Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Dec 1936, p. 8

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a. rn.-ýsécond sie hear-sal. 4 p). m.-iioys' Cnoir renearsai. 7 :15 1). m-eirCorrehearsal,. MEETINGS Church council, Tuenday,, q p,: m. ~Ninith stréet at ëGreenleaf avenue Cblldrenla Christian educatioii classes, Wednesday, 4 P. m.; Saturday, 9 :30 a. m.ý The Rev. James T.. Venekiasen, minister Adult catechumen class, next Thurs11h1is churc3-ehw 1Ill have a New Year's dayl , -P. rm., In the pastor's stujdy. IIoly Communion will be celebrated ln thoé New Year's. Eve service at 8 o'ciock. The preparatory service wfIl begin at 1:45. . Announements recelvcd at the parsonage on Wednesday, 1 to 8 p. ni. First Presbyterian Llneh cîrce le1sponsorlng a Watêh NIguit social, to be concluded with a brief de-. The,,l.orning worshlp.service on Sunvotional service vit the mldnight hour. dJay wilIIl e held at Il o'clock. The mnin-ý Al: are cordlally .lnvited to remain for- 18ter will preacl onthe theine, "The. Unki,,own iWay." This will be a meditatlon thîs hour of telloWsblp. for the New, Vear. We,'cordlally invite day service Friday morning, Jftnuary 1, at 9 :30 o'clock. It: will tinclude a ëommunion service., The pastor Wlll speaki briefly on the theme, "RoadI3uilders for 14)37."1 We cordi.illy invite those whose <-huirche.s ,nay not lie havlng services 'to worxIij) wlth us. The service wlll be Àfttr the NewYear's' Eve, service the held In thé, chape!. On New Yeatr'a Day a .service lin lier- you to wormhip with Us. man wlll ho conducted, also with a, The musical program for the mornlng clbration of the Lord's Suppor. Thé main -service begins at 10 a. "hi., the worship)service wilI be as follows: Pre~partry sericeat 9: 45, -ounaea lude, I"Jhe Iloly Boy,"ii'reana anthomi4 Unit Fellowsh1p M.ovement." This la a The musi-cforthe service nextt 5urndÉL monts receed at the parsonage on to Tllee," mnovemlent authorlzed by the Inet general mornlng le as follows: MY Faith Looks, up Wodnesday, 1 to 8 p. m. Schneeker; solo, "Thou Wllt iCeep Rlm conference of the Methodist denomîna- Organ Prelude-Vision . .. Rheinberger The order of service at il o'cbock ncxd. otis, soloisi, postlude, "Hosannah," DluSunday w!!! includo the tollowing: bols Mis~ rmaRounds i.s director. Preludo - La Creohe (The Manger)Pastorale and Adoration ... . Quilna nt Thle S111deiy school will meet at 9:30 Introit-"Behold, the Lord" . .Schmiaurk Ânthem-"Good Christian Mon. Rejoice" ... .. .. .... .. >... .. W hiteheRd The adulit Bible clase meets for study Oftertory-"Elevation' ... .Guilmant at 10 o'clock, and le studying "The PorThe Sermnon-"Timo Weil Spont"... trait of theMral Worker." We Invite 1'ostlude-"Shephords, Awae.... .................. Polk.song you. -n Perfect -Peace," Speaks, Mr. Edward tion, déslgned to Inspire and renew personal devotion to the ideals, lite -and social -standards of Christ; and to mnake these effective ln the lite of this new day., The mlnister.will be ln the pulpit. The mupsic for this servi(,eat il o'clock will be as follows: Organ (10:45): "Introduction" 1 "Allegrn,. (Pirst Sonata"Pastorale-" J Guilmant Marie Briel Introit: "The Lord Is ln His Holy Tem- The Sunday sehool will nîeet, at 9 ,45. There are classes ýfor chl.td.1-n between. For the, many usis of the 3ocial Hall, the ages of kindergarten and. the high one.hundred and fifty 'new e<hairs, have Visitors are we1.cone. '« hool. beefl presented as a *Chrisfimwa4 glUt of eqjuipmeflt for sertvice.' The mitny gi,ýç,rs are thanlked by .the trhj.jtees. Christmias financialiiofferinrgts werie alo generous. wilmette avenue at ,Lake avenue The Rev. Amos Thornburg,j minister. 