Tide Festivity the old-fashioned square dancing party at the, Conmunity Center Fniday niight. The:dance was under the direction. of Guy Colby' of W.L.S.. *barn dance fanie., Mr. Colby's services were fJurnished throuzh the -W. P. A.. The ,party was a e reat success. and fo most of the participants- it was a ýnew- experience, Mr. Colby .WiW' reIurP again',if enough people want another square dancing party. The Contmuoity Center bas a large Christmnas tree and the building is ail drésscd up for Christmnas. The tree ý vas donated by the Board of Education. The crepe, paper used. for decorations waç donated bv Mr. Günther of the Stivder ald CazelDriiz 'tore. Manv'ofte eoatioliS o'n the trce have beenl made by the chilclren of the handicraft class. A yroun) of chitdren froin the Cen* ter will take part in the Christmfas carolFncr at the, Village hall Christ* mas eve. Do you know it pays to be a brunette? The admission for the Coinmunitv Center Xmas party. Decemn* ber 23rd, is detenmined by the color * of the bair. Redheads will Pav toi) priçes - while brunettes are at the bottoin of th.e scale. Peroxide b.ain ation A crowd of ninety people attended nboard wil ni~ue lis. -i meetings at the Howard school on Wedniesday, January 6. At that tinie the financial organization of, the class will .be changed. Any yo ung man of hi«h school age or over is invited to attend theseclasses. The' entrance fee bas now been.canlceled. Director D. M. Davis hoppes that this miove will increase the attendance at 1this uniusual recreatioli project. If you are, interested in aviation, corne to the Howard school January 6 at 7:30 p.m. Ai- la ChritmasSiaz, The Table Tennis Pyramid tournament has caused much ekcitement .L. 24. at the Community Center du ring the 24 W. L. FT TE last week, the reason being that the, 'G FG:FTTÈ T. C'p'ter, f 4 ýO 8A9 l~kr filled 0 .0 0 Pyramid board..is completely -keen. Nordst'm, f 3 AO 6 Strass, f 2 and the competition, is -ver-. o Herbon, c 20 0 40 Carison, c 1 2ý 2 6 In rnQst every match one. out of Hluci,g.- 5 0,10 Meyer, g 5 0 16 every three gamesis a deuce game., g, Mullins, 6 '0 3 Slayton, g: 0. 0O.0 Harter, f Ralph White refuses to budge f roni O 6, rg3 9p' W top, berth. John Kaufniann. Anthe O 0O0O Harder, f Reinwald, Phil Straf and Les-ý thony Waite Referee, G. Jones-Scorer, V. 7ter Steffens are so evenly matched sulbur ban Shore A. C.: 91 Unki no wg that they. exchange berths two or TP FT 'G S FG.FTTP 1.Ft o, -three times ,eVéry -day. :Phil Streif J. H'tman, f 4 1 9 Lawr'nce, f r 00 3 1. 7 signed up for the tournameîlt Wed4 0: 8 Bland, f Borind, f the' game with .11 points. Hellen 1 02 0P.Ern'k,ce 0 O I!orniC the of last week. Hle has a smashClarke contributed 8 points, to 4 1' 9 H.*Emr'k, g 1 1: 3,nesday Meter, g drive which is goingý fore-baud ing 5 1 2 g Lechner, , 1 0OA g cause. F.H'tnf, rs lose Bud Steffens places.. him get to 0o0o 0 g Wagneri 4, 2,O g The scores .and standings are as Gauger, at 5:30. Kaufmann John challenged Waite Jenes-Seorer--V. G. Referee, follows to be. ,*vas, (John 6. afternoon Ts ~hùrsday à Io r..40Howard Quinlan R 24 So supper). 'for sharp FG FT TP ?eIson Lanutdry 5:30 at homfeTp FT ýG FGFT P FI TP his 1 2 4 V. Mjýeter, FGPT ate .at..5:45, 14 2 28 Huckf arrived'home Jolin Davisr ô 0 0 f 1 O'- 6 Quinlanl, f 1 O 2 Hardt, f 'AO08 Marsh,f Leal, f 3 2 8 Nturph-l, f A 0 4 supper andreturffed at 6. 