s <'s MOTam fAU..U.. Along with other trappings of suümmer,. such as beach robes -and swilnmîing -trunks, the Sea Scouts tenderly laid their forty-foDotcruiser away for the season. Although the vessel has been ini the harbor ail this 'tinie it. bas -been a, long tume since it had actually been used.. Late faîl weather is inducive to anything but yachting Ibut ýthere is always the hope that of, aWarads',at the Court Following is the list of the awards ý.n innetka earned., Troop 16: Tenderfoot, Walker Wvnekcoop: second class. Charles Baynard, E d w i n. Brown. . Hughl3rown, Albert Dezen.: Davis Ellis. David Gyubbiins, Dick Houzh.,,Edwiti Lobdell, .Georze. Morris. -Kroy Ostergaard. Bill Plamonclon, Tom Rvan. lack- Scarif, ýTeddv Seiler.ï Grant- Telfer,' Si Warner. David'Wright. Bill Davis, Kirk Becker, John -Bower: first '-classi ,-Hokien -Farrar, 'Kemp Reade:. star. George Leicéhsenlring,; menit badges., John Doughertym. mutsic: Holden Farrar. canoeing. marks-. ARE YOU PROTErICT]gD? IF NOT, then by ail means car. read on! Sensible Ecoiiny ia thrift, and the wise man will guard hie home, hiselite savings, and future earninga b>' Insurance. paàtional restrictions, at 40%> Savings. Note the 10w cost for Public, Liabllity $5 ,OOO/$l0,0O limita and' Property Damage. $5.M0 limita, for your car (Budget Plan If desired>: public Laibililiy Ford.....,19.-995 Llaroin Zepi>'r. *1.07.0 Plymouthb...... 1.080 Pnelkard 120 ... 21-100 Pontine ........ 2100LOI .M *You nay be a careful driver but, many careful drivers have accidenta. You take a chance every Umje you drive your S: SA INGS': 40/o 00/6SAVI mobleInsurance, pany Autotbtfer Stock Com without occu- I "maybe next Sunday wililU'LaInice Property Damage Total -cost *28.00 26.46 28.00 Budget Planý Per Month 2.8à 8.16 2.85 816 day for a. cruise." Genlerally it is miserable on the Sunday buta beautif ni day. Monclay, following it., manship, tnusic, readink, swimmig George- LeichsenAt any 'rate the. last tripof the Istamp colllectingz: reading. p u blic nxachinery. ring. season is aiways. one of the best be- Lie 7.00 29. ERCHAIiTS ATTIENTION: 10 Pa>' LOCAL 1DELIVEBRT TIICKS-1% 1Ton or Les. Total Budget Plan Per Month Cost *5,0êi1eIBPublie liabllity. .$26.00 03.80 35.0 10.0 $S,000 Property Da*mgo ....... WALKER, DRAKE & CO. U7s west Jaeksea Bouievard General lumurance Agents' .'wabash -Clcago 4712-47U3 swimniig. cause of ils length an d interesting health, müsic, canioeing, work. mnetal Scarif, Jack cvcing: route. In order to arrive at the yacht Lincolin class, steragç yrd t is necessary to go, Tr op 18: second ippicott. down Lake, Michigan to the down-1 town Chicago harbor. At that point 1 Troop 19: second class, Bob Reil.the vesse! 'enters the mouth of the ily life, Robert Meyers: star. FAChicago river. The river is folkowedi ward Peterson. up. to and beyond the point where it Troop 20: star, Wayne Eves; Sonimeets the North Shore Sanitary ny Miller: menit badges,' Wayne, Channel. This latter channel flows Eves. firemanship, safety handicraft, from is intake gates at Wilmiette animal industry, Sonny Miller, athiIletics, first aid. Harbor to a point a littie south of j Irving Park boulevard in Chicago. Besides these avards, special rec-, Here it meets the ineandcering north ognition wasý paid to. the following itià VALVOLI n ndsraciplats. Sorag'Dick Johnson. Representative froîn Sorae Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wati. M%ark. Folinusnia plnt. eintin ~yards, tanneries, paint factories, lansbee, Troop 1. ev o ii wr TeFrth warehouses and bridges ail present eý ii o wr TeFrtl a diferen andinteresting aspect .when seen from below instead of ýice wvas presented to Troo'p 19 for' ceenati " above. MOTOR 01-L vour 11934 and to Troop 15 for 1936. Those who participated in the icourt of honor included: Theodore Variety of Vemels 0f particular interest to the. sea A. Buenger, district chairman: Robscouts are the many vessels new andiert F. Doepel, john West, George olcI one finds along the banks of the Getgood, Boyd Anderson, Stan Net- cos 911 LinadenAvenmue, Wiinnetkàa Winnetka 566 s 4 -- banks -i-wof the Chicago juç z) l river. _U a Sea_________ '5g gratitude for this service. Ithe Hugh Petersen, son of Mr. and scouts sec many such boats as they cruise up the river. Most of the river MNrs. Julius Petersen, 222 Cumnberlafld homes are very . dean and many have' avenue, Kenilworth, arrives, home this dogs as bouse pets just as dio land week-end from Princeton -universi.ty, homes. Occupants of. these 'bousel to s;;pend the holidays here. * -bqu "UU "