0 ut of the kindly impulses of goodz%viiland servive, we niay go forWard toThe ew Year's eve comýmunion serv-: jether to be truer di;.(11plesof the Christ ice willi be held this even.ing (Thursday, *who came to Bethlehenm, who cornes Deemhbe.r 31> at 8 -o'cIock ln the sanctu- ever and again to hearts open to hiq Inary. [t, le hoped, that everyone, old 'and fluence. young, Wll participate. iEntire, famies are lnvlted to attend together. TËhe.'mu-. sidc for this service wiii be as follows:Organ prelude: 11( Lamb 0f>God" Bach Séenth street at Greenleaf Introît:- "God Is a Spirit" ... . Bennett '"A. 1buse of Worship"l Anthem: "God So Loved 'the World"The Rev. David R. Kabele, pastor Staliner Organ postIude: "Prelude and Fugu"SUNDAY SERVICES Bach Church* schoo.........9:5a.in. Morning worship ......... il a. in. *Next Sunday mornlng, January 3, thîs Junior. Luther league .... 3p.m. church wlll do Its share for "The Million Senior Luther league........ ý6:30 p. m. -MethodistChurck.: English Lutheran Anthem-Turn Ye Even to Me . Ilarker The Senior Choir Antheii-Angels of Light .*.. . liorowski 1The Junior Choir Postlude-March of the Priestaý... *Victoria McLeod-Mini-stry of Music The Junior choir will rehearse on Saturday xnorning at 10 o'clock. 1 W-e iýnvite y-OU LU 5-t and ouï ;each Sunda ay ,k. Tbiere ai.re ehI .CJurq 'rhe Ihlah suhool Epwortji l.-agile tm,'ets Ofertoire Quàatette-"Take Down Thy Harp",... ............ Christiansen The spakr t the New Trier Sundlay Stinday evenlng ;lt 6 o'vlockj. Postlude-Allegro froni Sonata 1.... Evening club at 7 :30 o'ciock wili be Ca-pt. ... ... ... .. .... . .. M endelssohn fohn P . <(ralg, on "Along Jungle Trousl-." "hfeseior Young People will ileet Sunday eeiî at 5:30 Ovlock, Kappa Pi Phi will have C. E. Jarchow The se.sion of the church will meet a.t the 5:30 meeting next Sunday night. MNoIdy evening nat 9 O'clock at the The churcbseoo meets eacih'.Sunday Mr. Jarchow, comptroller of The Intermorning at 9 :10 o'cloc-k. national Harvester lComn)any of  mrica. The Boy Souswill meet monday eve- The Tuxis, club, the high school group The discussion group .for marrled couof young people, wrill meet at 5 :3Ô o'eloek ples he wlll meet .Sunday ovenIng at 8 the feliowship, edi ation and Ins In the cha.pel. Catherine Gatos, the pres- o'clock. Of thleme fille nwel 9s; -Additions] ,participantg are InPrelude l'Ave Maria" ..-Arca-deit Ident, wIll le-id the meetlng. with the -viteci to join thie group. Anthem-'*God So Loved the World" - toplc, "hitlees-oaly" The 'Plié±'Filî-uIvh couneil w'illnineet on Tuet ..... Stainer youîig people tre invited. day eeîîin at $ov~ok. The Woman's society wiil. meet. on Thursday tfternoon., JanOary 7, at the church at 2 o'clock. Miss Caroline Eickstaodt 'wl!! present the topic, Mrs. C. Ai-quette wili have the magazine quiz. The Senior choir will resumne rehear-.' Tnero wilI be no practicos for t4ii Boys' and Girl-s', choirs this week. The speaker at the Sunday Evening club in New Trier High school on January 3, at 7 :45 wili ho Capt. John DJ Craig, showi-ng mnovlng pictures, "Along Jungle Trai-ls." The rector of St. Augustlne's Wl!!1 have charge of. the religlous part o! tlie service. Hantil Wo"'ano yow Illn1ais atthoPontlud-Allegro ............. g Qlld,~ o!thé oma'a gin -wlth th( 8. Woman's Guild wil! meot Monday la now stud3 d Hoffman wl! givo aimorning, January 4, at 10 o'clock. Theo which the numbers. Mrs., W. A. work o! the guild Io for the beniefit of Seripture cc ýgo hélo jThe. - toeajeine . . our t I

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