1~rd& Wamnir WANTED TP RMNT-HOUSEM LIST TOUR HOME WITH have a wide sel tiQfl of the bout values on the market, The following buys are calledl to 3our speclal attention! MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY. NEW LYEAR W. G. RUGGLES & CO., 617 DAVIS ST., EVANSTON OR IN 1 BATH1 J*HSE. , BEMING 2 RENTIIJ A 5 BEDRM%.. redecorated. loca.ted in E. Winn. $110.j Winnetka 111LTN33-ltc PROPERSHORE, FOR ALL NORTH TIES SHE W4 Center Street 421 Richmnond ]Road, R. B. Whitaker Company 3250 *wohave a nuniber ot, firuichéd deslrlng clients or urdurnlshel bornes on the R EA L EVERGREENS, TOO - FOR Nocirth Shore. Xmas .with this beau. and subVisit or plione toe et tAes * stantial- brk. Colonial séituated i. convenlent local offies. on beautiful1jiY landscaped 96' BVANSTON-62.2 Davis et. ft lot -la N. E.. Evanston: .5 bedHolort85 oreenles.! 1855 roomse ,3 bath.; 2 blks. froyn :WINNETKC&--790 Elrn St. 4lake. One of f ew outstanding BriargAte 1855 *Wlnfietka 2700, left.. Otter. R. Johnson. values HIGELAND PARI-6 S. St. Johns Highland Park .1855 GOOD HOMES- ARE BEÇCOMING 99LTN33-t LIST YOUR NORTH SHORE PROPERTY WITH SEARS FOR QUICK SALEMS OR RENTALS arranged Colonial: 7 rais.;*open hearth; wooded *yard; double garage.. scarce, but -this one offers real, locational advantages. Iun1. E. Evanston-a. desirable. well$11,500. Don't delay EVANSTON SEARS REAL ESTATE Kenilworth, 5288 WANTED TO BUY-HOUSES UNI. 6886 IL.6886WIL.1660 WINNETKA R E 8S1I)b19 14T -WANTS modern bouse, 4-5 beÇirooîflu. 2 :bath., conv.'to schoolà and tranmp. Immediate cash purchase under $18,000. Sprig occupancy pref. Replies coffidentiai, -but must give exact loc. and fulli details. Write B21,. Box 60. Wilmette 111 il 3L33-ltp FOUSL-VCN ~xýxtxxxxiXXXXXXXXýXXX.X.XXXXXXXX.XXXX 421 Richmond Rd. ESTATE SEARS.REAL Keniiworth 6288 FOR REN-SAUAOUS - 99LTN33-1tc, seeing 15,Hol. 1855. It. R.' Johnson, Gre. CONCRETE FLOOR, ELEC. LIGHTS. BEAUTIFULLY L AND S CA P ,D$5. 750 Vernon Ave. Glencoe 792. Charming shingle Colonial of ý6 102TNL414ltp Pbit RENTr-4TONESRAPSOOFFICES -CAR GARAGE WILMETTE roomis, 1ý baths, with glazed sun porch. Can secure FHA boan ; price,. $12,000-2000 Beechwood Ave.-l'n Kenilworth Gardens. By appt. oniy. Mr. Ford, Win. 2700, l3ri. 1855. DESIRABLE Elm St., OFFICE Wiii arrange to suit tenant. Wlnnetka 104LTN3-ltçc 3250. FOR SALfl-HOUSESS Winnetka. Moderate SPACE, rent. 740 ý111LTN3-ltcl OVERLOOKING THE SKOKIE GOLF Club grounds. WilI divide into 2 or 3 -iotsý Priced for quick sale. 114LTN33-ltc AE, ME COMPELS HEALTH MY POOR bêiow market prices my sacrifice to MERRY fine resid ential lot amoflg new homfes CHRISTMAS near sei. and transp. Cali at 460 Win114LTN33-1tc netka Avenue.. TO ALL 0F YOU IS THE SINCERE ACREAGE AND E$TATEzS WISH 0F ALL 0F US OUGLAS C. BOYER, JR. SUNSET RIDGE 1 ACRE OR MORE JUST SOUTH'0F OMAS H. BULLOCK, MARY Sunset Ridge School in restricted È. D >EIST, GRANT HARPER. 4 attractive homes now under area. HARR',y HUEY, OTTO F. LOHSAND on this tract. A few 1-acre construction ARBARA WIDEMAN, TT. O wm. C. Dareisstll1 available at $2500 per acre. ONE ACRE 3 car att. gar. Rentai $20000, Avalable t. Uts., ige. liv. &ixl seli. Mr. Bni.15. Ce, Pr. back from main hiigiwatY. Old lOuse and barn for rernodeling. Price $20,000. 11llTN33-ltc 1& CMONS *WYAT T WINNETKA-On the lake. with riparianl privileges. '%od. brk. & stone Enïglislh home, 5 bdrmis., 1 bas., lbr., 2 car att. FoR, CD RATY1E gar. Rent fuirn. $225.00-SAle $40.000.'PIE sale-NWC Sheridan atonve.inmmediate Availale and Lakeside Pl.-Beautiful e HIGHLANI) PARK-Tii Ilt\inia woods:ý, French hiome of. 8 rooms, 31/ modern Kentucky bluie stone, ;j bedbaths. On large lot near lake. ~ car tt. 27.00,0. $14000-a1e dupliatîQn. A1 Nowtoidaa gar., Ige. wooded lot, o'.1 ltthantl P.Dell and -Sheridan A~~ib fOl. $19500. 1. Smnithi, H. Pk. 1810, ..-- - HI1GHLAND PARK 1026, Waukegan Rd., Glenview around an open tire in yo>m own home migût weii be your wvish, for' next Cairstmas. Corne in es i Ph. 81 t i. td let us show you how jbuy a home on one of, yment plans and .whiY it *dvantage to take this FOR REftT-FARMS ATTRACTIVE ALL MODb 1 HOME with 140 acre farm. Conveniently Iocated to -interurban transportation North of. Des 'Plaines. Particularly adaptable of farm farrn. Complete for chicken ~set buildings with tenant house ail in good, For Ideal country place. condition. Freeport, rent. Write K. H. Knowlton, 25 1A-1,33-1 ti Tlltna,ý:1 & Co. and FHA i,.as. Geele EAST KENILWORTH Near lake. sehi., transp., on 100'ft.WINI .wooded lot, is this çellghtful 5 bedr.. Wifletlç 3 b., Coi. Going at a. prie. you can't HIGET. afford t-omiess MAIN, Kenllworth 6i88 h. 421 Richxnond Road SEARS REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE LOANS PARK,-Sý S. ST. JOHNS 1680 Shermâan Ave., Evanston 11 hlaind Park, 185E Central 11 l l Davis, 2233 -EXCLUSIVEC AGENTS ~134 8. LA SALLE ST. 1800 Winn. Ph. Ave. Winnetka 460 1855 Central 1LN3-t 127A-L.TN33îtc, 111lLTNS.3-ltc E. Stfflts Realty Co.