ls Beautiful Even 1t of HoIiday Season Pyramids of candies forming the Unes, of Christmas, tre esý flickered near thel altar of the Wilmette P a r i s h 'Methodist church, where, the day after Christmas at 8:.30 o'clockin the' evening, the wedding 'of Miss. H4arriet Mons of Kenilworth and Russeli John Wille of Canton, n Obj, took place.tla<e on. the altar itself,9 and. green, Christmas. trees placed, from the edge ofthe altar to the send of the choir lo'ft, and ais tait as> their, background, together one large standard of white %vith thrysanthemutms at eaeh side of the channel's entrance, c o mi pleted its decoration. santhemtjms caught in clusters at the pews, to take its place for the service performed ini the softly lighted church by Bishop Ernest Lynn Waldorf and the Rev. Amos Thornburg. The bride's dress was a period gown New Approach to "'ConeWith th~e Wi nd" The hast of ýthe second series of ben efit lectures being, given at the Cradte, in Evanstoil byý Mrs. Byrd Arnold Srnith, consuilting psychologist of,,the. Children Y' Memiorialhospital, wvill he pre-ý sented Wedniesday. morning. januar y 6. at 10:.30 o'chock. Mrs. Smith will. give a psychological' interpretation. of thé charâcters, in "Gone With tÀhe Wind" 1w) MIargaret 1Mitchell.- Her .a 1) J)roach to the subjeet is entireINv newandisflot a book review inithe. tisuial sense. the lecture is' sponsored bv 'the ,auxiiary for the benefit of the Cradle, and is open to the general public. .Following the lecture, luncheon will be served i the Cradlie tearoomu. This is the third year Nfrs. smnili. bas presented her lecture series for *the Cradie. The third series of the 1936-37 season will open' Mondav_ January 18. For this final group of tglks Mrs. Smith has chioseni the. general subject. "Personalitv Types." a hedge of fiowers, small white cbry- The wedding party walked throisgb. with a shorter face veil, was caught' to a Pearl bonnet coronet. string of pearis, the gif t of the bridegroom, and carried a lace handker- She wore a N ew-Years Eve Party in Honor of Visilors re taRusseil J, Mr. and M.\rs. Frank Ketchami of 40 Devonshire lane and Mr, and Mrs. Photo by DuBois-The Drake R. Ward Starrett of 221 Woodstock WiIle of Canton, Ohio, a beautijul avenue, Kenilworth, hav'e'invited sev-. eral friends to dinner at t he Ketch-, of Decemiber 26, Miss H-arriet Mons arn home, and ariother groôup to join coronet eavy silver lamé brocade. A themu later for 'cocktails before going other th~e long, one veils. white tulle to the Kenîlworth -Club dance on The party is in New~~ *Vear's eve. chié, an heirloomf in the family of Mrs. Allan Flussander. The bridai bouquet was of les of the valley with a center of white orchids tipped .i deep lavender. Owing to illness a last-mninute For heri Lst chiirch teewoman, and State senator from En4d Miss Màrtin is-Republican commit-, ner costume., M .vuorge .. vvll, who, with Mr. Wille, d-ame from her the rest of thé bouse. home in Canton for the wedding of %The bride andý bridegroomn, uary Z at the Wornan's who, .prizesi icluding one for ea, ,ent will Maine. She is one of the youngest ay, Jan- women elected to the senate, and is. ib, with serving as chairman, of the légal table. aff airs committee.