Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Dec 1936, p. 41

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Deadimne-for Inseriions "ca' pc.. WILMETTE LIFE or ail th M. paperu ; Wednesday 9, P. M. for.WINNETKA T*LK and Thuraday 5 P. M. for GLENCOE NEWS~Tlpoe:Wlet Geoe. leff300 o ., BP 4"0 ,Winnetka.2 000 (Wlnnetka 600 aftr 30o. ielà .M) f6 She'idrake 1216-1217. dadvertisemeintswill. 82LTN3$-2tp for nurses. maids couples 818 ELM STREET WINNIETKA 3328 BO0ARD ANID ROON T1LTN15-tfC' COMPETENT-WHITE HELP WANTed with, goo4 ref . Apply ln pereon. CLA.COMYORTABLE R O 0-M S. ALL EMPLOYMENT SERVICl with pivato bath. We speclalime> 663,Vernon Ave. lencoe 261 ln Suites home.cookod f ood. I1LTN144tfc 15Cumnor Rdi. Koiwrh49 KENILWORTH INN LOBT ANQ POUJND, LOST: 13LACK VELVET DINNER HAT at Alec Templeton concert at New Trier TUesday evening. Rowardl. Phono Greenleaf 8415., 3L3,,im Dog lost--Cocker Spanilï, wire haired, 7 months, long broiw ars. Rehfeld. 210-9th St,. Wilmnette .418. 3LT2N3.3-ltc CHERRY SPIND LE BED, .COMPL. with good box spring and rnattress. *A bargMin. Stools, odd chairs, mirrors, *early~ Àmerican gla=s.~ Other lovely antiques very reas. Lindwali's, 809 Oak St. Winnf. 145. 72LTN33-1lp FOR SALE - ANTIQUES CHÏSTS1, chairs, tables, and glassware. SPINNING WHEEL ANTPIQUE SHOP, 433 .Franklin St.,. Waukegan, 111. Majestic 627. 7LTN33-Itip FOR SA LÊ;, 5 FT. ROUND SOLID MAH. dining table, 6 ft. mah. Buri sideboard. Phono Glencoe 346. 7L33-ltp Pauline' s Empi. Agencies NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYER Efficient Service for North Shore Homes WE INVESTIGÂTE REFERENCES Wilmette S171 : Fourth & Linden64 Opp. "L", Term. BEAUTY, OPERATOR Phone Winnetka 822. FOR NENT-APARTMENTS COMPETENT. HELP-. .ýýDavis????7 Davio Evanston, 111. 6OLTN22-tfe TO ALL. OUR CUSTOMERS OF THE PAST AND CQM.1NG YEAR 748 Elni St. A MERRY CHRISTMAS Reinhart En3pl. Agency SITUATION WANTED--FEMA,.m Winnetka 3399 66LTN33-ltc doniestic help, ail nationalities. No charge to eniployers. Reforences I- MAN WANTED TO SUPPLY RAWvestigated. Undor State supervision. leigh's Household Products to con____________92LT33-ltp INSTRUCTION sumers. We train. and help you. Good 5 ROOM MODERN APARTMENT Io your child a poor reader? No experience AT 996 LINDEN 748 El» St. Winnetka 3399 profits for hustiers. AVE., H-UBBARD Is he slow and lnaccurate ln handling ___________________68LTN2$-tXc' necessary. Pleasant, profitable, dignified WOODS. PHONE WINNETKA. 1785. numbers? work. Write today. Rawleigh's, Dept. in there .a. notable gap bet*een native CO1MP.WOM'%AN -HOUSECLEANING. CARE FOR CHlILDREN a.bility and school achievement? EVES.,ý ALSO WORK SIJNDAYS, Inse ases you niight weii coosider SUNDAYS. 2% ROOM APT. IN SMITH BLDG. VAU1SED CAR BARGA ENS the advisabJlity of individual instruc- HOLIDAYS. BEST REFS. WINNETKA CANT JAN. 1. FR~EE REFRIG, Wintion outslde sechool hours under an 15 11 netka 1851 or 180 92L33-ltp 68LTN33-2tp expert remedial teacher. No charge for consultation. FOR RENT-FURNI*14E0 APTI. E.. O. BACMEISTER. M. A. A 1934ý CHEVROLET MASTER SEDAN. LAUNDRY COOKING, SERVING. 