7.P.m., Christmas Eve--Childrefl's servtee. 6:30 p.m.. Christmas Day-Service ln Englisb. 10 a.m., Christmas Day-Service flu Gernan. 9 :30 a..*. Decemnber 27-Surtday school and Bible classe.. ila.m'., December 27-Conflimation of the adult cateehumen edais., In the ehildren's Christmias tve service, betlnning at 7 o'clocké. thie Sunday school wfli relate the story of the birth ýo! the Christ-child ln carols and,.recitatioi. A.canitata,. based on the words of the Christmais Gospel, Lulce 2:-14, will be slang by the members, of the Sunùday' school and choir. Thie order cf service at 6:-30 on Christmas morning willI nclude thée followiig: Prelude-Christmas Chorales....... Traditioflal Io Bornà'. iiitrot-**Unto 'Us a Child. Schmauck .... ....................... Gounod Anthem-"Nazareth" solo by Arthur Green OffertorY-"'Vof Himmel Hoch" .Bach The, Christmas Serniôn-tTto Us a Isaah 9 :6 s RBorn" ........... hl * ÇJ1 «tory o! ftheLord"' tostiude 'ÂAfl<thte ... Handel ............ SERVICES kit ditiw' AU c>nmtmic1.t>1, othie 4 l ' oini ulit.xleited 10 part.tke o!f. t h iiii duvlng the Christina*s season. 0on Christnîais day itself, (il-, if that b4.~ imîiosslble, at any of! the early communAt 10 o'clock on Christrnas nîorniiig a ii-n services during the week or nhcxi service wiIl bc conducted in thie German fif the Sunday. Any -ho wislîflc mccilanguage. thie choir singing parts of thie will liv no buihur league -Thieru rector.' thft lîutify Heiden der should Komm, thin to "Nun taken evencantata, Bachi ings next Suîîd;iy afterlloou and Ninth Street at Greenleaf avenue Heiland." ing. However, meetings will bo resiied ristinas services Pnogansfor ai li mnister Venekiasen, T. Jaines on jaiiua.ry3. lnnext Sundayi's lil 'clock service thie have beein mailed to ail parishioflers. toue!ther with ('iiristmas.- offeriflg cuvelThe ninister wii.i preach the tsermion Attend clitircilion I hribtilas 1>ay >îîes, -whlch should be p)ut oil the flate at at the inorning worship eiervice at Il imailed any uf the Christmis srié,or oM'ook on the themne, "Thie Stir About lii tRe church. thie Way." We invite you to worship CHRISTMAS DAY SERVICES a.n Early Service ...... .... 11....G6:30 .....10:30 a.m. . On Suflday. Janu , ry 3, this church will Second Service do- its share for the "Million Unit Fellowship Movem0ft." S1JNDAY SERVICES 9:45 a.m. TRie-first division Ineets for lUnclieon Church'School.......... .;. of home thie at ila.m. TueÈday, pecember.29. ............. Worship 'Mrs. A. C. Jackson, 932 Fifteenth street., >1orning The mtusic for the.service îîelit SunldaY mornlng ls as foflows: The, annual Christmas carol t4ing, wil prgan Prelude-Pray-er, Suite Gothique, Christmas hall:on be held at thée village eve at,7:20 o'clock. Anthem-It CameUpon a 'MidngtCla Spak-Deis is M Light .. ýSpeaks 8olo--TRieS1Lord Edith -Mittendorri ... J ostlud-ýTo-ca ta,. suite Gothique Dr. Herber t L. Willett, inniter Boellann DeMus¶c Dr. Willett's subJect for Sutnday. *Vitoria Mcl'eod---MiuilstrY of .. cember 27. wlR be, "Vale," a topic appropriate to 'thie close o! the year-. Thie We invite you to oi. services on ChristReld, so tRiai ehurch service ls nt Il o'clocl<, Day. Tw%,o service$ are mias .The nuAic will be: un Ibis day. attend.rhureh mây aIl Organi Prelude-Fantasy on Olil Christnias Carol...........; The Senior choir wiii sing at tlie earlyAn'theni-"Wheflee Came Ye?" an Itallan, Cir istiflas service at 6 :30 o'clock with. carol arranged by Dickenson by JoyWilson spe'al Christiissolos Solo-"The Penitent"ý.... Van De W:,ter Dreiýer and Frank Dorband., The Junior choir will sins thea seconid.setvi-e with. Offrt,'y"PStOal.... ....... Purcell. .Jeromie Neévins singing the solo. Po~tud-'n.Dulci Jbl"arranged wili 1w Pears.1Il Nexrt Sunday thie Chur-ch school The covn s ust5al at 9 :45 o'clock. ~fineO progt'*tl' Thi1e Sunnday' ichooVl 11net at hq:45 chidrefl presunted' àl very last Sunlo'ciock. There are classes for cblidren for- their parents and friends awards were between the ages of kindergarten ind day aftertooi. ThirtY--fiVU(, fatgiron out lasi $uî,d.iy £o' ierfect high school. Vn,îtoî s are weicomne. tendance. Kenilworth Unieon> There wlll be a five-Minute address at this service by the Rev.. F. J. TIromp, beginfling Service, Midnight The Chrlsimas ove a.t Il :30 o'clock, w.111 ho a ftuil choral servi'ce. Thie church wili be spec.Ially decorated, «ndboth vse choirs *111 participato lin the service. .