Chosen President of Infant Welfare Hejînian, one Mrs. Ralph. of the leading north shore patronis of the. Chicajgo Maternity center, wilI be ýhostess to-the. junior Service league of the, center at. a Christmas musicale Monday. afternoon, December home, 731 Clinton b 21, at -er: place, Evanston. the advisery board: of the North Shore auxiiiary, of wbich 'sheé was a" feunder and the charter president, te be her guests' for the afterneen an d te heip in the teareem. Uer daugbter, Mirs. jack Griffin, president of the league, will assist. The progv&m ilil >e~ given by Miss Eleaner Martin cf Palos Park, a young singer whc made ber professional debut in Chicago. . Besides singing, Miss Martin will discuss the orngin cf Christmas carels and wil iead the guests in some cf the eld favorite Cbiristniastide sengs. League members are hoping fer plenty cf snow and not-too-cold weather fer' Saturday evening, jan- She is aise inviting members of - Mrs. Edmund Burke of Wilmette,wbo'served this year as I vice president was active fin Planning the bail, and: was;, elected as. the new préside nt, succeeding. Mrs. Kelsey Sanders of Ken ilworth. Mrs. Charles Henry' Gibson of Winnetka was named vice-president; Mrs. RuScil Matthias of, Evanston, collections chairman; Mrs. William Sits of Wiunetka, treasurér; Mrs. John Tittie of Winnetka, recording secetayand~ Mrs. W. R. Fowler of Winnetka, corresponding secretary. Cornmittee chairmen were elccted as follows: Mrs. Dale McCutcheonof Evanston, publicity; Mrs. Arthur King of Evariston, social; M rs. George Hildreth. of Evapston, points; .Whlle celebratingthe addi-,. tion of $2,300 to their treasury, from proceeds 'of the Wintter bail, memnbers of.the Kenil-wcrth center Of the Infant, Welfare society st opped Tuesday- afternoon of last week to elect new officers for the: commiing-yelar. I.ElIis as ce-criairmen, is planning the affair, Whicb wilI be the firt cf twc Until shte WGs iarried,on Thanksgivinq day, tb Robert Wiiusar Richardsoli, soit of Mr. aiid Mrs. G. A. Richardson of .Kenilworth, the bride was parties te be spenscréd by the league's latest recruits. Aliss ssMary Virqinia Wilson of A4kron, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Richardsoni, -r com/'etinp. their weddinfi trip to Bermuda, are inow ai ai lte Hill after Miss Mary Rhodes, Mrs. Robert Cht Ieait apartinents in Akron. Kunz, Mrs. Stanley Ceffec and Mrs. Frank Webb will serve on the cernmittee. They are meeting December 17, at Miss Ellis' home te completé arrangements anid will aneunce the ~ÎI détails at the Christmas tea. Their Wlii N eW Trier Girls Wili Give Holiday Dance girls frorn will be hos Twenty-e during the t senior wTrier ses at a ýristmas ih scb.ool dance uay er. Miss i1liîz Forest is havir Drake the eve honer of XWss L supper )ps and Mr. dan gof Decemb ille. at thée itiated. A number-cf1 20, in members are residents to be in- uaugnrer ef Mr. an and Winnetka. soreiritys cf Wilmette is a Wilmette Thirty-twe cf ber at the luncheen. iss Shane, the Conrad Shane at Wellesley. will be guests airo i- -r neen,, December 23. The hestesses 'are the Misses Peggy Beyd, Gertrude Scribner, Jane Hardy, Lucy Harvey,. Mary Kay Heward, 'and Evelyn Lu u:j.W ocLiILc.vveaUIs VU4 ayatt- Gardner