$10.00. Wilmette 3118. 129LTN32-ltc ELEC. BROAD GAUGE LIONEL train, $85 equlp., $20.,$25 elec. stove, e~$10. Seai coat,. lize 16, goOd lic condition, $25. Wilmnette 2576. 129LTN32-Itp WANTrED TO .uY-HUHLI). 000DI in the apportioned departmental service at Washington, D. C. Full information may: be obtained from the Secretary of the. U, S. civil Service Board of Examiners at the Wilmeltt post office. XEW SWAGGER COATS Nie Item 7057 014 fer cmats "Nowps the lime tatcuiabplV' TAILORS AND CLEANERSfl 621 Fourtb St. wIL. 1#67 CAS3H FOR TOUR USED FURNITURE, mnoderm or antique,, and other bousehold articles. Will aiso aecept your furniture on con-' miigumenit.basis. CR.OST FURNITURE ST'ORE Establlshed 1898, 1046Emerson St., Evaàniton, Uni. 0189 13OLTN43tfc RtUGS, BRIC-A-BRAC MEN'S & IKm.euis clothlng, shoes, etc. JPhomm, Uni13OLTN$2-4tp Weslt7 0103. SHAWNEIFUItitIEIS: WE, BUY FURNITURiE Tiesattractive mlue decoration i., esPeciallv,"Christmasy." Tihe trees indirectlifyse %aè comp'osition board and cul from 4t)~J.é1~t*ls ô~t ôvbW& piane sections y1s~ of two each consiul candie lights in tise center of tise artificial (or natural) foliage are ordinary Ghristmnas tree ligie::.__________________________ FATHER PASSES AWAY Tord has been received from Glas, Scotland, by Mrs. George Thurs722 Ridge avenue, of the. death of father, James, Ospreay. Mr. Osay died in November at the age e. He had always made bis home buFand, 014 platgold. stIver ilturm Turn your obablete > old gold Into ugeful article.. W. wlII allow full value lu trade or w. wIll pay you In cash. 11W Wllmette Ave. GOJI>W. LARGEST SIZE CHILD'8 EMPIREI BLEC. $TOVE WITH REWGULAR baklng oven, $6. Also my elec. percolators, 1 urn pot with tray; pr. pewter candi. sticks. Glencoe 298. 13ILTN32-ltC 1-8 FT. PLATE GLASS WALL CASE, and 1--G ft. plate glass floor case. State own offer. Erinine Cleaflers, lue., Waukegan & Webster Avenues, HiIgh13ILTN32-ltc wood, i. D«.]PAGLIAMULO Wflmette INi Relief cases ini New Trier town- CHARON oeJieit con ýost for ooth -relief andl acin sarne,l'e said. During the .past month a few who had been on relief found employbut $250 BILLIARD TABLE CHEAP.. PULL EQUIPMENT. Phone Wllmette 850 131LTN32-ltp mrs." LS. road, iV LtCowe of, ?34 ai. Bani Building -Evanston ilmette 5M0 Greenleef 5M0 others, in like number ESPECIALLY MADE FOR were taken -on. The new cases, in SKIS Byrd expedition. Perf. cond. Snowgnrl twsepaedaewh. xiîeaewa a ushed and harness. Liength 71/ ft. Priee eeai be, termed seasonal workers, $15. Cali Kenllworth 4671.ma 11LTN32-ltp gardeners, grounds keepers and la.ý çlnv.zANDl borers. whose fields of activitv are ment, Miss Laura Durgin of 504 Fiftb street wiII have as ber bouse guest for a fewdays Miss Adelaide Berry, of Fowler, Ind., who arrives on Sunday. Miss Berry is working on ber master's degree at Radcliffe college. NORTH SHORE CURTAIN CLEANERS 16 MM. MOVIE, CA WILL PAY CASH. WINNW. house gue IJadger'st ver, wbhoai rs. James G. Badger of lenue will bave as their for, Christmas Mrs. e,Frank Kelly of Den'es on .Saturday. Place Your Orders Early Phones WILMWrTH .7M 32 UNMVNRUY 7317