lSUBJECT FOR CJVIC: LEAGUERS B ishop ýErnest Lynn Waldorf to Discuss That 'Subjeet et Luncheon This Friday .'Stream-lining," first applied. to has b en automobile ,designing adaPted to m.aniy.other..manàufactured artiles, andý in -these its neaniig is clear. But is "ýstreain-Iining," confined in its applicationstoatoteegin*ers and other designers, or has it somne unfaîniliar rneaning that niay b apfflird to,. for instance, the eduication anid .development aid, proizress 1 . thc human faniily', That. is what nienibers of ,Wilmnette Civic league are askng, and as. they ask they w'onder just \vhat Bishiop Ernest Lynn \Valdorf of the M.\ethiOdist Iipiscopal church, a fello\v villager, who will speak to the, league tomorom-(Friday), December 18, had ini mmnd when lie titlcd his address "Streani-liniing." luntch Tht occasijon is moni F.ý Dewey Anderson, president of< the XViirette. State bank, anid anf Ro, bert, Kingery Urges Con-: oYutstanding Minmette civiic leader for several years, was Early, Deadline structive Steps Bel Taken *elected. president Because of theý Christnmas holiday Now to Prepare for Increase, of the1 Wilmette on 'Friday of next we'ek, the -deadChamber of Comn-, huùe for al news and..advertisingý merce at the reguChicago's. north shore suburbs. wil inatter for next > eek's issue of e a populationof nearly 325,000 by hav lar December ill be. 9 o'ciock, fn \.II.:%TF-TTE FE Sme et inig :of the at the present rate of, growth, anid. 1960 iiext Monday evening. Thie cooperafor this increase, construcprepare organization Ila s t to iO f' readers, and advertisers',-%Ni11 Thursday. Officers towards acquiring more steps tive t be greatly appreciated. elected to 'serve land for parks and other facilities with mi. Anderslxould- be made now .antd without son-are A. W. Jenincurrinig,'excessive indebtedness. s e.n, vice. - presiRobert Kingery, of Winnetka,.mandent, andW.B ager of the Chicago Regional PlanRobinson, Jr., ning association, reco mmended. this F. D. AndersOn treasurer. C u r t. and other' forward-looking policies to Gottschalk, recentiy appointed secreofficiais and civic leaders of the north tary of th4e Cliamber, continues in that a aspecial -meeting last -week, shoe cal)acity. by the North Shore Propsponsored Village Presiderit Harry C. Iinne erty Owners association. Tht: ioliowing directors were elected .wiIl welcome the carolers at the antosrv a 2-year terni Seek Harmomious Action The conference was the first of a \\-. C. Huggins, Frank Hl1avacek, nual Christmas carol service to be Phil Hoffnian, H. \V. Hamimond, Steve held on the village hall lawn Thurs- series of similar discussions the propday evening, December 24, at- 7:30c erty owners association is planning in order to encourage greater coopera*The four directors whio hold over o'clock.E tion with the organizations, working thet as foilows: by are year for another The service is conducted the Metropolitan Chicago plan out Recreationc and Piayground Wilmette A. C. Pearson, Jr., George Rapp, unite more ciosely ail the north to and Clyde Winter, Jr., and A. J. Wood- board with the co-operation of thea shore suurhs in a nrogram of bar-' orga.n-5 civic and. Wilmette chorches. cock., - of Local (Jfamt'er 3251( by ion at ear,.1960 Villagers W1ll Unite in Song Christmas Eve Insalltio ofthenewoffcer wiî sinig carols. (JnIy thie time 111 bcnonoren sung, this Is the room in wichth te itague lusalltio ofth ne ofices wlland familiar carols w' has met for, many years and to which take place at the regular January Printed 'programs with the words p ineetingi of the Chiamber cwrn it no\\ returns. b.e .i distributed through the courrý1 t'Soe f ie NV.IlMETrÈF LIFE. GOP ADRSSSME' aPresident Paul C. Lang, said to bc A high school band will acçomME'S ROU ADDRSSE luncheon .will be served promptly at Village President Harry C. Kinne pany the carolers, and joseph J. wvas guest of the Northiwest Nlen's Kutten, song leader of the Wilmette as been ectended to club, at its meeting oni) ecember 4, Rotary club, wvi1l lead the singing. *Aniitaio, Wilmette churchesl held at the home of Paul FI. Gather- President Kinne will be introduced aIl of the iniisters coal, 2411 Thor-nwood avenue, and by 'Mrs John Clark Baker, chairman to attend this meeting. spoke to tht .group on the subjeci of 'of the' Playground and. Recreation . ~1L...... *.wi... ihave ucen careiully asembieu Uver a period of years, -Mr. Kingery stressed the importance of proper highway development, zoning, traffic control. and adequate park areas for the north. short. The need for protecting residential districts from incursionts of undesirable traffic and building, is being met by tht construction of through highways to the west of the suburbs and by careful zoning, he pointed out. This policy is being followed throughout the Chicago area as far as pos- *tO there is to be also a magician. A choralI grOuP from the Howard school *111 .sing. be ont U M eLeLa icb ll Johnsen's Sea Foods Liebschutz Bros. .. .. 9 Va n Deusen's ......... 4 16, 17 Walder's Fish Market. 8 -sires to aid tht club by being host to'a boyat the party miay. do. so, it was, atnounced. .Atiy citizen Of Wilmnette who de- National Tea Co....2 Winter, Geo.,B. Ine. 24, 25 y.said, in showving some of factors involvéd 1inCity1 (Continued on page