Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Dec 1936, p. 34

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a Coming In," followed by "We Adore Ashton of Virginia and Washington, Thee," "Let Tby Blessed Spirit," D. C., to Stanley Duight Post. of Spinning Top," and -"Eveninig." Miss *Wilrnette, son of Mr. and Mns. Schluster sang the Balatella fromn Frank August Post of Le Mars, 'Pagliacci,' witb "AIl Tbings Corne Iow(a, is annoupnced by Miss AshHome at Night," as an encore. *ton's parents, Mr. and Mlrs. Robert The octet sang a composition, the Kendall Ashton. The u'edding will music of wbicb Mr. Ivins bad, writtake place in Washington oi Jnuten. Tbe words were from "The ary 11. Af ter their honeymoon, Line." .1r. Post an'd his bride zvil nake their hiomie in W'ilniette. The Lyric 'Singers of Chicago, seated at a long table.on the stage. of the Woman's Club of Wilmette, gave- a delightful program of a cappella -music: at the afternoon meeting of the club Wednesday,. December, 16., The men in the octet were Mauirice G. Ivins, K. e. Reynolds, Lawrence Veit, and N. 'E Carter; the wômen were Bernice RickanPaula Schluster, Normia Chase, and Frances Barre-ý Irmischer. The, director of- the. ensemble was Mr. Ivins. The program began with -a group of carols starting witbl one of the earliest seasonal carols written about the thbrtèenth century, "Summer..js The engagement of MIary Crace as an encore. A group of five Cbristmas carols consisted of "Song of the Virgin Mother," the "Bethlehem" carol, "We Will Guard You," "Jeannette Isabelle," and "Wbat Child Is This?" written in tbe time of Queen Elizabeth. Other songs followed. As a concluditig number the group sang, Mr. Ivins recited "Lindsay's "ConMiss Jane Lamprey, 730 Washinggo," and sang the "Glory Road." He ton avenue, arrived. home last Friday gave "Annie Laurie". Lamprey entertained twenty of ber college friends at a buffet supper at lege at Godfrey, Ill. She brougbt witb her as her boéuse guest Miss Mary Sanguineti of Newton, Mass. The two girls are roomimates at Monticello, îand Miss Sanguineti will spend ber vacation here. Sunday evening Miss for the holidays from Monticello col- Holiday evènts at the, Kenilworth club now centei' in tbose bours when this year passes into oblivion and 1937 steps into the scbeme of things, As Christ-mas week is here "New Year's eve at the club needs Country club oficials. have sho, introduction," the commnittee ancoxnpleted final preparationls for nou 'nces. as it urges its members. and guests "to corne early and stay late. an extensive round of festivity On this--committee are Mrs. Warren to. entertain. the hundreds of H"athaway, Mrs. Allan Bulley,-Mrs. F..S. Yantis,: Mrs.' A. H. Pendleton, and- Mrs. Weston 'Davie. Mrs. Bessie For the Junior group the climaxing Taylor is, in cbarge. of 'reservations. event, will be the annual,'voung peoThe club will bave its annual open ple's ball, whicb promises- again, as house and tea dance on New'Year's for rnany years, to gather the usual 'day fromn 4 to 7 o'clock,,witbh the Ne w large company of young celebrants Year's da'y party open to members, on C-hristmas eve. their families, and guests. Hosts and Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Rogers, as: hostesses5 for tbe, event are Mr. and 1chairmen of the affair, have engaged, Mrs. Anan Raymond, Mr. and Mrs. the Colonial club orchestra to play John C. Clements, Mr. and Mrs. and are planning ýspecial, entertainLeonard Paidar., and Mr. and ýMrs. ment to be prescnted white breakfast Bruce Parsons. is being served. The committee has for its memAmong youing people whom' tbey bers, Mrs. John B. Dunbar, Mrs. Paul bave invited to serve as hostesses are Swhtdle; Jr., anfd Mrq PaulKelly. the Misses Nancy Merricc, Carol Buck, Mary Louise Burgess, Marjorie Bisbop, Mollie and Dorothy Meaker, Betty Crandali, Nancy Cockireil, Jane Hoover, Mary Ann Hoover, -NXancy Boggs and Jane Miller. The hosts will be David Sanders, Roger Graves, Clinton Frank, MarThe Conference of Jewish W\orn- shall Rogers, George and Richard an's Organization wîil hold ts. regu- Merrick, Larry Briggs, Henry Woodl, lar Decenjber meeting on Monday.- B3ill Clark, Bill McFarland, Stanley December 28, at 1 :30 on the twenty- Whittemore, Pbilip Sclinering, Fransecond floor of the Mecdical and cis Fabian and Edward Milis, Jr. Dental Arts building, 185 N. Wabash Serving as chaperons will be Mr. avenue, Chicago. Mrs. Harry L,. Can- and Mrs. A. A. Frankç,. Mr. and Mrs. nmann, president, will preside during Clifiord Graves, M~fr. and Mrs. Aubrey tbe business meeting and turn over Whittemore, Mrs. Guy Meaker, and the meeting for the program to Mrs. Allan Battie.' Holiday decorations for the club William Morrison; first vice-pj-esident and program chairman. Shie will in- bouse are being planned by Mrs. troduce the two speakers of thc Howell Kitchell and she will supervise the installation the early part of afternoon. D)r. Pbilip K. Semian, genieral direc- next week. For the senior club members, fes"tor of tbe Jewisb people's institute and chairnian of. the Chicago Recrea- tivities will include the tradîtional New Year's 1Eve hall, always one of tion commission,. will - s* e the largest parties on tbe forth :hore . the -1t kon sIr di lt.*-- -a-nd-a simiilarly traditional open bouse and reception on New Year's day Evanston Busy Spot in Holidays and:teirfamiiéI membrs Jewish Women fo Have Conference Program To Serve Cocktails *Mrs. Robert P. Fyfe' of 1330 AshSMr. and, Mrs. J. Mark Hale of'1051 land avenue entertained her bridge Ramona, road are giving a cocktail club at a Christmas luncheon on Moni- party in their home Saturday evening ni théir homue at day Of jla.t week. before the Town club, party. Christmas eve., David Miller, son of Mr s.. Lenoir Hood Miller, 106 Sixth street, is bomne from. Grinneil college fo1 h odays.flie is president of the fresbman .class'this year.

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