Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Dec 1936, p. 79

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Bae ird &w weý ~in1 have a wlde selection of the best values on the market. YOU MAY INTELLIGENTLY APproach the problern by consulting any one of 14 branich offices located in city- and suburba. 1570 Ser. a llo. Pc, Inc. 2 Ae. & Ty ~J,11Id 6 Ean2216 260l. 1tp .2(;02 Ili.61 imum & Ui. 1571 Sherman Ave., Evanston tnt 200 Wil. 2602 111LTN32.îte T sn CET 0F NORTHBROOIC 20'-T hean an oeml station. Concret. road frontage. Pricé $6,500. 102ý6 Waijkegan Rd., VVYATT & COONS E RACT 0FO0P agi l1LTI lc Outstanding BUYS EVANSTON' CHESTNUT AVE. -Nit. SHERIDAN Rd . Handsomne 8 roorn Georgian Colonial: 4 bedroonis, 2 tile baths. Library, sieeping porch -, extra 1av. là. Broad staîrcase of beautiful design. Exceptionai value at -$22.500. Offer. R. Johnson, Gre. 18655, Ho1. 185 *SHOWVN BY APPT.*ANY TIME 2125 LIVINGSTON --- PARKX VIEW froni this 6 room b>ungalow. Wooded lot, 67-ft. front. Priced *low-smqali down PaYment. N. Evanston. Mr. Cunninghiam, Gre. 19.55, Hol. 1855. 1021 FOREST AVE.-ATTRACTIVE 4 bedroom ,2. buth, Inglish bri4k. 'ear lakt, and. transportation. Llbrary and solarium. Offers wanted. A. K. Smith, Gr.185 Ho). 1855. r.15 2321 FOIIE-STVJEW-ý RAMBLING Cape Cod, 7 rooms, %3 baths; beautiful wooded lo)t. Choice Lincolnwood location. Mrs. Didriksen, Gre. 1855, Hli. 1855. 2240 CENTRAI, PR. AVE'-MNODER-S Engflsh brick: 5. bedrooms, 3 baths. In lin(coinwioo(. iReal opportunity. R. Jroýhjisrn, Gre. Owner anKENIto jLWORTH. tabe 5OWNEjR REQUIIRES LARGER 1HO(ME, bedrm. a ôei the -heart Ofý East 50ofr eU.1%,~ bric. Col. KeniwothLarge lot, beautiful trees, 3 Ige. bedrms., cond. bas., .2 in"perf. Pche. recréaF. 2bloçkÉ to lake. r 2-car gar. at reduced pric f E~$1.0.Inpc KA efore buylng.cHigh Charming frarne Colonial, 4 bedrnnis cone, 2ph. t.gr., On wodd crrHlxbbard. Woods District., e JUST, OFFERED lniwP?8 I124LTN321.l CUS.... Plecs. Wagner Road Acreg IE.., o2d0diginouai ie > P.ropertY Jocated .CHRISTMAS> OFFER 9 THE BILLS REALTY, Imc. 529 DAVIS ST., EVANSTOuN renleaf 1166 groîn g$1.000 dstrct. s trade room white-wvashed brick for 160e OICGO VE, EANTo 7 r ooma, 2 bàths.eliiiconsider EvansC .Gre A E, P ton to Glencoe. Present house has studio ON THE LAKE, .200 Rog. Pic. 6636 Wli. 608 liv. rm. Att. gar. Lot 60x145. Ouse ______________________ 137A ESTis cle-ar. Will assume up. to $12.000. BTJ ATLES TAN REPRO'DUC...R ~ *RN-AM ATATV tion cost. Yod. stone & brk. Eng L OENHM W.B Whtkr o pl -bm,5bers,3 tîle. bas., IJb.: 140 CentrSre ajý att, lnta 32aO with 140 acre ftr.Cneînî o ýJ11LTN32..tc cated tQ Interurban transpoirtation 1-aratgar.. Also beach rights.~ COMPACT North 10 RooM%, 3 BATHs Prcda $000or laiie. offer. Mrs. ulalYada $12500, 1buYs a 7 bedroom house SE. f or rml chicker fan. * Mea. Complet. set of trr - -S. E. lViunetka. L~ot bTa buildings witte~-nant, hioue l a,,, n eg location fore ras. sho*condition. lrà,n T~ Ideal country place.Fo 2.0 ncs, eas terns. PH so )L41.vJ e . Write K. Hr. Knowlton, Freeport, LTYI, 607 Willow Rd. and eauI 529 DAVIS ST., EVANSTON lake-asy ter s. S e Ilinos.l2 Greenleaf 1166W!1mtt'17 ELETT ON A LTN3 -3tp 40 Franki W ner eatr EL 4TAEjON 11lllTN,2-ltc 19 S. La Salle St. Sta. 5111, Kenil. 