IDraws IEager Crowd a ard aîT<uce % vý Tt r II AleNxTI wpm i1bgh sI.; l'li \y trle WAIecti' n werc inakt up the oi hic e-c' arisf$mlishral mem'ry. Xy ar, lan easvixS <t"~ila~""and,à e-tuipmicrlt Ni he c~i huridrtd -, 'Cr ". S' x. :ef'¾l -a-e . . higffldy& M, Mr e 'I wnt r~~~c. M'e a'~h~s~t.. ~ an* * turlilig brcakcrs rolling shoreward 'beneath by Rena overshiacowCd bMue sky, painted in ois fiat-surHostcttler and f rarned in a duIl-finish; and face silver, is one of several dpzen painitings XNorth the of studio' in.the exhibition drawings on in WVin-> *Shore Art league in Comtnunity 1-buse eéntire The month. the netka, the renia,inder. ofar.e pictures, the of, Some sale, collection, is for frornu some and from the league's Decemrber:sho, auction, the collection offered atthe Art league ago. so or. held a, week or Small or large, brilliant or subduedi modern every to appeal conservative, there are entries to small but taste and to-every pocketbook. One hang might Philbrick Allen by beautiful etehing tev-ec library above a writirlg desk, in a heside, a stairway, or on a landing. Rena I-ostcttie:r'S seascape would fit admirablv is, true of into modem sUrrounding.s, and the sanie w; t> exhibitor new a sillfeby Regis Gradle, a .cot apri of values used has latter the league. The reproper the just with green, yetllo-w and lime of wine. strairit to illustrate a transparent fiask th u. against placed Nearby is a large roundplate of' piecers several are table wall, and lying on the î are line green fruit. Orgalization, 'color and perfect harniony.. j» the cast zunder of -Tom týY sudvMu For a miore conservative interior one choseri. be -S -JS -;,j of ilational repliwýiselIy might Wilder's fait landscapes with whorn and urdHart{t detail favors that 7--- 7 public a for He paints s:1'hSCIV associated for> orange.. r-: ,a-d pleasing tonal effects in redS. yellow lus solYLs &rUt~.o rdio, concert ~ ~as Tom \Vilder's reputation is established; o0foe eof ~ ~-'~r ;c r~c~~preptirinlg for a serigs Chaser pur no anld lowing is a large one, ti'ich she u411l polke.* ~ s"z~; c' g~'m his pictures would be buving a 'ig-ii-a a Seect cc-c.d one For a nursery or playrooxn. .u!aFar:n' -widel-eye% l aitdilpastel an t 1-1-1 .. . -~;~u~ as ~10=4 ire Ses 'o t ~n~or-$. onxastngthe modern and e included in a mid-holiw~ :~e -is:za. bv Dudley K. French. o:~rdngs es. ~~e-t evening, z:z egven t T'Seý,~edrx<sday Haw503 home, M.-r-,nch's t M:. all welcome will he r.nek~.and :bxt;L~ Ci type the in tteres;ted e:~ ~'s sSXf ~X't 7-~e' prcraxn will include four te'tveinh and twelfth prograpi> t~i~Ses :rc~ the Szostako$~uxporchestra. te -agc' :i~ ~S.ty. rtdhe Betixhoven flfth. w~z:'Lrs ~iAA. ing of a dancing girl. And no. ;Syc'i eay Co!Or' thing but Pleased by Ann Lewis' *î:g wte:r %vtui - drawing of a cowboy. atvcth The variety is' endless. and th-e and a. supe7:C? decidedly cases. many wvork. in art Ariy * prices great bargain at the modest oCatoet COntirMeed. collector. whether caSuial. uninitiated will find much x to xva~cneu plate oN%'ning. H. T., cze TVe coxuplete group i ar-ists ilWnifed KeehnIrmia WVilder. Deare,~ Tom daM » 'Son. Rena Hostettier, Levina P. Gra a .Hrit ITlhansci'nRe.zis Gradie. Iu:iaF e- 4a e -qp m .1 - - - -- ~play lui ix' Iehrwrv ttbst ln -tunawml"'ff-lbu $"mwS nd wZIso . i a Umee 1"à **cet- -w-- .ç Goo tqt4tUtfUIicttrrFeharuary ~'iil ~ n edelHoro Ctin' jç~<r