Thomas J. Lynch, 1131 Green Bay road,. Glencoe, head of Thomas J. Lynch, Inc., tree surgeonis, ýwith offices at 984 Linden ave nu e, Hubbard Woods, is the -n e w1y elected president of Ahe ~ North. Shore 0 Mo0s q Uito Abatement dis-. trict. Lynch' Mr. elevation to the presidency from of the office secretary which T. . Lynei he bas held for a number of yea.1rs, was made at the aninuai1 meeting- of the district held at the Village hall in Wilmette. Thursday evening of lIast week. ' chairman Picks, Picksines. Tbis book wvas to have been published by February 5 but, because ît was selected as the May choice..of 'the Literary Guild of Atnerica, the date, postponed to April 28 The next meetinz will be held Jan-. uary 12, ai the Georgian Hotel in, Evanston, as usual,,ai 110 'clock. James Weber Linn will criticize the imanuscripts. Theý guest ,speaker at the lunicheon following thisnmeetingWill he Alice Gerstenberg, the head of the PWNA theatre in, Chicago. INote:- Wllmette. by the Woman's Economy Club 8h01> of Io eonducted. CCC camp, *hile the twelve hundred camp New Trier Boys Mor tional South- for .Holidays. Jack Stebbins,: son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred, J. *Stebb.ins, 329 Raleigh road, Ken ilworth, arrived -home last Sàturday from Princeton1 to spend his Christmas- vacation here. That sm'day bis, brother, Bih, aud four, other'New Tri .er students departed in. Bill's car for Miami Beach for the holidays. T'he group inc'luded Ben Macinnon of 321 Leicester road, Aaron Knoop, of 224 Wood, court, and' Arthur Bonnet of 157 Robsart place, aill of ý Kenilwortb, and Bùud Channer of 40.2 Willow road, Wn nek.Mr. and Mrs. Stebbins are having a large* famiiy dinner party for Christmas. enrol1eeg; and officers inu both the.. andI headquarters of the,. NaPark* Service prepared to keep a rendezvous With Santa Clatns. Last month the army of men who are transforming, the Skokie valley into a -beautiful. park, featured with seveil large lagoons and. miles of winding. drives through 1the landscaped area f rom Willow road to Dundee road, took another BOOSTS- PENSION FUND holiday at Thanksgiviflg- time,. when The police pension fund benet.hey devoured fifteen bundred pounds fitteri to,:the ektent of $10 this week of turkey and the custômarY, trim1wy rcason of a check for that amount mings. sent by Leis A'. Ellisburg, proprietor 'of the Boulevard,The Given Fïve-Day 1-m». Check, it wvas explained, was in apThe Christmas holiday, however, le preciation of' exceentei4se-vices 1of be the gala évent of th1e year, to James P. Fleming, of Winnetka, is the department. bringing as it does a five-day leave the newly elected secretary, and Mack of absence for haif the camp, who are D. Failnor, of. Morton Orove is enjoying the respite from their latreasurer. Both Mr. Lynch and Mr. bors wîth homne folks. Those whose Fleming were elected to membership lot it is t.o rernain in camp will again on the board of trustees. John T. enjoy a turkey dinner. Thé mess hal ~Structure Booz, former mnember of the board of each compauy will be appropriand whose terni expired, was sucately decorated with a tree and seaceeded by C. W. Braun, of Wilmette. Public Service Company In. wealth 'Edison comnpany stockholders, sonal adornmeiit. Many of the eniHoldover menibers of the board are, cluded in Co-ordination Move the Illinois Commerce commission rollees will have meipbers of their and Arthur Springer, of Evanston, and to the appropriate proceedings, faimilies as guests. Special Christmas Gr9ve. Morton of Y Falknor, Mak D.1 brief Propose to Reorg anize Financial of Utiity Companies annilal i.vtz"9lsL ', to 'continue the drainage -côffieaiiyi, son nàîïw-éýitw il ni rnuanal - .. - ,-a monwealth Subsidiary corporation, WPA project. Public Service Company of Nortbern Illinois, Western United Gas and Monday Meeting Special Electric company and Illinois Northdistrict the A special meeting of Utilities company, on Friday anorganiization wili be held Monday ern the formulation of four sepnounced or the receipt of annual independent financial plans and busiarate other of ports, the completion among other .year's contemplate, which past the with ness connected things: activitieS, and future planning. 1-Th c.airviflo out of' a reorganiles- work, 1 1 '--7I 1 edDcme edDcbr,1,atoidth 8,atoie calling of' a special meeting of stockholders of the Edison company to beý beld Saturday, January 23, 1937, to vote authority for the board to proceed with each or any. part of each plan according to its best judgment. "Whether or not Plans No. '3 and (Coniinued ou Page 7) leave to be enjoyedatar re ail wî after which ieir tive homes», il for lie reýbal the "bit to turn, prepared another year, ini true Skokie camp style. Work is carried ou throughout the inter, withb bnci exceptions wheà uneratures drop to prohibitive - ---------- fg~ and a the hub. iEach ofthte fout plans, ' aD 1.rad".--- eore however, is proposed for a separate ob hrad tril Brod] will be. carried out infirsi a( cident to the police depart- purpose and, The plaus are, of course,. touhit ,bapçiened outside dependently. ment, of Commonapproval the to, L'g imt.'sbject, the vit. lis a xi inic, Mrs. ionary.