Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Dec 1936, p. 82

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9 :15 u.i.-4'irst service. 9:30 s..-Sunday school classes. Il a.mn.-Second service. serve@§ ............ and Bible evefllng at the cnurvn.At our midweek service Wednesday evening at 8 o',ciock, we will have for An, unusual feature of this Christmas devotionaI study, "*The'Royal.Acclaim.." is'the ýrequest for Orifts for the'ehurch with hour. this We Invite you to spend equipnyent fund. At least 150 new chairs are needed in:the Social Hall and everyneIntemestedl is lnvited to donate the Wediiesday: The Girl Scouts %wiliineet, c0tof one or mnany as they can afford. evening at the church. On. Monday, Decemnberý 21, the- Girl This church will have a. New ýYear'5 Scouts .Own Service will b. held in,1h15 bay service Friday miorning, January.1, church, and our Scouts are preparing servat 9 :30 o'clock in the chapel.. The the decoi'ations to niake the place look, ice will be Informai, but willî nclude comi- as it should- at Christmnas. Ail girls and this, in us. munion. :We invite you to Join their parents are inV.ited.to attend. roligious beginning of thxe new yèar. Trheme will b. ne Wedniesday inight After the Ne. Year a series of Church service, ln order thiat alli may ,ln ito bb. held front January 13 iIb Nights eve, Thursday next. Christmnas on here 10, lncludlng suppers. to t Pèbruary. Magge...........Barba ra )folway Time-ChristmTas Eve. Today. Scene--a basernent l'nom in a poor tenement, In, ny, town where .thé, play is given. Nativity Choral Music and The White ,0ift, Service Ca drnan 1. "Let There Be Tight. -. The Choir 2."Cear and Calm Was 1'hat Holy Night".........Nklk The Choir Cornellus 3. "The ThrOe Kings'4 Carma iln.Learn 4. "No Candie Was There anld No LIehmann Fire" ....... Ethel Heide Wishower Candie* Lighters: f1lI iton Caren.iter-Dh'(k LaBon te The Nativity Tableaux: liaulsenlaù Mary............Shirley Jack Randali Joseph .... .... ...... The Angel-PeggY.% Davidsoh, Saliy Edwards, Nancy Houîsemafl. *The Magi-WVilliaifl Pa,tlett, Noî'nian Fifer, Jin loseno*.. T'he Shepherd-ýNorinan Jones, Roi)ert Metian Gorge MIlier. The ('hurch School W'hite Gift Bearer'-.Ca roi McOurdy., Stanl.ey, Johbnson, lBeth Thiompeson, TommnyTik, jior NIcGurdy, Steî>hen Hill, Robert Tucker, Jacquelin Laliloy, Connie Joties, Joan ,%Irmadtike. (Charles Coyl, David Toepplen, Shirley Johnson. Margaret Ami Schuber, Fred. Skinner, Victor LaFave. Edna Skinner-I, Donna Barnes, Charles Moirrison. Edwin Roberts, Loring Armistrong, Bob Marmiaduke,Shry Wilson, Jeannette Kanies, Curtis BlrownCrhGa Snorf. hain. Jack Fisher, Mreln Elinor LaBonte, 'Minette Carney, El-, leen Johannson, Dud P>erii, Howard meetlnge Socialcice today, with Mes. H., Meierhoff, 1714 Wihnette avenue. Open houseé, today, 7 to 11 p.m. Adult catechumen class, today 8 p.m.,1 ln the Pastor's study. Linen circle. Frlday, 2, p.m. %withMme. Chas. Knobçl, 204 Wood court. Joint meneting cf Junior and Senior Walther League societies, 8 >.m. The order of service at Il o'eIocl< on Sunday will incelude the following. Christmas Offertory 4on Prelude.Bach Themes....................... Introit - "Drop Downi, 'e Heavens, From Above"............ Schmauck Anthem-From the cantata, ,"Nun Konim, dem Heiden Hetland" .. Bach Offetory-,-«The Savior Has Corne" Bach .. , ... .. .. ..... .. ... Dir. Herbert L. WilIett, minister Thie Sermon.. 'The Son of David. .2.....Samuel 7:12-14 Postlude-*"Fmom Heaven Above"..Bc Di'. Willett's subject for Sunday,. DeB c ........ .... ....... cember 20. wiil be ".As Shepherds Watched" a topic appropriate' to the. aa-t.Il and C~hristmnas sea-son. -The. sricis hool euay tte of mnembei's The o'clock. v Christmnas' the rebeamse will choir Tihe music for the church service will pan. 2:-30 at Suinday on prograni be as follows: b. will services O)rgan prelu(e-Fantasy on OId Christspecial following The Blair season: mas Carols................. holida' the during held childIren's E\ve Chorale prelude-A Babe I., Born in 24-Christmas December Bach (1685-1750) Bethlehem ......... p.m. 7 service, 6l:3,0 AIl Praise to Thee. .Weihniachitslied of' English, ln 25-Service December a.m. 14th century 10 German, i service a.m.; 1O Rejoice '7e Christ.lans,. .. Polish Carol the of 27--Confirmation December a.m. Il of lSth Century cas, catechumen aduit 9 . service, Eve Year's First Antheni-Wheflce Caime 7e 31-New December prepal'a8 jb.n.; Italian Carol arranged by Dlckenson Communion, Hoiy wlth _ 7:45. Second Anthey-O MNagnumii . Mysteri-. service, tory NI ativity) . .. Vittoria ii(0Wonrous Kenilworth Uniton, gregational, First Con John G. Hindley, Dr. Min ister "TeGod of Gu>od Will" wilIý be the iminister's sermon themne next Sunday T'iere .eric mornigg at mte i i o cL.lo wili be lovely traditional Christmas music of chortises ani r aî'ols fi'om varions countries. Memibers of the Girls' anîd Boys' choirs, the Senior' choir and i quaî'tt wil partieiiate in the Vuspei' seri'ice at 4 o dlock Sunday afternoon. IUnder the dii'ection of Miss Roberts ou~r quartet and choir offer the Nativity choral music of cheruses and solos. The. Boys' and Girls' choiî's wiII furnish the supplenientai niusic for' the draina, -TL'dings o! Joy.Nleners of ouir (hui'ch suhool -under, this Loî'd." day a " Unto Savior,. you" wnîcn mieans is Christ just that- The members of the. primary departnient will have their Christmas party in the ?rinmary room Saturday aýfterneon. December 19, at 3 o'clock. The Sunday sehool will nieet at 9 :45. l'h. departmeiits of the school will meet in the guild roomi for the '"White Christnias" service. Each menîber of the school is asked tu, bring some gift o! clothing, toys gaines or books, wrapped in White. cf cOsttlmliîg izaliUii .Revessional Bethlehemn" Lyî&-Oi ttle Town of First Nýinth James street T. Presbyterian at Greenleaf avenue ministei' Veneklasen. ouiSunday mon "The you * to by Christanas morning the Road jmin mînistel' to us at services il will Bethlehemt." in thi:s o'clock. be wvill be The lield ser- on the We theine, Invite rernembrance TUlE CIUtIST-MAS -ERVICE The Church school w iil ha'it' Chr'istsuni ay Mornîng, December 20 tpn hctnext inas pî'ogram iin each 0<MUSIC 'l'IlE .ijIair sopr'ano ; .Ethel Sunday înorning ut 9:30 with 'tuguar l'Iilzabeti i-1-scu, wi shlovel', conti'aito; :William ('las.s sessions. H-ela. Ross, teni'r Cai'îan Luarn, bass; SenKappa Pi Phi wili havtheGmtading loi' choir', Gis choir, boys choir, Eilnîly eiiry o! "T'h. Other Aise Man"-ly Rioberts. orgaiist-cire*(ctoi'.. Van Dyke at thei', 5::>0 nietIrig iexl. on lune Tue OrganîVeue-~ft$ -U Lî&.ie TOCiiutletllelei' ïaulkes Sunday evening. Caros"Whitt are Our' Obligatiotsis n Case of WVar?" will b. the diseussiipî by the 4Clege -Group ne)ct Sunday nighit at iJ. The Tuxîs club' wlll go out Christmas carol. singlng te 1the sick and shut-ins Sunday, whlch wll h pgant a her eplace of the regular meeting. te people,, especlally lieuhoe Althe on Handel ............... i................ ~~~Young people wîilproclaim Uifl h ii 4'JCjosep voe.............. 19 0rgan 'Poslude: Let Us Ail Thank Redd George .......... Marsfhali City' by baptieni of way in Christ in the old Cushing sa AI, his heiper....... .... * th God"............... arg-Eert immersion. Ail participants in this pageant are Mm. Chase (from the Neighboml servicewill Christmxas TheCidren's Ta3 Ashon ............... .Church> . 1 remlnded of the. dress rehearsal on Sunbe held Sunday atternoon at 4:30 o'clockday afternoon, December 20, at a. o'clock Red Cross Nurt3e (f rom 1he Chumel Thisiss 1h. progî'anxof thechui'h n h GoodO ........ shap. Members of the cabt,. singera cf .................. le T he, alleluj a h *Ci ni u" (Messaiah)

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