Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Dec 1936, p. 32

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Blend With White at Recent Wedding A princess wedding gown of white ýbrocaded velvet made with aý Catherine di Medici c ollar, onig sleeves, and a train was worn by Miss Margaret. Bick-, hadaughter of r. and rs. M. H. Bickham-, -429 Ninth, street,. for ber. marriage, last Saturday, to Dorrance Nygaaird, son of: E.: L.. Nygaard of 1336 Gre gory avenue,. Wilniette... A tulle veil was held ini place with a juliet cap banded in velv et,. an'd she carried a' soebouquet of wbite roscs, sweet peas, * and lilies of the valley. Lighted candies, and urfis of white eh iide d*#rysan.m eiher steps leading to the chancel decorated the Wilmette Parish Methodist Episcopal church where the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Philips of 62,3 Brier street, Kenilworth, are .havinig their family with them for the Christmas holiday. Paul Philips is home frorn the University of Michigan, ,Miss Hielen, who teaches 'in' Marshfield,, Wils., ýis here, as is ber fiancé, Paul Trhiele of M arshfield, and Miss. Marion is home from Beloit college. Among their guests ai Christnmas dinner will bc Evérett, and Rodney' Alleni of Wittmette; Mr. "and Mrs. Ph.ilips are. gi.ving a party in their home on! New, Year's eve, their guests including the Richard 'Hoskings, and the Henry Brandts of Wilmette, the Allen Petwees of Winnetka, and the Perry Coopers:anid the, Earl Shumways of Evanston. Aid Course Junior. School Evanston Friends of the Chi-. cago Junior. school announce that plans have. been c.omrpleted for a course of book reviews by Eleanor .Ellis Perkins to l)c given1 at the home of, Mr.' and, Mrs. ýHarley L. Clarke, 2603 Sheridan' road, Evanston, Wednesday morninigs ýat .10 o'cllock beginning Januýary 6, and continuing, until Februarv 10, in-, cluive. Earlyin. December, Miss. Perkins went to Niew York City to gather material, for her winter seriesý and with ,this most interesting backgroundý she will teil of interview§ with publishers atid playwrights, will review *most rccent books, and give the latest news 0 f Broadway plays. The subjects which will be covered by the series are as follows: news fromi New York with reviews of currenit plays; personalities reflected in recent books; experience mirrored in fiction ; current topics of discussion ; poetry and what is intended to be humor. As some of the works to be discussed will flot be released rlfînthe. until ea in 1937, Miss Dinner for.lRoormate, Af r. and Mns' Carl John Botter, 1.57 Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth, annouitce the- marriage' of' theirý daugIhter, Gertrude, to Waiter John Frances O'Ke.efe of Chicago. Misg Gielen, Jr., on Friday, September Breit and- ber sister, Geraldine, a stuIl. The bridegroorn is the son of dent in St. Mary's acaclery at. Notre WValter John Gielen and Mrs. MarDame, are 'spending the holidays in t/ta Giene, of Chica go. Kenilvorth. was performed at 8-.0 o'clock in the evening by Dr. Horace Greeley Smith of Garrett fliblical institute, former pastor of the Wilmette Methodist church~, assisted by the Rev. Amos Thornburg, pastor of the church Following the wedding service a re- Mie. 13.tt4. &4t, 4âughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred D.. Breit, 422 Essex road, Kenilworth, was hostess to twelve guests at a dinner party last Saturday ini honor of her roommate at St. Mary's college, Miss Mary, Ill.,<Helen Nv2agard),' sister of the prfllcess lnes and trimmed to the awav ait sciioli nus year, the waist-line in the. back with ro-.vs of season has been chosen -for buttons were worn by the bride's at- parties honoring Miss Jane tendants. Mrs. James C. Bean of whose engagement to jean Scottfield, Belleville, Ill., the matron Huif of Chicago was annouti cof honor and sister of the bride, was m onth by ber parents, Mr, ai in royal blue, and the bridesmaids, Armand H. Peycke of 240 Miss Emma Hayes and Miss Frances road, Kenilworth. Mrs. Bickham sisters of the bride, and Moulton and Miss Dorelle1 Mrs. Eclward L. George of Sycamore, will be hostesses at a lunch co-nosteqsýses at a luncneon party for a groupi of New Trier senior girls on Tuesd,ay at the Standard clubhin Chicago. Is Engaged riericeswitti ,amuel Johlnson"; "Head-, and Tal 'es," by Malvina Hoffman; "The Brothers Ashkenazi," by 1. J. Singer; "News From Tartary;"ýp by Peter Fleming; "D)enmark, the Co-operative Way," by. Frederick. 'Howe; "Richý Land, Poor Land," by Stewart Chase; ý"The People, Yes," by Carl Sandberg; "The Bad Parents, Gai-den of Verse," by Ogden Nash; F.njoywient of Laughter,": by. Max Miss Emma Hayes' Bickham returned from her studies at the. University of Chicago to be a bridesmaid for her sister, and pouring at the tea 'table duriug the reception, imette. ory avenue, yOlg peo. western «# are atteni h - enairman of the ways and mittee and Mrs. Charles son of Evanston is co-cii

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