Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Dec 1936, p. 6

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NEw W WGOUX Nade Xfom oui -* a wt1 IUt VOATs, t er eate eld Rfi . M. C M 1 AILOIIS SHANU URRIERS Ai40 "Ajgay New Year's greeting, because we are gay and Young, miany of ýus. "A somewhat serlous Nçw Year's greeting, because'we 'are qtite grown up, we Girl Scouts as. a wbole, ýbeing twenty-five years old this yeaâr.* j allier than everlI "MaO aur fun together be -happier, "Maýy we, have peasAir success ini learning, those new tbings we want to learni with our minds-things we do flot flnd in the. school, classes or the homÉe duties 'May wfe, acquire much skill ïn doing. those new things we want ta 'do aurselveswith our hands!1 TxCo Gsoe "May we have great satisfaction in doing the things- we find ta,do for other people!1 "Those are the tbings the Girl Scouts have been trying ta do for a quarter of a ctnllul'y To be of service tô otherst uge their hands in making things for themselves and others. To learn miany new things in various fields, particularly secrets of Nature in the out of doors. TIRES in whatever ways they find possible. To And to do it aIl together. with very Fransk R.wmaui much fun 1 -Good Scouting,. all1 a very Happy New Year to eachi Service.Station and"And every one of you!1 McC,,w' Uvd. & Green Ray "<(Si gned) Loui Henry Hoover" Kenilworth schiol childrerî sold the largest nurnbér of Christmas seals in rnanv years durincg the weeks before the holidays it was revealed yesterday at the officeof E. L. Nygaard, superintenident of the, josephb Sears school. Theégà-jd: total: of sales was $1 .033.65, it was announced. Charlotte Wilds àof the« eighth grade was, the. student who: sold the, most Seals. being, credited -with 6,100. Suzanine Peek, a flfth gradestudent. was second. with 2,145 and Willough y. Good.;mith, also of the fifth grade, was third with 2,015. .The winninLy room, wasq- Miss, Anne Pem herton's. ei-hth <rradegirls, with $288.and Miss Edith M. Stùvkers eiylhth grade boys were s econd with $201.39. Miss -Pemberton's punils had BEC PARDON!1 aper capita average of 469. seals,. In. reporting the news of Brownîe Pack 3 last week, it wvas erroneously and Miss Strvker's of 402. Third ror stated that the Pack committee was was Miss Florence Allenlder's fifth still to be selected but it seeini tc grade with $103 i sales. anl average -he t-at this' committee iies been ntost of 395 seals for. each chid.. Honorable Mention active since the flrst of Septeniber. Honorable mention was given to and Mrs. Sallv Lyon report.i that Oie chairman is W. E. Everham. with aIl children in the first to fourth MIrs. F. H. Caniphausen. Mrs. J. C. grades for selling 500 seals and to M.\cManuis, and Mrs. L. C. Torrey as those in the flfth grade above sellîflp- 1.000 or more. fleg Pardon! members. Students who thuis received speBadges and Awards Healthwinner and child nurse- cial mention include Marian PeterMondav, December 28 any tine cof son, Henry Zaider, Geraldine Burnet. Marian Treadwell, Karen XViI2 the morning-Mrs. Dernehl. Minstrel-Friday. January 8 at .4 lianis, Stephen Chase, Grant Ellis, Troop Six Troop sixc of wbich Mrs. Harold Kremer is captain an~d Mrs. Wilson Eastman is the lieutenant, with troop commitee members, Mrs. R. W. McCandlisb., Mrs. Milton'Bowein. and Mrs., David Leach. send in this re-, :ort by' the treasurer Amie Boiven for the Scribe RuthMecor "diecember 15, in the Baptistchurch At Wilmette and Forest aàvenues 'the G('irl Scouts of troop ýsix gave . a "Boazer" andthanks, to M4rs. Miller, the director, a play '.Alice Blue Gown." Trhe monev will go'for cifferent suo3plies needed in the-trôýop." -Anne Bowen,' Treasurerî, Troop) 6. (Frances McCanâlish .and Lois* Wils on are. scribes in Trop Six.) OxyqAcefylene and Elecfric Arc Scouts neldthu r nrsIa srvc in the Baptist church to which were ii-vited the parents and families. The Scouts put on their programn with sparkle and zest, and miade theiv families firmer and more entliusiastio friends of Scouting than' ever before. :The Scouts bave been inv,*ed to join in the carol singing Christmnas Eve in front of the living Ch;istmas tree at the village hall at 7:30 P. nM. Patrol Leaders' Association December 5 at the Girl Scout office, aIl the patrol leaders of the village met to discuss plans for the Scouts' own. The meetincr proved to be so worthwhile that the scouts decide*d to meet again, the third Sa,'irday in januarv, to ruake further plans for the new year. The duties and privileges of patrol leaders were explained, and further training of patrol leaders will continue at the Gwain Williamis, Bobby Ellis, Beyerly Hicks, John McAllister, Renee de la Chapelle, Rose Marie Buehier, Orcillahe' Warwick, Alice Barns, Bil-. ly I-enning, Leonard Gilbert, Barbara Hlenderson, Dick Lawson, Richard Kilner and Natalie Mervis. Mrs. Adolph Anthes Dies After Two Week Illness Mrs. Adolph Anthes, 436 Prairie '4 Poetroni~e Ouv Aclertisers .edifice at 1003 Central avenue, at il, o'clock. Sunday school conve nes at 9:45 ocla*ck.

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