14e won f0O0O0 Cum'gs, A O 2 f 1î'chic.is, 0 2 2 Murphy, c 0 0 5hi Bjork, C ,natch with .Bjjd 18 to 21 1 to 1CoenanJ, g 0 0 0 Çrffl, C O& 0O~KrafV fer; g 0 0 0Ostronm -g 0Ô0fi0 24 to 22. Han'ton, 2119, O o Krueeeh, g O0 O 4 0 8 Fleming, g 1 O O 0 P. Meter, g Scheibel, g O 0 0 Mill1er, g Worble, g Menden, lh 0 O O Referee, . Jones-Scorer, V. Waite Referee, Moon The Table Tennis clubs ivere at. the Center last week. Onie fonmed LEAGUE "C" M. il. S. 15 FG FT TP TP to their of the clubs kuown as the "Ehite of FeFT added. C. A. Wacker The Hillinger f .1 O 2 Bernarde, f 2 1 5 unbroken streak of victorieý s whenl Pinig Pong" is an exclusive -club- for O Hoffman, f 0 0 0 O0 Pape, f Clarke, f 4 0 8 they met the Esquire Quiintet and de- boys ten to fifteen years of age. The 5 1 il Ledig, f O O O De M'rco, c 0 O O Bowen, c 38 to, 16. BillJ,ennings, officers of the club are: pres 1 deut, O O 0 fea ted themr vice - president, G'nzalex, g 0 0 O Pajak, g Center, came through Norman Hoffman: Anthoniy Sesthami, g O 0 0 Heerens, g 0O0O O the Wacker secretary, White; Ralph free of with 9 baskets, and a pair 1). HiIVg'r, f 1 0 2 Neu.ses-. Gerard treasurer, Reinwald; Referee, ,Moon thr.ows to lead the teamn to victory. _;f2 me ýly forty N.B.C. VnnLAaJ' r... ....... favor and ribbons wîil nc gîVeilto the best dolIs. Plan Christmnas Play The children dramnatic group is presentinz a Christmlas play entitled "Knis Krintrle Takes a Trip," on .Tuesday nizht. December 29.!,at 7 p.m. At this timne members of the dancing classes will also give a short ooram1. Thrise in the cast are: Marilyn- B . .. . . ... 3 2 2 4 .. .429 .500 4«A" LEAGUE ,A dashing fine gaine started the evening's entertaininent Wednesday lastat the Howard Gymnasium, as the Nelson Laundry bested the QuinIan Rovers by 24 to 19 points. It was most apparent that the Rover's running attack lacked continuity, because self styled "Iron Man" Bud Howard was absent from the lineup. 33 to -27. At the close tied, ofthtnehiro 25 to 25. quarter, the score was Bill Cloud of the Eagles started the fourth quarter with a basket made froin the Centen of the floor, but hc was the only -member of the team who was able to score- during this period. Soon after CIouds score was made. George Hahn of the Maple Leafs mrade one, then Bill Leary and B ill~ Normnvle followed suit in quick lme wnou the aiVL club i me siiWias a represent will boys finalstour team. A teain match will be sclheduled with the Boltwood Park Teain of Evanston for the following Tuesday. Hold Candy Sale A candy sale was held last Friday -eeigby the Boys' Ping Pong club. IIàny compl>ments were reaceived about the candy, which was The M.H.S's won a close game from the L.B.T's 15 to 13. The score at the end of the -half was 7 to 1 in favor of the I.B.T's. In the second blaf Carolyn Ledig went on a scoiéing ppree . for the M.H.S's, scoring 10 ponsto make her,,high scorer for - 1-e is without aF doubt one of the best guards in the J. JOi'gS, f f , 9 2 20 Gray f 4 Moe,c league. We could also cal Mr. Horn PL 1,S c 2 0 0 QYate,g 0 0 Werneke,E g O ulc, g O go way.! that is He Man." "Iron W"ex, Rogers,f Starting at 9 o'clock a nightmare B. something to see. r z u 4 ;sm5gi.n I , 2 */ O O0 3 08 30O0 >A. Leafs ......... 3 4 .' *.... ... * .. . ...... 2 was enacted when Howard Herbon trounced - the Wilmette Walther Refeéree. Windle--Scorer, Gathercoal Koerber, g 0 0 0 2 3 Dames ..... ... 2 .. . .. . .. . 2 4 i I................. O-0,5 'e ........... (Continued - on Page 44)' Pet. 1.000 .800 .600.600 .500, .200 .000