out worcls, the season of the year and its messagé, the season around which the artist of the. afternoon, Miss. Virginia Orr, created her prog ram of. beautiful carols last Friday afternoon at the Womnan's Cathoict Club of ýWilmnette. The event was a brief but charming previe.w of, Christmas for members of the, club. It was a real bit of Christmas for a number of unfortuniate fam-> illes in NVWilmctte who wvill be happier because of the gifts brought, for them by club members and piled under the large trs'the front of theý lounge--to await listribution with baskets the club is supplying, probably about twenty.-five in number, with, the assistance'of girls of the Mallinckrodt, who- are contributing about fifteen., To put the 'audience in the spirit ofthe carols to corne, Mrs. Harry L. Barker, 'program: cirairman, read a story of the origin of the carol and Christmas tree, the first of the latter dating f rom the eighth century in Scandinavia. Miss Orr, in costume quaint and reminiscent of earlier days in foreign lands, sat at the table, and while ber accompan ist played constantly, binding the program together, slie introduced typical and rare carols from each of several foreign lands. Thus Christ mas Trée Party Chrisimas ýLuncheon Donna Jeanne Linn was hostess at-a Chrisftmas.luncheonl at ber home 1805: llmwood avenue, on Monday last, and, as a. surjprise to her guests, Santa. Claus arnived in th'e. afternoon. With ber Monday were Adaire Fanckboner, Penny Nichàls, Relda Jeanne Thorsen, limmie, Specht. Barbara Sargent,- Carol Je'an. Wendell, and Marjorie Specht., lôo sPenci e. winter ,l.1 HoId Open,,House Mr. and, Mrs. Dana mnas for a cup, of coffee or a cocktail are having "open house" ,in their f rom .4 until 7 o'clock., The party'is .Mornison Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schulze, Jr., of 300 Abbotsford - road,, Kénilworth, have invited a group of friends. to "gather around the Chnistmias tree" in: their home the day after Christ- home at 306 -Cumberland avenue, Kenilworth,,on, New Year's eve., Mrs. Monrison is recovering'satisfactorily f rom. an eye infection which bhas confined ber for the past month. in honoir of Mr. Schulze's brother-mnlaw. and sister, Mr.' and Mrs. Edgar Francis Burch'of Richmond, Va., who are visiting the Schulze- family during, the.holidays. « 1 Il 1 Starting Saturday, December 26 voice yielcls îtse. aumirably. tocaoi music, for her voice is that of a-beautifully. trained church singer. Her numbers were littie gems. She reached back into early centuries for ber carols-for the "Adoremus Te" of the fifteenth century; to Eng- "The Carol of Flowers," also called "The Basnque Melody," a noel of lanid for "God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen" "The HolIy and the Ivy"; for drastic end.-of -se'spnredctiosn and tea urus, the Christmas party wv comipleted with ice crearn and colorful cookies of the season. Prior to the programn, the regular ehairmen. Events of future interest our business procedure was in order, with announcements made by varjous EDGPAR A. STEVENS. Ince 1624 Orringte.u Ave.Sv0 i