAK, $6.75 per ton, delivered. $13.50. a Cord. 'Glencoe 858. 16LTN32-4tp CHINA 1RtPAgitiNe SiEWING MACHINES Seasoned Fireplace- Logs, *Relatives, NýORTH -SHoRE "Er-ASY" SHOP Authorized Easy andEureka Sales. -Service ail rmakes.was*hing machines and vacuums. .409 Linden Ave., Winnetka Il069 5.IA-L.1TN32-4tp SLIPO COVERS* AND DRAPERIE$ _ Under supervision of Dr. O. NorliingChriRtensen. Inspection invitel., Fitteen years of, service to HIS MAJESTY. YOUR DOG Separate quarters for each- dogz. SpeciaI attention ý given puppies and small dogs. Dogs called for and delivered. PLUCKING - CLIPPING - BATHING ANTQÎfESMARBLFI, GLASSWARE repairnglarnp mountlng-ýnew pleces. furnished te match your dinner set'Jean Boetter, 1 N. State. Central 1983. 16A-LTN34-4tP CAMERAS AND SUPPLIES 1312 COMMUNITY CENTER' 730. Hibbard Rd., Wil.* 44LTN2 4-ttc, UlpH-OLSTFRY IIAREQUIN DANES Maker of better furniture etnathe * Modem nhèusehold *Yen *and hope for prosperlty to my customlers and friends * AL19X RUPPEE Ph. 'Wll. 4034 1124 Greenleaf Ave., rear 58LTN33-2tp 14, 'YOtnI)TAVNP'0RI AND ~1R i'e-upholstered, finest workmanship. CL.QCK NEPAIRII40 Phone and our estimator wlll cail with CLOCK<S EXPERT, CHIME HALL complete line of samples. Speclal disantique dlock repalring. Learned trade count this nionth. ln Europe. (Formerly wlth Tiffany and Field's.) WiI1 caîl. Free estimate. David 721-23 Main Street University 7210 Johansson, phone Graceland 3846. 58LTNlO-tfc 20LTN30-12tp HAVE -TAKEW N i TADEEBIGHIT 16 mm. Bell and Hlowell, and one Eastman K, self-threader projectC'rs. One Bell and Howell 70 A camera,, one Eastman B with 1.9 fast lens. My profit le tied up .in. this. equipment. Will sacrifice any one for qulck cash sale. First corne, firat oholce. Rent your entertalnment- films from Spanuth, 26 E. 8th St., Chicago. Wilm. 2541 eves. BEST. S i-rO W EXCELLENST IMPORTEI), speimesbeautiful, young, trained for house and car. Love ohildren. Also pups. LINDENHOF KENNELS Waukegan Rd. at Wlnnetka Ave. Ph. Glenvlew 270 44LTN212-4tp Davis Furniture Craftsme n LOST AND FOUND SCOTTISII TERRIERS AT STIUD Champion Normandy Arth-Fee $50. Aiso his prize winnThg sons; lk-Fee $25); Nestor of that Nestor Duns Seotus-Fee $2.5. PUPPIES FOR SALE Ralph Brown, 1115 ChestnutAve.. Wllmnette, I.11._ 44JJrN31-4tp FOR SALE 6 WIRE HAIRFD PIUPS, ralised ln private home. $7-50 to $10, ýGlencoe 6.71 44LTiN34-ltc DRESSMAKINS MME. EMERY HÀS OPENED DRESS,nnklniznrlo -in fBrown Rldg. Suite LOST-TOY IBOSTPON BULL TE] .Blac-k ,;pot on top ot head. Ans name etf "Speed." Rewtard. Phon ER. ws to 1 "SHORT HAIRED GERMAN POINTER 1 PUPPIES. PEDIGREED. 12 W EEKS OLD. FOR SALE AT ONCE. DlR. REMBE. PHONE NORTIIBROOK 40. 44LTN32-3tc CYCLES. Liberal trade-in allow.ance. Reconditioneçl and second-4iand bikes $10 up. Expert .repailring. Free pick-up Your home or suits, cets. and delft'ery. Open evenlngs. lCALL1 IP68 and elirtains.1 RACCOON COAT TAN CH-ANG.E PURSE, INITIAL "ýA" Charni bracelet Inside. Wlnnetka 811 3L~TN34-Itp) LOST-CHILD',S GLASSES ON VERnon Ave., North ot Park, Ave. Cal Glencoe 1929. 3LT34-lip L0ST-ABOUT DEC. 18TI- IN CENtral Glencoe, fur-llned drlving glove. Finder please return to MMcGuire and Orr office on Park Ave. 3L34-ltp Glencoe Bicycle Shop' * 14B-LTN27-tfc BUILDING AND REPAIR 4-ltp FAUN PRODUCE Best quality fur. Size 36. Winnetka 1968 591,TN34-ltc TUXEDO BRAND'NEW, SMALL 36, HIAS NOT bheen worn, $12.00. Wilmette 721. 59L34-Ilp ~GnroeM "Ar' Mli]lk XDAY AND HOLIr DAY IIOURS Wilmette Ave-. Phone WIl. 5458 ALL MASONftY AND BRICK WORIC Chlmneys and Fireplaces a Specialt'y. OTTO J. OTTEN 625 Exmoor Rd. Kenflworth 1307 Locust Farml Stores TUXEDO, SIZE 36-38. $10 Wlnnetka 7.56. 5.9L34-ltp Gust FOR FIREPLACIES. $12 A CORD; $ a. ton; -delivered. Northbrook 116-J (formerly Wil. 2770). any time after 6 PI!, or ail day.Sat. 16LTN33-Stp SEASONED OAK. $8.. Outslde painting, perches, $15, Windows, 75c. Stucco finilsh done rE ýas. Refs. Free estimatea. Materlal fu rnlshed. FOR d, 40L34-ltp SALE -ENGLISH_ 1509. SPRINGER 44LTN34-tp ing, COL, NURSE MAID North Shore experience and reterences. 25. Steady. Intelligento' Mis lEvelyn Dale, Prentice, Wise. 68LTN32-4tP Melvin Skolnik W/il. 3413 42LTN34-ltp brown and.,rai _Ppr.Ëesnbe Glencoe

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