Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Dec 1936, p. 40

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DIRDB AND FIBI '*GIFTS THAT LIVE" .LARGEST STOCK 0F }IGI*H GRADE *Chuldren .wil 1b. home.from schel--il the. piano in, tuile? plan'to, stop with ào-i the heatingi systeni ini good order? The foors or woodwork niiglit use 'a> cleanang or peint job.. Why wait longer t. do sonathiug about thie dining-room drapes!aind that weakened, piece of -furniture? *Relatives * Modernm household conVeniences are a nuisance whon. they're not in good reàair. Neither y"n nor the. dresnaker can use the. sewing machine in its present condition. The cbuanney needs cleaning before you use that new firewood you ordered. want a cheery dwelingand dies. qdvertisers will help you to maintain oue. EXCE LLENT .S liO0W IMýPOR'rED, specimens, beautifUl, North Shore. Also miost complet. colyoung, tralned lection of. Exotlc, Toy Flub. Bird cages, car. Lôvechidrent. Also and house for SUND.AY 'AND. IIOLIDAY HOURS Aquartims, dog supplies. Phone Wtt.. 5458, puys.1i22 Wlmette Ave. w9a. ni. to 10 P. mi Wlmette ý-: .Greenleat .8832 805 eldge Ave. 1504 Shermian Ave. Waukegain Rd. at Wlnnetka Ave. 9 te, 12 :30 a. nm., 4 te 7 p. ni.O 14LTN33-ltP Ph.' Glenview 270 Hutubrd Wods 900 Linden Ave. 12 a. m. 9 te BUILDING AkND REPAIft1 Glencoe SEALYHAMI MALE, 5 MOS. OLD. 676 Vernon;Ave, ÂLL MASONRY AN D BRICK, WORK . 9 te 12 a A. x. C. 'reg., innoc. Ch-lmkieya and Fireplaces a Speclalt.y. OTTO J. OTTEN' Kenilworth 1307 625 Exrnoor Rd. LETTERSERVICE 16A-LTNS33-tp Skokle.& Golf Rd., Niles Center MIMEOGUAPHMULTIGRAPHIN4G. e~ V. Holding, Carpenter; Building Ing, and Planographlng. Mailing Seirv. -(1ET ALONG. LITTLE. DOGG E" ýfor General repair. Remodeling -RoofingRAY'SLETTER SERVIC E -Dachshund puppies, beauties, 8 Brlck-Stone-Mason !work. Wininetka 274 Xmas. i yr. Willmette ý1408 720 Elu st. 309*,l7th Street 36LTN431-4tp ivks.to_______________________44LTN33-ltp 1&A-LTN30-4tp PANTNOAND DECORINfo SCOTTISH TERRIERS AT STUD Champion Normandy Alth-Fee $50. FOR ALL KINDS 0F STONE, BRICK, Also hits prize winnlng sonls; CEMENT WORK & TUCK-POINTING. r T n f-4 AtYnf-% -KT ;vn -t rYr Nestor of that Ilk-Fee $25 ; WINNETKA 28#;4 H-. HARTWELL qco -J7ee $25. Nestor Ppiu PUPPIES FORt SALE Ave., Chestnut Ralph Brown, 1315 t....4 Ii Canaries, Flnehes, Love Birds, en the HAREQUIN DANES, Locust Farmi Stores PETLAND LINDENHOF. KENNELS RHEINHOF KENNELS M ASON CONTRACTOR Paint, Paper 5 Rms., $34.50 f - Wnr: Outsid. idows, 75e. tes.Fre I. RVICE ____ ____________44LTN-31-4tp ROLLER CANARIES NMAKE EXCELLE~NT GIFTS, froxn pure stock. Prices very reas. Winnètka 1680 804 Elmi St. .4t3-t *You il 3413 GUARANTEED SINGERS ________Ail ýLTN33-ltp $3. REyears' lacs,206 Col*LN114p ____RHEINHQF - Wood r Fireplace -_EXPERT -RD L1 7,;Xpirw.T Q1ERMAN SHEPHEI-z) MAL E. 11/ yrs. old, wonderful with chljdren. Miwt bp seento bp appreci'tted. KENNELS - sic trie stove, bookg , cnhias aesk andi chair. 'doit carniage, also Ice skates. Skokle and Golf Rd., Nilei- f'Pntr, 44LTN33-ltp HubbardWodAnmlHsia .1A-L33-ltp Wlnn. 2511 Doli Ilouse, Large Skis SEASONED1 CONCERTINA. ALL PERFECT CONdition. Wlnnetka 2115. 1A-L33-tp FORI FIREPLACES. $12. a ton; delivered. Nont GIRL'S. FANCY S K AT E S (VERY (formerly Wil. 2770) any good Canadian skates) fine condition. P.M. or ail day Sat. Shoe size, 7-$5.. Winn.1 992. I-3-t I C'TTTT -. PHONE KENILWORT PAVLIK BR Lee S. Fetcher 16ter 6 RELIABLE. IGUARAI Best wi 35p SERVICE. Also new and go WILMETTI -rates. rO BE )MTON ail service c from $1 Where yoUr pets have 24-hour attendance. Boardng-Plucklng-Clipping Dr. Frank B. Erwin,-V-eterinarlan BOY'S SPALDING BLUE STREAK Winnetka 3737 D TrO BE 908 Lînden Ave. 44LTN33-Ilp RESPECT inetka 2454 COCKER PUPPIES. SIRED 13Y WELL OLTN33-ltc known show dog, "LaRo.y's Lucky L) RAIO Omen," these are show type pupples. Reasonab1te Rheinhof Kennels, Skokie &- Golf Rd., 44LTN33-ltp Niles Center. sets. ýd C O C K E R SPANIEL LTN0-tpPEDIGREED ~.~N304tppuppies. 5 months oId. , lnoculated against distemper. Rare specimens. Wilmette 475 I725 Ridge Rd. ipieu. Special disSHOP I ,1404 JO -44L33-ltp le Craftsmen :IuuuU, I721423 main $Sti COCKCER,-SPANIELS HEALTIHY, PED. PUPS, REASONUJniversity 7210 able. Breeder, 8605 Fenn. Ave-. nr. 48LTN1O-tfe Lincoln, Morton Grove. 44LTN33-ltp

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