Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Dec 1936, p. 26

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Have Holiday Reunlion *Mr. and Mrs. Roland D. Whitman of Winnetka announce the engagement of their daughter, Joyce. to RaIph T. Hinton, Jr.,p son of Dr. and Mrs. Raàlph Tr. Hintoil of- Manteno, *Miss. Whitmarr is a graduate of Wellesley . college and," Northwestern University. Mr. Hinton didhis idergraduate. work at Beloit- colleget and is, con tîtuingbis graduate %vorkatNorthwve$ternt universitv where -le received in . June, 1935. bis ýM.A..in Ipsvcholo(gy.ý A reuîîion party for about forty north shore girls -who have spent their summners at Timberline ranch in Arizona was given. Sunday, evening by Miss Nancy Blainie at thle, home of ber parents, Col. and Mrs. ClarkJ.Lawrence. of 900 Sheridan road, Winnetka. -The affair was in. honor ofMiss Katherine Watkins, a Cali-, fornia girl who bad beeti at Timberfne ranch severaI seasons. Misýs Watkîns 1 is the house guest thisý week of Miss M arjori e Mo ck of Evanston. A. b>uffet supper: was s erved, and the evenig 'waàs devoted. to th e.showing, of.*motioni pictures of the 'ranch, and the singing of Mexica n'and cowboy, tun'es to a, guitar accom paiment played by Cherry. Sue Orr of \Vil.mette. Engagement IsAnnounced. ai Sunclay Evening Tea Mrs. Walter T. Mead of Wilmette, a tea Sunday evening, announced at DuBois-The Drake engagement of hier daughter. the MAlss. Marjorie Mead 15 to beMariorie, to John Reed Fugard. Jr.. corne thse bri'de of James Reed son of Mr. and Mrs. John *Reed Fugard, Jr., of Evauston, lier ,Fugard of Evanston. mot her. M1rs. Walter 7. Mead 01 Miss Mead attended Pamona col[Vilinette aussoss.sced durissg a. tea l1ege in California. Mr. Fugard, who .Çuudav eveusmsg. was graduated f rom Lehigh univ'ersity in the class of 1934, is now taking gracluate work ini city planning at Harvard. He is a member of Sigma Ro~bert G. *4cKay, Jr.,to Marry Chicago Girl !Ur. and M.%rs. Neil McKetndree Randaîl, 2100 Homne avenue, Chicago, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Mary Jane. to Robert George McKay, Jr., son of Mr. and _Mrs. Robert George M,\cKay, of 823 Chestnut avenue. 'Miss Randàali is In her seior year at Northiwesternl uni- 0f receszt amuotncnet is the Reick Phot> enyajileent of Miss Mary Jane .Ialdall. of Chicago, to Robert Geort)c AMcKay, Jr-.-of--833- Clestnul, avenue, 1-illletîe. Tire zeddinql wiII le ini the autisu. son, caugter of Mv as E. Thompson Miss1 avenue. fiancée of James and and Mrs. Norman land avenue. Bride Next E 1311 Ashland :>mpsoni is the COnn+ô Dlta+> Gammas' -aft, soni of Mr. n -aft of 1350 Asb-, The Evanston and North Shore Ahsmnae chapter of Delta Gammna %vill hold its January meeting next Mfondayat the home of Mrs. 0. F. Seidetibecker, 470 Jackson avenue, Glencoe. Luncheon at 1 o'clock will Juin. be followed by a showing of miovies wÂrsi. 1ioui- Movies ta Bring Life have recently returned f rom a trio abroad. Fred Workman, Jr.., expects Entertained to leave on Saturday for Durham, N. C, to restiue his studies at I)uke Green-, Miss Marjorie Hecht, 1042 wood avenue,. Wilmette, entertainied university. Miss jean Baribeau.of Grand Rapids. Mich., at her home just before Christmas. Miss Baribeau and Ms Hecht attended the,. Christmas dance Troth Announced of Beta Theta Pi at Northwestern universi 1ty at the Lake Shor.e Ath- >erg, liiie, the forner's p Mrs. Walter. B.I aitioutce this week.ý uoth oJ nsarried in uts, Ifr. and slandissghapii, Theta fraternity. He is now in the insurance business.1 The wedding will take place somne time next June. 'nre e wa a nt"ner ' i i Liitaon N.ew Year's eve at a midnight buffet-supper party. Jack leaves on Monday to return to the University of Wisconsin, where he isý a freshman this year.. Elizabeth, to Edwcird J. Koeil, SOI' ., of . G. Koza ofIiin, a dinnser Christrnas eve. No date lias beeis set for. the weddiuig.

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