Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Dec 1936, p. 68

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or, 4. W nsiai Ave. mnaster mnarinier and author of Ibooks on the sea, finds it a storyý with *rare (oppoite qat. 1894 synl)athles- .and -wit1h ccomnpellingL power," a 11nel. "full of the -juices 0:f if c." Sterling North, itrary critic.of the Ciicago Laily -News, 'déeribcs thc bool, as "a l)as'sioiiate storY of, the shipyards, on tlie River Clyde iii books of. ctrret hîIstory, olle of umusÏc, onle of po(etrl),,onie oi popular scienice. T.hree areclcassified as "belles lettres, and six arc tralations. froîi foreignl laniguages. PictGaIerIes Orders for framaing, wil be accepted tbrough Dec. 22nd for Christmas delivéry. Ii store Ilours: 9:19 a.mu.to 9:0 P. 17e, Cail jor and Deliùer 1729 Sherman Ave. Un.07 Headinig the ls sflsclJournal éH.tbides twilh I)r. oàaTour la tue Jolltuso)n. Il(Qw first phihdiiits origfinal forni 163 ycars aftcr it wvas writte... The. discîîvery of theIi ianu-ý Il ie tiiiie scttinlg of thelictorv is the script and. the .anniouniceinenlit that Vilworld deprcssion, anîd the locale .L îing woulld Iulislî it Iliade hleadlinle ncws. the Pagan shipyards 011thç clyde.> "wo Viking editions, have brouglit Paralysîs>-ias laid a hiand îwpon ail facsiiniles <if therecccntly discovercd out iîîdustry. and hal f-completcd .hlulis< sertes of 58 letters îvhiclh voînpletc stand*(I descrtçd. and silent on, the ('sogh , rote, to a felloV lvan *Vincent baisof the. river. Thie:fullt imfpact. of four ycars,. 1881 period a over arist Andrew Paterson Photo of the catastrophe. is studied tlîrougli ul) iiî thc poUS letters.tur"ied The 1885. bèclisi novels Io cone the lives of Leslie Pagani, owner of "On1lte .ýReýAAnierica. relatives'in of session long a oi 'last the aidzuhichl tile Comîpany of te depression" is,a phrase Van several are editions the produced ini hune of men 1 to build slups, anîd ililes havr' ascribcd bIo"T'ht'Shipwvas artist the whichi on p)ainitings. Gogh just 'Blake, throughi Damny Shields. a ri%,eter, buides;'kxGeorge letters. the wrote lie %wben \%,'ôring alii.ý depression ~tlie whô expcrictices J. m Lincùlott.Th witIî the company b3, whiclî lic is eniistorv descreibes /ihe fah' <ofa i< In addition tu Boswell and van Gogh, nbn tw Shi/'baildivil companY/'ail ploye(I. ljsnets lattis the third posthuminots atithor on the list world-wide cmnw is D. H. L.awrence. Lawrence i,, reduriIl.ite mten lhave- to inakec arc startling Picdcbarle. born, according to the publisller>, in tls tures of tuph cav-aI and change, events major work of bis, which lias accord%vhiiclicarry -%vast social implication s.ingly been namned Phoenix. Lt i,ý a colAdded to thecir business difficulties lection of nearly 100 essays, article.,anîd are do,îwstic lirohlciis ; the wives of papers, a compainon volume to the bcth ici failt their lhusbands during I,elters, edited -by Aldous I 1uxfamous l'le first collection of essavs \Villa ley. thecse ycars 'of crisis. Cather çver. publisbced appeared ini Essays Express, WilIa Cathers Convictions todav the inconmleted liner on the batiks of the Clyde ploughis the -seas as the Queni Mary. ~ Dramna is always bouind uip inl the building of great boats. lý'nilaingi this talc of sipbu)tildiing. loweveri, is abrilliant backgrounld of historical happenings, ilnterwoven with. the ee mnents of humnan motion and character. siderable expression Qof MISSCathers convictions about the art f wriing for it deals %vith somne of the authors shie admires and whiat shie admires i thecni. Alfred A. Knopf, wlio published .Vof Under Forly in this coun-.. try, annoutices that thie Englisb pvublication righits biavc been bougbit by tlie.,bousýe of Cassell. Calvin and his antagonist, Castellio, the. eternal conflict between dogmiatism and tolerance. ,Poetry is represented by a selectecd volume of verse by F. P. A., the weIlloved coluinnist of the New York Herald Tribune who lbas assembled his hcst efforts of the past thirty years uncxplainc(h the der the Gilbcrt-and- Sul1ivan title, The Music cornes ini book. iiew lias In a. prcfatory MIlelancholy blet. of her title Willa Cather note to titis volume. of essaYs, the liolling Alonig i;iSoy a history of GRE. Pvansme i-s told il, a Iew bool, e iini Europ)eat, social and cconouxic h ie led 'h Roiéance of Tea by W. . and the present 'status of its. nianuIers, editor of the Tea and Co«fee facture and use. He concludes blis ade . journal. Mr.. Ukers outlines book with a practical chapter wliicli so the romnantic trade that grew up tells the reader 1mw to buy tea and Dund tea, the changes it has caused how to make it,,properlyi

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