Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Dec 1936, p. 43

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vv m~ARE I~N THE MARKET FOR DE-. sirable building loans on we1-ocated North Shore property. Interest as low as 4%. if security Warrants. Speécial, funds available for imnmediatte comhmitmnent on new or refinancing loans. $5,0WO AND UP Over 43 Years 'of Dependabie ,Service 30Davis St., Evanston Greenleaf 1080 127A-LTN33-ltec LOANS ON NORTH, SHOR19 HOMES. Borrow up to-,60% of value. Conven-. lent mnontiily repaymient plan over,5 to 15 years.-Deal wvith a local institution. FuIl detailà by lnquiry at First Federa Savinigâa anïd Loan As9sociation of Wil me-ttc. Mr. Cllftnn. qpérrtFRrv 11,26 Cen. tral Avenue,, Willette .1623. 127A-LTN10-tfc FOR UALE-HOUSEHO LD 800DZ $2,000 to, $25,O TO 5~%0/INTER~EST. McGuire & Or, mc. 4% Il 1 Mr. and Mrs. A, E. Deirnes of 927 Ramona road have as their house guest during t he holidays Mrs. Beirnes' mother, Mrs. R. Reynolds of Toledo. Miss Harriet Border.-*a, niece' of Mr, and Mrs. ýBeirnes. -is spending ber, Cbristmnas vacation with tbem. She bas a teacbing Position in Bloomington, Ill. Mr. and Mrs., A.* J., Linn and daughter, Donh.a Jeanne, are spending Christmas at Roberts, Iii1., witb Mrs., Linn's mnother, Mrs. JohnC. Zahn, and with 'Mrs. F. C. Linn, mother of Mr. Linn. -o0 ýJoôhn W. Powers Jr.,. a student at Dartmouth, «is 'with bis family,: Mr. and Mrs. John1 W. Powers of 307 Cumnberland avenu e, Kenilwôrtb, duringthe.holiday season. --Miss Jane Ives, who is a student at Stua'rt hall, Staunton, Va.; 1g spending the Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr.. and Mrs. E. L. Ives of 900 Chestnut avenue. 0o Wallace B. Behnke of 826 Greenleaf avenue is with bis family for the holidays, having spent the past two months traveling througb the east on business. Mis jean Rebfeld. 210 Ninth street, Federal Home Loans. -, CeoeV Usivo LARDNE* ZeULOSIS AFReAN SINGER PORTABLE, $29.50. A NEW electrlc console sewing machine, 5-yr. guar., for only $39.50--$5 down, $5 a mo. Patterson Bros., 1114 Davis St. UNI. 0.990.__ 129LTN312-4tlp Qtiiits-Ne\-- ' 7-Hand Made <;inoidcthe's Flower garden & others. lldeýl christmnas gifts. $20 to $30. ARDMOR101E 32,79. 129LT33-1lp WANTED TO BUY-HUHLD. 000DS CASH FOR YOUR U~SED FURNITURE, modern or antiquie, and other hue hold articles. WiII also. accept your furniture on 'colisignment basis.----- RUGS, BTIC-A-BRAC, -MEN'S & WfMen's clothing, shoes, etc. Phone University 0103. 130LTN32-4tp FOR SALE-M1UCELLAN KOUO. ]BEAUT. ROYAL SAROUK RUG 20',V' 1x12'3.9 . \alnut Ied and xnttress, braýss bcd, sprlngs and mattress. Davenport,. mah.. ib. table. Elec. rotary pump, gas engine and pump. Glencoe 15. 3tp 1 PR. GR' ICE' SKAýTES, SIZE 7: 1 pr. misses-' ski pants ; 1 formai dress with jacket, size 18. Phone 'Wilfxc~î/i .z;i hai iheci.s>n0 tellina whlere tuberculosis will strike, north Shore 7illgrs arce *ivlinq fine support to Ille anunual Citristmas seal sale, nou, Ai .u r cs midcr 11w direction -of the Chicaqyo Tuber-culosis institute. Indica-ý Il . ms fn.arc t/uthe1wsle z-àil/ sur/'c..s aniv Previ.aits 3Cr 'cvgafifg Mit1l0<k f 'rias oclapnie arlic'ipating ini the canipalyn. The schools of Acn4,'<>cr.Ih 1,1d ll IIO e special comiittee in W1.innetka andthie [FilmnîcHeulh Cc)Ii, il î, uqi ;those u'ho have nat vel ),irchiascd seals, or rnildfor iî/w.ç cact hv il. ho o oso af once, ini order.that the final check ,,nIV I McKendree Hutchîns of Wilmette,' a student at E'ureka college in Iliiiiois, is at horme for his Christmas vacation. NORTH SHORE ýCURTAIN LEAN ERS h/YIii,'l, a/as ar adate' as Possible.The ixr..' ;cp*;îI 10 biiv and i-çi, 132LTN3il-1tp - the the former Dorothy is from parents, Mr. andL olidays witb er withDuncan. er parspending holidays prices for paper, mag. treal, Wellesley college to spend the il1 Mmi Rago,$1 pier 100 bs.,Alise huy furn.. 32 WILMRienýt Wood125 Wiggleswortb, A. A. Mr.. and Mrs. Edwin L. Duncan Mrs. ,bmtbtubeansd old tron. ýWILMETTE '7. ents, 1orth.'aeuKen' stock court. Wod 225 of! 132LTN33-4tr highest J market ler De Ph l S hu an unk Mrs. . Hugh MacLennan of Mon- Miss Helen' W iggleswortb is ore eMles WY 31

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