.O.D. Ordersr Chargie Acc@utït Free Delivery to Ail Parts of the North Sho@re 1143 wu 1 Specials for Thurs., Fni., Sat. '7. 3102811 8- to'oTos.-lb'.....291/2 dressed, dry pleked, TURKEYS CHICKEN$ avg 1-oasting. Fi'eihly 212 C CIIICKENS Lb. 4- to 41/-avg-. Lb.. Frying. Vreshly dressed, avg. 3:Ilbs. pn.8-tlb vg 8 1/2C 1g.~9 .. . LEG OF LAMBLb.n BabY Leg Lamnb,5- to 6-lb. avg. . . . . . . . . .. . . . Lb. ... .. 3-l. . *221/2c 7 7 PORK LOIN ROAST L b. Babyv Pig Pork Loin Roast, any size cut.25 HAMS D^m 00 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pjeacock oi. Swift's. 10- to 12-1b. avg. A eq 25 1/2c 1 2 c Prime Beef. Ail selected . cuts'. CHRISTMA S BA-SKET SI ,,If you mu~st have a- candie in the window, Christmas eve, niake it anl electric one-that is safe. "Use metal tinsel, flake asbestoes and powdered mica, for, s now e fféct instead of the highly dangerour paper clippings and 'cotton.: "Do tiot' illuminate the tree. ivith candies. Colored electric lighit as-ý sembliesý are mnore ornamenftal anid are safer. A spotlight focused uponl the tree is, however,, the safe.st rnethod of ail. "Smokers ýsh.ould, exercise great care wi th their matches and smokinig inaterials while near trees apd decc-. orations. "Toys requiring, alcohol,'gasoliie 01" kerosene should be avoided, as should the- flimisy toy mi o t i o n' picture machines using inflammable film. "Cheap electrical, playthingýs should be forbiddein, as they are often de4ectively wired. and hav~e inseccurv. dangerous conniections. "If Santa Claus is present. 1w should be persuaded to avoid a Iu beard, and should keep away fromi open lighits and fires. His costume slhould lie made partially fireproof by .wýatcr spraviing uponi it a solution of glass. "If anyoine's clothiing docs catch fire, the %-ictiini should be proniptlY rolled iii a r'ug or wvoolen hlinkt. ini *1 £005 .tly Freh.* IN A thrilling selection including fruit baskets, Haîf case $1.95 gift hampers, cocktail hampers, cheese bamMrTANGERINES. Florida's, doz. 19C pers... filled with tempting assortments of GREEN BEANS 2 qts. 15c- fine, fruits and rare delicacies froni ail over bu,,. 13c the world. $1.95, $2.50, $5, $10 and np to $25. I LiiibKiiý-. iw oz ý ',- - "GOOD FELLOW" BASKETS MADE UP TO YOUR ORDER for 19Sc g2 FiIIed with quality groceries. meat or fowl. L 'w 2 for 19C ... Le se... l $1.95 up Mr CEERY.Michi gan fiinest, 2,bu. 19; Firmi, crisp Icebergs, 1BROCCOLI . ILETTUCE. -iMe r ch a nit s should kecp tlicir. places of lbusinless frecefroiii ruish)l;1 and 'paper accumulations. "A imost important safeguard is. t( rcmnove ail evergreew nsîmmediatel\y after Christmias." Two Motorists Booked;Reokless Driving Charged JWednesday of last week M,,rs. A. Herkimee-Stiap3p3 . 45C Godun Rich --- .. Ilb. 39c Baby Edams .. each 39c IHardwater INote: 1 ýu4--- ........... Duars, Castile..2 Ige.4pkgs. bars Chipso...... Amer. FamilY Soap 10 bars, zan .give them wilt be appreciated. -Marion Kremer. chairmiaii. -w. ~ Shop o)f, is co)nducted Economy club by the Womjan'q Willette.