3 ROOM FURNISIIED APARTMENT 607 Willow Road Wlinetka 1952 Sunday dinners. FOR JANUARY AND FEBRUARY, Glencoe 73. 301,TN32-4tp We cannot help telling you about this POSSIBLY LONGER. GARAGE OP________EILTN30-4tp TUTORING GRADES FIVE TO EIGHT. wonderfui dlean car, It has the original TIONAL. NEAR "L." WILMETTE 3958. NURSE MAID High school Latin, F'rench and algebra. lustrous black Duco finish with Red wire 93LTN33-ltp North Shore experiencej and refGraduatod and expe1fienced toachors. véheels. It is equipped with. a Philco erences. 25. Steady. Intitellioeent A. E.. Logle, Principal, Wilmette 238. radio. Hadees hot water heater, Fonder, Miss Evelyn Dale, Prentic FoRe RENT-HOUBES 30LTN3O-4tp guides, dual horns, winter front, etc. Trhe mileage Is low and the price Is right, will give liberal trade-in-allowance and ANTED WORK BY' the easiest of ternis. Don't wait, sec tis car today-tomnorrow miay ho. too. lato. WE SPECIALIZE IN HIGH GRADE EXPERIENCED HELP Reinhart Emipi. Agency CHOICE 4 ROOMAPARTMENT. $57.50. 71L,33-ltp East and west exposure. Nice living nig rotim. bodroomx and outWANTItD-i-BEAUTy OPERATOR. BE- rom gInner or experienced. Write, giving side lichen. Froc refrigerain details, B-23, Box,60. W11lmette, 111. 71L39-ltp KROLL & SMITH GIRL FOR GENE RALý HOUSEWORIC Phono Wilmette 500 andcare of children, Il A. *M. to 6 :30 92LTN27-tfe P. M. daily, except Suildays. $6.. Call WINNETKA, Glencoe 693.1 11 7lL33-ltp. NEW 4-RM.,GAR. APT. ON 4% ACRES, .i mi. from Ind. Hill Sta,, elec. kitch. MOTHER'S IIELPER, 'PLEMASANT, healthy. $7. Or woman for general Wood-burning f. pi., 1 car gar. No housewpoic, la.und@y,Inluded.$10. Qwn ph9e 3 5, g» hbeat. NORTH SHO~RE room, good~ home. Winnetka 2746. REAT1Y, 523 lVinnetka Ave., Win. 71L33-ltp 92LTN33-ltc FOR RENT-4 RM. APT., LARGE *EXPERTENCE UNNECESSÀRY living rm., elec. ref., Roll-a-Way bed. GIRL FOR PLAIN COOKING AND general housework. 2 children, own Immediate possession. Linden *Manor room, $6. References. Wfnnetka 2298. Bldg., Hubbard Wds. Cali Winnetka 92LTN33-ltp 71LTN33-ltc 1300 or Winnetka 838. FOUR ROOM GARtAGE APARTMENT. Available January let. NELP WANTED-ML.E LINDEN' CREST BLDG.. Phone Wilmette 19 DAY WORK Ave. jar, size 14, $7. Wil LOANS V * . RELIABLE MAN WISHES ke rare oOit 1.TRU refer- WITH miles. N( q33-2tp netkaà 696.. WILL PAY-8% i' N for two years. Ai able Party., Write mentte, III. work . n and outslde.'Also ON $2,000 riti?. Reli- of furnacos. Best porth shç E60,. Wl!- onces. Telephone Winnietka 34 iA-L3-ltp691 FOR RENT - MOI)ERN 5-Rit. SH114gle Insulàted. tile bath, gas and elee-, Hl. W. ht.. 1 acre of lan~d. Near Sunset R. 14,000 RIidge Rd. Rent $42. Inquire iat 1529 Sat Win- Washington Ave., Wilmette.. LT33-1tp 97LTN3-ltp OAN I

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