Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Dec 1936, p. 10

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SPECIALS for This Week NOTE OUR NEW LOW PRICES Medium-f ormerlYr 3 doz..49e. pieasure street by Miss Christine Freeman, 185 Chestnut street, Winnetka. Both vehicles were, turhed around and'the tr uck was thrown on its side, an edge. ofý the truck 'striking: the driver's. chest. He was taken 'to the, E vanr.ston hos pital in the -Bruecks amlbulance. Hiscondition was reported at the ,hospital on Wedn.esday of this week. to he improved. c1 arariven itb à ý Now 3 <0 ý345C 3 Edward Wolicki, 24, Die -s After Three-Day Illness ORANGES No*... Large-f ormerly,3 doz. 65c. doz.5,9C ORANGE s Now... LARGE Extra largeformerly 3 doz. 75c. 3d.ward, Wolicki, 24 years old, -caretaker, for the Wilmette State bank, $20 ... U. S. 2%% Bonds (1945-41) DIS asREEIPTlANQ Passed' away on Sunday at, his home, Loan Corpo:'a)5.00 Owners ome H IND ,C SH, A am. C after 2305 Lake avenue,, Wilmeitte, 1949 Bonds., 2' % 4% tion THE FOR BURSEMI.NTS illnessî of three days. Cash-W.ilmette State'Bank.. ,I103 36.28 PFRIOD FROM NOVEMBER Funeral services were held on W'ed1 'ours Very' truly,27, 1935 t(> DECEMBER 7, ne-sday morning at St. Josephi's Howard Kroehl & Coipý 1936 any.s church, Lak, aenue and Ridge road, Accouniý Publc Certified Sta'te Wi1nmette thé ~Bank i casi The with huril at i tMerorial Park cerneat Deceniber 7, 1936, was verified against Chicago, tery. December 23,-1936 as 1le is survived by his widowv, Flor- a statement received froni the B3ankwas . hand on cash the and date, that of ence, and a son, Richard. . .67 1, 19,54,t, LU NOJVeMOe ito the 40. was called 1935, attention to the over vestments and cash turned Communlity Chest by the Memiorial West Adanms street, Chicago. Comrnittee of the Wilniette Guard.1 ider transactions during the period un, The audit statement follows:. ients, review in.respect to thèse. investme Mr. Henry Fowler, President, inay ýbe sumnmarized; as follows: Wilme1tte- Community Chest, Imlc., hand Nove 'ber 26, Ave, ý2.87 Forest 1404 $ .96 1935dd ...... ............... Wilniette, Illinois Interest -réceived on invest-. < 73.41 Dear:Sir: 7 ........ inents........ .have we Agreeabl1y to your requiest,, 7, December hand on Baýlance aeand. books the of mnade anÙ audit 1936 ........ ..... .......... heWIL ETE CMcoutsof vestThere wvasmo0 change in the invq CH SIIN.,Wilete, MUNTY n cash, netet hs n mns Noveniber Illinois, for the period f rom reas 19q36, 7, December1 at. han.d on1 21,,1935, to Deceniher 7,A1936. lank, Ba Staté Wilimette the by us to re-ported re ofthi auit The reuit asolw sented, attached hereto, ini an Exhibit, asolIowsýs asr . .Csho Novembier 3 doz. Theron Smith returns to Washington and jefferson college on Suniday, haNing spent is Chiristmnas vacation hiere. He is the son of Mr. and M,\rs. 1-arl 'J. Sinith of 208 Woodbine ave- WILMETTE COM'MUNITY CHEST, INC. Wilmette, Illinois PERIOD FROMI CASHI RECE1PTS AND DISBURSEMENTS FOR! THE NOVEMBER 27, 1935, TO DECEMBER 7, 1936> CASHI BALANCE NOVEMBER 26 $ 214.86 .. . 1935. RECEIPTS: « f n 9 ,16 6 n 121. 75 n ýund,1.53 und ,PiGEIPTS .... 25.00 3S,532.52, $.18,747.39 Callipaigi $ 4,108.33 4,108.33, 4,108.33 2,054.16 1,232.50 513.53 110.83 ')05.41 102.70 Camp.iign ýASI1 TO 1BE A('COU1 NTEJFOR' 3doZ.' VERY JUICY PISBI Be nefi cwti es \Vilinette INelfare Board..... Arden Shore Assocation Infant Welfare .SocietY of Chk'ago. Bioy Scot........ 4,irl scouts.......... ... li-ýed Cross Salvtion Arm-iy......... miinois Children's Homne and Aid Voluneersof Amie'ica....... Budget $ 7,500.00 5000 5,000.00 2,500.00 1,500.00 625.00 500.00 250.00 125.0 LEMONS doz. 588.25 to Bnt4ciai~5.......$1 6,844.i2 n...................1,300.00 415.50 557.64 934 '09 285.40 M69.47 145.9 79-64 Phones:. WiIgette 542B-Gireenleaf $797 FREE DELIVERY 22 Michigan Ave. Wil BETSY N. SHAPKER, lOth Year ,rector, liss Ellen jean Torrey and hier ther, Dick, are returning to Cariecollege on Monday, having spe4 nt holidàys withi thecir parents, Mr. Mrs. Linicoin C. Torrey of 1341ý .iwood avenue. .ng the noliays wit tuts iamily. Doris Sauvage returns, to Bradley college at Peoria on Sunclay, having. been with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J, Sauvage of 510 Lake avenue, for the holidays.

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