Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Dec 1936, p. 11

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Reader. This season Knopf published, about the first of December, The Borzoi Ieader. edited with an. introduction and nîotes hy Cari Van Doren. The selections arc' froin books issued by Ko. (luritlg tle 21 years, they have been 'in. business, and the array is a brilliant one. Critics have sai d'the, new, offering is *'cven more iiteresting" than the Woollcoti Reader. at the sanie tinie crediting Van Dorciî with "a less sentinmental" anîd "consid erahly more cathlolic" taste Ihali Nvoollcott. T'lme or.zOi Reader contains 450,000 %(Jr(ls, and 1.056 pages, conmprising five short novels, onie fuil-length play, eiglît short stories. onie full-length biography,il essays,:and 39. poeis. Considering, that the price of the book is littie more than that of an average. novel', and that 'the autho rsh1ip reperesented imcludes Nobel prize winners. and m-any other famouis writers in this country, in E-ngland. anîd abiroad, the voluwme: s a great value. 'rhere are novels b1ýW'\illa Cather. (;ariiett. and Joseph Hergesheiimer; a play hy George S. Kaufinan, M\ornie Rvskinîd and Ira Gershwin: essays hy Clarence Day. j'tdian Huxley, W. Hl. Hutdson. Il. MI. loinlinson, George Jean Nathan, Carl Van Vechten, Maurice Barinig. lirnest Ncwvman, and H. L. NI etckeni. bus on the market was the WoollWott tne city-w,ake and KCeemer by James Gray, the author of Shoudder the Sky. is a novel-of emotional depth \yith vivid delineation of, c nitemüporary, scelies and people. When Alexander Rankin,. young Iawyer Who lias heen left a xidower, returns. to the village, hé is stili empty of vitality anid eagerness for life. SIowly, a iew patteri emerges for him as.bis suninier nioves forward ini the faniiliar, el.n.virouimenit. There art Dehorah Pnice.' Rankii's young ncighbor.. Walter ,Pricei ber dvnnicoverhearing father. 'Marta N ilsson. stauinch. hiandsome' fari girl Who works for Rankin. and cares for Crosby and David, his. two attractive siall sons:. gallamif old Oliver Cary. the Tlwse tcflo rcad "British A gent" writer.. And though Linida Rankin, bc.in&ill Lockhart In.pBruce (VR. Alec's wife. lover,, and companion, bas terested ili the publication of his le)lalaya.",* lain for a -,ear in ber grave at Lakeland, la/est book, Retu in lier. per,ýoniality nioves a1nnîg' the rest, .ssnted s(ordjiy beforreChristmas bY i a mienory stili vivid an4--pom7erfu1l. l'uinanii's. IJi fis juew s1ory Loc.kMr. Grays picture of the Rankin hart er ns 14 /Ii, scenc of lits d-ienturei-s, 111( t iC er1' r 11 nil Iln family during this eveitful sumniiier ha a quiet, gracious atmosphere ail its owîi, Ibl<,norols a. .and gives a sense of the spiendor that glows. hehind the clouds of hunman trage(ly. Deborahi Price, lier father having been inîprisoîied for business çlhicanerv., confides lier troubles tLoRanMary Ellen Chase tells in This hiutgr kml \vitliout realizing his changing atrland of the characteristics of niany titude towar d her. Both arc involved ini Emgish counties anîd villages. various drainas in the village; -uid Wal- LEARN, TO LIVE Rost or play in the proper way. Eat your waY to health. S$upervised physical culture. Send for new folder and-plan your 3eason here. SU NND DI ET m EALTII RESORT "This England" Hois Charm of the Country JCARDS L f the New Vear 1 1with a LIBRA1IY stationery I Represetnted il, the list 1)f slort storv xvriters are : Zonla Gaie, Katherine MIansfield. D). H. Lawrence, Max Beerhohl. Arthiur Maclien. E. M. F'orster, Walter 'de la -Mare. anîd A. E.. Coppard. Purely Fctional 1)uring the fall Charles ';cribtie's sonis lave received a large îîumber of letters abouit Marcia Davenport's Of Ilena Ge vey.r the nlovel of the muisical ýv, 1ir which is annearing on01ail the ed cottages -covered with flowers, its ancient history and legeîid-King Alfred in Somerset, *King, Arthur ini Cornwall, the Romnans on the Wiltsbire Downs, and old Stonehenge puzzling us today as it puzzled, the Roman Legions nineteen centuries ago. "One should re-read the Ilaid and the Odyssey in Cornwall," says Miss Chase, "for, Cornwall is curiously Hoieric. The Greeks who traded James Gray, critic as well as inovelist, livesý in Mininesota and is literary editor oi thie St. Patil tispatch aud, Pionîeer P ress. The Best Plays 1935 -1936 And the yearbook of the Drama in America Edited by BURNS MANTLE Edifors cf Economisi Survey the New Deal A survey of the first four years of President Roosevelt's administration bias been written by the editors of the Ecqnomist. the well-knowvn Londoni fi- The 10 best plays that have i-un over 500 performances Mr. and Mrs. jack Nasoni of Evai ton spent ýChristmas with Mrs.D son's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Artl Gillett of Eveleth, Minn, Mr. Nas is the son1 of the Frank Nasons of Cummings avenue, Kenilworth. script oni the new Soviet con stitutic '1 Sports. show, where he performed which Miss Stronig is bringinig ba( ckwith Ilannes Schneider, Lang de*with hier, does flot faîl iito the hanidsi parted for Mt. Rainier National park. of tlîe Fascists. The mnanuscript' is [to teach skiing for the remnainder of 'the winter. schecluled for Mardi publication..

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