.thec troôps aid alil de '.rowi je. Packs il, the village participating: The titie Kivlanld, Peggic aTHln is derived froni tthe fact~ that the Schlnitz, and jean Stein er are patrol, scouts lesl-s orgailize the pro- leaders gram anîd assume the repsonsibilitv Scribe and -Margaret Kivland as sends in their latest report.. of presenitiîng it. For the service Wc Ilad a.tea partS, last Friîday afterMý\onday cvelliîîg. l)cceml>cer 21, thc 110611at St. Joseph' '%cho ndth work Is divided<'luoing the troops i'11 visitîng mothiers and a few of the tlie folIoNvilîg llne Scout leaders prescîit werc Mrs. Tro>One-A ssNt;~a L t ai Uàhers. Dowd Mrs. Cochrane, Mr. Troop Two-Pre--c.ntitig seen<e three. Mrri Trooplhre--if'o) ti<w soMrs.. ReynolIds o, Miss, Marcell, aid the'mothcr of our captain, Mirs., TroopFiel'eiiigeew". To,,SIx-P'ràgrims. THIE Mues Troop Ten-Proî,ertie.,, -3ler. lus(av and scé li t I>cciUIer 22 at 9 -3t)j arn. joine(I. A fe' short talks at, the. houlle ôf the Scout Coiiuxiîis- niothiers 011 Scouting wcrc given bhi Missý \farSiolter, NI r.s. Ira, Reynolds. cell, Nf.rN. -COniiflhssuoîer. Mr.LîînIv-an(I Mrs. Paul Kivland assisted the Scouts with the serving Of their' tea. Wre had, a folk dance and1 sang2 soinec songs in* whichi our Nl ichard ý,jji tl 5.WillianiU ýfa-rü iïiand, Scribe lawî-Oîl. uae 5 a 1repor)t oi tllîeîr activitic', tlîis flu î>ck tlircec whicli CHRISTMAS GREENS ineets at the Uo)igrc!.;atîoiial cîîur-cîi. Tlisear the Scouts and Brownics1 iaýs bcci n a, ut lots of filîi lis u Peai ou for the cclebriation Of Wcarc illakiîîgl a >tuitv of mir local Chýlri>tmia.s arce studvying flot ouîly thec itiiutrieus anid places Of public il>lm ftis etvlaîdhi Of is fetial an tei terest. >,>ifcalice lbut a1so tlîer Iprotection,. lit c'e eu trul i ieand culti\-ation1. le fitration plant auld otî, a lI ll ,la urel, and gro uîîd 'lielhave ilit litige w-t lrisuplyOf Clîisîia î> ilim-d I t1lî timelake \\.tcr b\, i ~ titure tlîev anîd al substitutes shou1ld 111011> I).III<Ilf* (m il I , L 1111-.; be g.atliur(!d initer ÇptIr21 or Rv,îolds. the. ~iinette andI bY Our ca)taii,, PACK THREE REPORTS,.MISS otflîan. 1A-fter thiat welîad Bi'rowile Pack flîrCe.o Us. IW~O(IifJtcircle all(lsangiL. otir areLvoni is tlic Broxv-,i Owl alud tal>s. . *, MIRNEG oe S- -state tric rCieau ai îeddfrt~ .olorado. Or by permit inithe State \Ve;al>io ,a%\-tîlere the rooxu ii \îicîî Of \'slling9to0ll, rst sand conIllie thrsOf hIe Wlîi<\\ -I>.i nervatiJoni (mnoi>pncn A1er mslOUl1hé orce :have thrir:targui >ractc in couferred iif to obtaili snicl harvordur to Ilak-u tllýL11, eijjfl inandi :marketingin i .lc]i state. lirqtectbigour caî-kis 'îîeuse ,cOf sbtttsf cri.the On L011 îuer2 we 'o\alu abln~ed Chritma> greens iA recon-; landbags and Hosiery Also ai Orringlon and Ch arc/i tlirough tlie I lollitcr prîtîtîîig plant iiendcdI-balsanii ropiig aind îvreatlis atnd saw the cîtrrciitise of Wiunuari 110 satisfact4orv- for decoratioti LtEbeing asscuhled. i'le îibers adding coites or 1)0(1 colored. gil(le(l Of the statfïivrvs icc to i, tak ourilerd sîig for- the color ted wi~il 11lî,ongliî i gripn o six. a1îdrlboIl. riCd foe or berrnes. To1 dflivriigall onr iîîauî ly tjis.~ tdkt fihe place of flile iiexpolstv the holidays.* TAKES TRIP TO MEXICO l'iîght ilow wec arc vrvbt%i>v tkuig I. D. Rlotlh, 1124 Foi est avenue. îiho: -av cauubric scrap-books loij t'le k-it recciitly fo-r a trip Io Niexcoý balies at Ouîward I lotîse ini the ciîy. City by way of .the liîe\\,-.îeaiilîîil c we oîk. our iiew 'I awî nycat igliway. îvitlisolie frieiîds frofiî Owf' Mlrs. W~illiain ilînsu i vnsoî ill returîî to Ile ilg rcadiîg to us from *Dot anîd lot of iii time for the holidayb. to h'ave aiîot-ler .Browuîic' d i'.;vuer HENRY C. LYTTON & SONS WOMEN'S SHOP-Sh.rman and Chqrch-EVANSTON OPEN.,EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS TE!HU c