__Wilmette krioNvi in thie village and were active. Mr. miany civic~ enterprises. in Turner, who served Ihrough the war as a major in the quartermaster's departmnent. retained bis affiliation ini the, reserve corps and was active in the Anierican Legion; He was one, of the founders of thé Civic. league, was active in the founiding and was for many years,'a memùberof the executive committee of the SundayEvening club,, was a founder, of, 'the Men's Conversational cluib, assisted in organizing and was first secretary and: treasurer. of the New Trier Township Orchestral'associatîi whichlfor many years brought a section ofth Chicago Symphony orchestra to the high schooi, vas.active in the, work of the Cornmunity Chest and its affiliated charities, andwas a mËemberý ofthe Masonic order. Mr. Turner was a sales represent~ave of a gla.,swremaufacturer and had bis offices in the Merchandise Mart, Chicago. Services for Mr. and MNrs. Turner were conducted at the First Congregatioiial church on Monday afternoon by tbe minister, the Rev. John G. Hindlev, assisted by the. Rev. Jamtes T. Venekiasen of the First Presbyteriani church, Wilmette, and by, the Rev. Paul WVolfe of the First Presbvterian church, Evanston. Lehie Photo* Over 75 nort shore boys tvere entertained last Sun day a! ternoon at Shazonee Cou» fry club by members of the Wilmette O/itimtist club. -Pk*ed u> at their homes and returned there af fer thse Partyv, the boys, ,ïzning in ages f ront 7., o 13, were recomnended to thse club by the Wil mette Welfare board. Not only zoere the boys dined in great style. and introduced to Mr. S. Claus in person - (wko had a gift for eo-ch one)., but they tuere entertained and mny3sified for over ant hour by Megiciani Nicholas Tonei. More than 100 peopie attettded thse Party~. vintriniger, E.. xiMevcur, MarinfLI Simpson, Gene Schureman and A. J. Cunningham, business associates. Burial wvas at Memorial Park cemetery. The couple* are survived by Mrs. Gusta T. Turner, MIr.1 Turner's mother, and by a son, William Ames Turner.. who passed away last Friday, were -ea. eans.. held on Monday afternoon at his Burtoni Smith', s'on of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. anid Mrs. William Harridge of late residencé'. The interment was at 1440 I5orest avenue will have among Cedric H. Smith,' 205 Essex road, Graceland cemetery.1 Mr. White, a partner of Graham. their Christmas guests, Dr. and Mrs. Keriilworth. returned home on Tuesday from Lawrenceville school. Anderson, Probst, and White. was 1. W. How,,ard of Aurora. widely known for his architectural work both in America .and in-Great 1. PRODUCE OWN A C n TA IV 1 it for Christ- the Mimdt CVoIVeS, ilm 1ideas. they hic" 'lxv u are w obedient 5 to mas, Harv ).l (P.29 them" makles is home from k MW Z duý s,costu i .were eoutisors, prow-