Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Dec 1936, p. 56

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of Junior League Play Is,Dec. 19 Only one more Saturday remains: for north shore children to, se thie(Ch ic a go Junior leagu'e'sý performance, of "The, Adventures of Tom SIlawyer" at the H-arris theater, ii Chicago. The, final' curtain is after the performance Sat urday, Deceiber 19, at 10:30 o'clock.. Proceeds fromn the plays go to the. ,many charities to which the Chicago Junior league g i v e s support . The play, ini five scenes, bas been adapted, for the stage frokh Mark Twain's immortal story by, Charlotte, Chorpenning, and its cast includes ail of the important and best-beloved eharacters, and is writtei~ to be easily understood by children of ail ages. The staff of the -C-hicago Junior League Theatre for Chidren bas* Helen Bell, director, and in this play she is assistant director to Shepard * Vogelgesang; Kathleen White, associate director; Virginia Melody, business manager; Margaret Harrington, Suzette Hamili, fadio chairman; titeatre project chairman. The pro- InNew Officers Incelebration of the suiccessfui year of the Wilmette ceiiter of the Infat Welfare. societ-va lunchecin:bridge was. held Mn day,,December 14, lw the Infant Welfare memIbers under't h e.di .rection ýof Mrs. W.. H. Hilde- brand. so cial'chairmian. A rîiingý vote1 of* thaniks Was - xtenided' to Mvrs. Knight. Blanchard, chairman of theý society, for her. efvork throughout the -year. ficient After a report was read froin Infant Welfare headquarters expressing iis appreciation that. Minette ce.nW.tr hadgone over the top ini ful'filling the>-nominatiniig quota assigned it,th committee Presented the followving narnes for election for the comi.ng year: Mrs. Marvin 1-arins, chairman: Mrs. WV.B. Behitke, vice-chairmnan and publicity chairman; Mrs. J. G. Badger. recording secretary; M~ J. \V. Beauttas, clerical chiairinan: Mrs. F. J. Crowell, menibership: Mrs. R. F. Best, social; Mrs. H. W. Lindsay, mient systein; Mrs. S. C. Mrs. Harr\v Warden, legisiative; Kerr, ways and means. ýMrs. Harry Drake,ý Mrs-. Ross Beatty, Jr., Btty Smith, Mrs. Owen Best, Mrs. John Dole, Mrs. J. V. Hasbrook, Mrs. Daniel- Boone, Mrs, -James brook, andi Louise Stantoni, assistants; Ruth Nock, costume -mistress. Kathleen White is chairman of publicity; Elizabeth Harvey is ticket. chairman, with ber committee iiicluding Mrs. Roland. Smith, Mrs. Roger White, Mrs.- James Norris, DuBols of the Drake I the .irst Congregational Ghurch of Wilmnette on Saturday, Novenmber 28, Miss Isa bel Macalister, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Nye Macalister of 918 4shland avenue, wvas mnarried to Raymnd F. Underzuood of Kokonto, hId. The bride wore a wedding dress of white tranîsparent velvet, made on Princess fines. witls a very long- train. Her tulle veil fell front a coronet of bands of white, velvet, and she carried white roses and ichite sweet peas.* kollowing a wedding trip to New Orleans Mr. and Mrs. Underwood uilI be at home fiw Kokomo. H1-oesli, sewisig chairm-an. Installation of these niew oficers will be held at the regular meceti:ng in January, Monday, January 18, at ,whîch time the üutgoing board Nvill be the hostesses.. Issue 1Invitations .i«llli sor Dole, lidith Farwell, Alice Graif, *tl*, 1 ... t«ti.-. Ici-.-. v1 II. -ý Miss Phyllis Carleton, daughter of Priscilla Hannaford, Georgette Hill, Dr. and. Mrs, Hubert Carleton of Rae 1johns, Martha Lamb, Priscilla 1103 Forest avenue, will be home on Payne, Sarah Mosser, Marie Louise Saturday to. spend the Christmnas Richards, Louise Sbire,.Miartha Jane holidays in Wilmétte. She is a junior Country Towle, and Helen and Nan Wieboldt. at DePauw university this year. week, the Northl Shore the members of the 1936 gracluating occurs at Shawnee class at New Trier High school, many urday evening of this of .whoin will be home from school for holidays.,

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