Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Dec 1936, p. 28

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fers Morning Nelghbors Club Writh Giffsd Interprefer of Biography and Fiction A morning devoted hv the, revieW of two books as interpreted by Kathryti -Tuirney .Garten.,is planned 'for the Neighbors cliub Tuiesday iorniing. january- 5. at 10:30 1o'cIock'. MrS.! WilIamà 11 McëGibbon"of:201 Sheridan road vvili be the hostess., Two recent books.whicb. are reciigwide praise, ý"Audubon,-" and "ýCandie Indoors."' widely different in theme, will bie reviewed. by >one Wbo is an artist inriber len, one'.Who has appeared t6- members of the club before. The famne of Katbryn Turney.Garten as areviewer bas spread tbrougbiout the middle west. She really does "It -interpretativ'e ieadiiig of boo. is not just book reviewing wben Mrs. Garten is the réviewer," it has been said by lier critics. "Tbrough bier own exquisiteiy musical voice, expressive bands, and passionate love of books she recreates them for bier audience,. transmitting the essence of tbe books so that it becomes 'alive and full of a new significance.'" She does al types of books, iking best, however, at 8 :30"~ are creatiflg a furor i Nw York this season. Starring Noel C. Coward himseif and Gertrude LamrenCe. these pflays are presented three a night on consecutfiîe iiight's.',Ann Birk Kuiper has selected. the, three Most outstanding of these playsý tô present at the North Shore Congregation, Israel temple ini Glencôeoe 0f MXonday afteriiooil. janu-ary.4, at 2.:30' o dock. M.iss Ktiper is at lier best ini interpreting swank and spisticate d coniedy of this type. Guests are welcome. A meeting of the Sisterhoôd board is called for,10 that morning. Sewing beglins at 9,as, usual. The lholida Ys, over, the Woman's, Club of Wilmette resumes meetings in, a .new, calendar year with an ail-day, prog r..am :6.,.The, WNedntesday, .january morning, with its art lectureliS. in charge of the chairman -of. the art department, Mrs.. Ralph. C. jennings. The.noon.and aflernoon programs, includingý Dr. Percy Boynton: and Margaret Ayer I3arnes are in charge of Mrs. Earl E. Craha,- literature cliairman. In the nîornitig at -10 :45 '(>tok, G~arden Club tu 1-1wa Paper on OId Shawls Mrs. John L. Wilds of 244 Oxford road, Kenilworth, will be bostess to the mnembers of the Keniiworth Home and Garden club at a meeting to be heId at. her home on Monday, January 4. Mrs: Richard Johnston, the co-hostess, wil read. a paper on z'on national faine as ail au-thor in seven years, will* tell of her adventures as ait "accidenitai auIhoress," at the Woman's Clu(b of imette lWedniesday afternoon,. Jan ifary 6. Margarjet 4yer.B'rites, qcWllP /as Hope Summers WUi Read Leon R. Pescheret, artist of WVhitewvater, Wis., wvill tell a mnost interesting story of aColor lEtèhing. Èroni One Plate." The speaker who bas studied in Belgiumi, has deivcd deep intQ this subject; and is said to be able to intere-st the most blasé persori. H s story 1NwO the use of one plate in color etchings instead of a separate plate for each colon. The third of bis series of lectures will be given at noon by Dr. Percv H. 3oynton, who for this next occasion, *From bhis earliest beginnings, wbich are sbrouded iii mystery, (there is W. C. T. U. Meeting Tbe Wilniette and Winnetka W. ýC. sorte evidence that be was the, lost *dauphin) to the end of bis eventful T U. will meet at the home of Mrs. lwodalife, an aura of romance,4 surroundsCifodOer106 ae ler106Eiwo iffr nu, burning is I Audubon. of figure the M.\oiida, o*'clock 2 at desire to picture aIl tbe birds of nuWlitte, Amnerica took 1dm from L.abrador to Jnay4 Texas, to the rivers and keys of Florida, the Louisiana bayous, the ine m inticau Ohio and Mississippi rivers, and maflyOnC ti~ esarossthbe Atlanitic. A strange, O lbPor. bPr o ing Thursday- evening, January 7, Miss Summners (Mlrs. James Wlitherehl of Wilmette) will1 read the current dramnatic hit, "Cati ht a Day." "Hope Summers is an artist who needs'no introduction since ber famec already has been spread as an interpreter of marked ability," the auxiliary anfloUnces, as it states that it is "indebted to its niother club for plaiiy -a piano program. son is a boy reputed to be an uinustallv talented yoting mnusician, who hast seasron distinguished himself by his outstanding piano work. in the first Young People's concert of the Chicago Symphony ýorchestra under Dr. F'rederick Stock-. 1 Folloing the music one of Chicago's gifted writers, a 'society wornan and daugbter of an old and prondiient faniihy, Margaret Ayer Rarnes, will be I(ayfllorIU Han- story of growth of1 a by tbe sudden death of wife aind otr;the development of the bs xamîiy u'ereut north shore reader, wilI be preseeited ta nwmbers of the Junior au-ziliarv of the Womnan's Club of Wilmnett.' biv the Scenior club as the prograin for1 the meeting Thu'rsday eveneng, H ýC*j'e' JmTJr3, siigrs-e band. Mrs. Eldora LaRoque. wbo is now living ini Sbenandoab, Iowa. 15 visiting 'ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hopkins, for the holiday season. Mrs. Aaron T. Pyfer arranged a beéautiful, birthday table f'or those 11 Ld 14! 0 11SJA it Morgan. The refresbment comlnittee, Ms H-. V. Green, Mrs. Anker L. Christy, Mrs. John Sbortridge, and Mrs Henry, Schroeder, served delicions cake,, coffee, -and candîes.-M. W.J.ý -- - - ---

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