5111 WHI. FRAYý%E COLONIAL; 3 2 bths. S. E. Winnetka. i , bics. to WBDRMS.NTHEMARKETFOR 8 RM. RED BRIC. COLO-NIAL ]ake; I-. W.* OilIheat; DE perfeet Con- Modern, wel-built WE aRlEbiingHE ARK dition; landscaped by in n Ell-FoctD ' aràje rns., 3 Swain bedNelson mNabl he rms., buldngbas 2 ti.led baths (cherry o WIlloat slpg-. pch. 2ndSorpoPry trees' grape a rbor, rose fil; 2 rnis. -and bath and bushes. brgain.$1.4,00. A on 3rd. Htd. sun r., lav., att. gar. bushes>. Abargain. ~Conv. lot 170xc60. Iertaslws4%fscutyaand central loc. Cor, Glencoe. An lnizlish Stone. Sheridan Rd'., Winruetka. ex, owa cellent % fscriywr value at $18,000. Mr. Thatcher.rM! reta8 R1ipariain rîights; 5 bedrims., 3 Most, attrartive rec. rm. 2-car att. bths. E-. SAWYER Lge. 725 EInu St., Winnetka SMITH.'oca1fid W1Vnnet*fri)fi V~t1é.. lot. hwpq h1+i , ý--llLTN,2-ltc S421RSmodREAL 421 ichmfld oad 1LTN1 .. ST TE enilworth 528s pestacre. Wiinette 374o Mr. Harp er c1SHORE-TOVV),NS siouth 0f nfs OWner wanarg his 6 h e.wiii REALT O P .W iae opn ua vneaeîo Cntuto on $5,000 AND UP ..- sun-sltting room with fireplace;. breakfast rooni; recreation rooni; built-in garage.; 100-foot lot; near beachi. Prlced at Iess *than reproduction "ost. 5 % financIng. Miqs Cronk, WInn. 2700, Brn. 1855. - z morernomsana nUdiJi >, eULUd. TIFPJILLS REALTY, Imc 529 DAVIS ST., EVANSTON Greenleaf 1166) Wilmette 3740 I11LTN.'22-tc .ni3t'ILT TRIS YEýAR BYO NR for- own homeý-attr. Eng. brk., 3 bedrins, on 2nd. 1 on let., 3 '4 bas., recrua. rm., cond. air, att. zar. E'nder market at $13.500. Miss D~urhain. WINNETKA. bdrom R. B. Whitaker 140 Center Street SAE-RENT A complete isîît of hnrn Ipportn itY. Cali %Miss Schultz, Ow: 43 Tears of mte4.37 . Fuller & Piekard, N.Shore530 avis St., Eval property managers for HOLC. hor 111LTN32-4te A-N UNUSIJAL OFFERING LO-ANS ON NOR, Thoroughly modern 4 bedrooni, 2 bath, Borrow up te 64 brick home. Splendid Wilniette be etmnthîy repaj Smal cshpayen. Federal 'T Terms. $14,000. Company 351 LINUEN AVE.'Colonvial.6 9 ROOM BRI . TIMBER LANE Qf n ýP Winnetka 3250 SvnsadLs ILTN2 mette. bM. Cllfton. -Ietral Avenue, Wihliî .-- TRADEý 15 Years. Deal wlt Pull details by inqi MAIN LM TREE . -,r140 Center St Briargate 1955 140 <nW Streot linnetk~i 3250 IPARK-S S. ST. JOHINS * * III TN32-ite .,0PT. ON PA] 'hland Park 1 855 * ES TNTACAMN OE 2 blks. W.. CF-114 S. TA SALLTE ST. bedrooms, 2 bqhq ,oi heat, screen ft. than suri Central .1855 porc-h. gar-agé.$1.50.Rentaij $110. cided bargain 1plLTN32-ltic, ImrsLang. Winn. 1194. *11IL32-Itp j$2.650. Ken.j 100 . KA-790 ELM STEETbR.B. FCA-90 Xhitaker Conany"' property. to Jan. 15t 114 LTI nnutc Rd.. Letic modols.1 ýets. ReasOnable. nette 2969. LE- 2 RArb

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