~Bollfiani the recTherew~ill be a short addrelssby The sermon.. tor in. placeof the regu1arý ........ service *111 last a littie over an ihouar. The commUffon serviées. on.Crsta aRN' Music 0o, day wifl be plain, without ....... sermon. There wiil be a ser'vice of the hoiy ýommiunîin on SaturdaY, I)ecember '26, e 8:a. m, tRis belng St. Stepflmei'5 day .o>n Sunday, Deceluber 27,, St. John the Evýangellst'5 day, there wili.lié hloly colîd munion ut,8 a. nm. Chlureh sî lîol *Bibleclasses at 9 :45, aîîid hibly coniinun- -Io wit.h sermlonIt t l a. ni. Monday, DecenibeI- 26. lieiiig llol-N Inoet'day, there Nivill bobe ob'vo 111u1l11on at 8 .. ni. First Presbyterian An open house Christmas social for old and Young wM beho eld on Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. The singing of favorite Christmas carols in Eniglish, German. Swedish and any other miothertongues represented ln tRie group will be featured. Thie "price o! admission" our',.Sunday sehool convene.q will be Chiristmas cookies or slices of Willnu meet nleXt Sun*Kippa Pi Phi fruit cake or a free-wilI offering for, o'elock ini aIl departimerts. At 5 :30 p). M. SundaY, Janunight. day the refreshments. ary 3, they will have C, .I.Jarchow give -Adulit Bible elass wil mIle aý mlovig picture talk (m Cuba. sti(ies of manger tRie at us witRi Bible. the Stand Corne! o'coock to conuiitie We u-,.' who Jesu of worship_-lm thei..."-Portraits tht. 01, andtRie Christ-child, ily. -The - I'reiutde- -Christmal~s il, SicilY Pietro Yun) TRiat Was Cal"' and (Messah), ,\ntheiii-'Clear NikolskY HoIy Night"............ Jesus, (Jferoi'dquatett--'SC6l>.Ny The Pastor's ciass foi' tbose who wish (-)Id Dutch carol rnembership. wili Sleep'" io p reîare for *chur-ch by Dickinson inîet Sunday înorning at 9 :30 o'cloek. auîcissmtl"....... Lux 1'oslude"O for a balf hour. iobeIts, or-giiiist-dirOCi0or MisEIy andel. IBa.ker, lain Bercaw, James Creagh, OieIre' DeVinriY, Elizabeth Katherine Dahncke, harlott. Dnev ýatherine .Windsor 1-eston, ',%ax Heinrlchs, .r.Ir.. Laura ma, Jr.. Jnn(ess, John Chiarres .\[MQuide, Robert Naethans, Herber t Pemble, *jr.. .John. Bowen ,Palenske, August pct atce feln Marjrie., Ruth Specht. Wilsoin. Anita Turck, Iuye - Sieeney, Trhese will now becorne full communiant members o! the church. 1-.G. FHaines, Sammy Irene s0 that al riaN bc î,,ovlded l. sponsor a. bî.eakfast for ail y'ouflg people no choir reIicarsail I110:; There iili Rbc next Sunday inorniiig, especilly those week. breaki lit t who are hoine !roin college., The There ha,%e beenina w. ha A.t 11wt'hildren'sý manger Service, hield i . g irts iwi.roîss ge , listries ii m as fast will be held at 8 oMcock bring janiry 13 Nvc will begin a iseries ili ilie lîurch, the cblîdirèn will pitrand thie :ged. Iiie toopera'itlitil, containing boxe, vntsvlg ~ tvi pro a«ind sperial the activitie.s of Scouts, Youlng Peotple 51 The ie gR ScRool E w.th league meets o!. church suppers which they Rav"e savtNed lu pre- groups t grains on- Row the great Presbyteriai thîe.- n-ney and woltShip servieS. Ti u1 Sunday .eveninig at '5:30,'clock. znoney '1his service. manger thi.t sel IliWe 1yrobiera. Church mee4's world les a 'Bessed Chrittas for Us Allý of four ýbetween' equally divided e l wil ith lis. Thée di$Cussiuiî gruP for married vite, you - b enjoy tRebj. * .On ~~begin 1the îîew Théesenior young peopie's group will tuai dev'otion. Yev ith lUs i tiis 5111p ili .*llrîin sîasday tlier(,-%Niill'e piifi oycuiuina !ti i. c. n a ae im i to e e) i lt e r tga i.1 1 11 h ,.!I * ys i1 I ( 1u iIld dl 1 1 i gi'b :1 t1 Uic 1114agician ins ni.io.: oa. thIl