Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Dec 1936, p. 31

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undergraduates and their parents. Dr. Culver wilI. have with him motion pictures of the school, and wilI use themn in presentiiig an illustrated lecture on Frances ,Shimer. Assisting the hostess will be Mrs. B. I. Baker of Evanston, and' Mrs. Raymond Sidney of Chicago. Dr. and Mrs. Culver %vjll also he guests of honor ,at a-tea to be given Sunday,,hy Mrs. Edmund A. Hastings,' 1049 Hiinman, avenuë, f romi 3 until 5 o'clock. Mrs. Hastings' daugh-, ter, Suzanne,, is a sophomore at er., Frarnces .Shim NIrs. Whitaker Baer, 2115 BeechWood avenue. g.ild is postpconi ng ,The 'Anderson .. its regular meeting from januarv 4, to Moniday-. January II. The hlostess will be Mrs. Herbert Lun.dahl, 224 Raleigh road,'K(enilworth. .next M rs. Charles. N. Roberts was hiostess to the miemlbers of the Tuesday cut) at. Itincheon at Shawnee. Couintry club, Tuesdav of Iast week. After luncheon the guests adjourncd to the home of Mrs. Eleanor Olwin,. 820 Lake avenue,, for bridge. READ THE WANT ADS At Debut Bail MNfiss Margaret Tideman, daughter of Mr. and , rs. Harold F. Tideman. 138 Abingdoil avenue, Knilworth,! %xenitup to Milwaukee on NVednieSday to, attend the debut bail of MiSS Mavis Wanvizg at the Milwaukee Co untry club. She was. the bouse ' guest of 'Miss Alice Joys and is re-1 turning' honme' todav (Thursdavi !Catherine Tideman is* expected home on Sundav ,ýfrom Marionette. \Vis.. *w.bre,she. ha.s been visiting lier' autit, Mrs. Williami Tidemnan, for a few days: 20% t 50% It.eduetions On China, stemware, lamps leather goods and sponge, rubber bath mats 20% REDUCTIONS ON ENTIRE STOCK Special prices from Janfuary.2 through, January 16 Friends of L.B. Orpkanage, fo: Meel 'lhé regular meeting of thec Fricnds oi lýake Bluff orphanagc -ill be held -\Wedrrènsday, january 6, at 10 o'clock at the home of Mrs. n the morning iRalph Z. Sorensoii, .2705 Ridge avefurwillmemhostessand nue, F.vanston. Th.e beverage and salad nish the bers xii bring their, own sandxiches.ý i the organizatIiî, *Membership >y' invitation oniy, xvas soughit three wceks after its organization, and by its first nmonthly meeting the menmbership xvas conîpleted. Now there is àa waiting list of young mnatrons al T ME BLUEPARROT *Evanston University 2268 Tea Today Miss Florence Sellery. xvho is, spendine ber Christmas vacation from the tjniversitv of Colorado wt lier father, R. A. SeIlerv' of 908 Ashland aVenue, is giving a tea at bier home today. (Thursday) -in honor of 1551 Sherman Avenue Th. telephone tg Q Q given at the monthlv meeting, during which plans for the first bene fit party to be fheld in May wili b dicus c. piete reports oi activities ,wuI UvD Moihers Club MetsThe regullar monthlv meeting of theý Sigmna Alpha Epsilon Mothers club of Northw,%esterii uiversitN- ill -4, at the M\oidav, Janulary It's gay. time àand play trne in the Souhland...and, il i jo ou.r £runks wth Bradley k.nit1s , 'you'Il be, read'y for every occasioni! The'v pack iwithout crushin$, of the Georgian and Mrs. Nina "Changing Horizon s9 wiil' be the Ryckhoff of Rogers Park will be the: subject of a talk to be given by Mrs. hostesses. . Is Program for Guild o Wor Fllwsipheheld Work FeIow.sî,pýGeorgian of hotel. with luncheon at 12-45 o'clock. -Mrs. James L. Lardner, Give inner Party Dr. and Mrs. Lester E. Mee. of 1227 Chestnut avenue entertai ned at a dinner party on Tuesday of last week. Their son, Edward, will returli to his studies at the University of Rochester on 'Saturday, havlng spend -the holidays with his family. eve. Mary Macaister of 918 Ashland avenue, -gave a keno luncheon at the Georgian Tuesday for fifty of ber sophomore friends fÉom New Trier High school. ~~I Bradley Knits EXrCluively,

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