529 DAVIS ST., EVANSToN G;reenleaf 1166 W]lmette 3740 97LTN31-1te bON THE LAK~E, WINNETKA, LOVL newly painted homne. 5 bdr., 3 bathsAND Bi GLENCOE have a wide selection of the Very Ige. conifortable rnis. 2-car gar. Beautiful- Eng. Brick home-late roof 3rms., bath,. and Ipch. $35 best values on the market. Oi hieu't.' The 1l'owest price on the N. ate occupancy. -in Skokie Club district. Tiled hall, 921 Shore for a home of this kind. netka 1300. large living rooni, library, cheerful 15 The following buys are called. Witzleben Rlty., 562 Green Bay enil. 5540 sunporch. 4 Master. Bedrrnis., 2 baLths, te your. special attention! servants' quarters. New cil humner. FOR *NT-FURNISHtD R. 97LTN31-lte ApTa Lot 12àxî75 in excl. nelghborhood. 6 ROOM- BIRICK. HOUSE FOR RENT, 3, ROOM F URNISHf1Eï Sale or ent fumnished.,Cal Mrs. Pope. 2229 CENTRAL PX: - SPEND XMAS 1-.car garage. Hot air oil heat. >APART-MENT,' NEAR TRANSPORWhereNORTHBROOK, 'Possession irnimediately., at your own fireside in this unTATION. VERY REASONABLE. CALL Whù:taxes and liv. expenses are low. Phone Wilmette usuai Enillsh bri.ck home of ý7 3124. GLENCOE 1717.; 93L31-ltp New wh. br-.3 bdmrnîs.1% battis, pretty mom,2%tule 97LTN31-ltp) bat'hs: solarium; lot. 35 min. to. loop. 3-miles west of 3ý-car garage. On Ige. lot ln MOVINII, EAGER TO FIND TENANT wANTEcD TO RENT-FURN. APT». Glencoe. Bargain at $7i800., idea.1 setting. Mrs. Didricksen, for cozy ismall home in convenlent WANTED, -BY RESPONSIBLE PARTY,- location. 3. bedrooms, Ume. 1855, Roi. 1856. oil heat, garage. for. Japuary, February and, March, Cali agenit,,Wininetka:3603. SHOWN BY APPT. ANY: TIME 97LTN31-ltic 421'Richmond .Road. Kenllworth 5288 'mail heated,àapartrilent. Referene. exIN CONVENIENT N., E. EVANSTON-, 111LTN31-ltc chne.Cail Randolph 4840 froni 9 FOR RIENTr-FURNISHEO HOUijSES delightful 6 .oom' Colonial type a. M,. to 5 p. ni. 9.5LTN31-ltp ,home, wlth 3 bedroonis. Iu exFURNISHIED & ROOM BUNGALOWV, cellent condition on, beautiful oih heat. 212-l6th Street. weoled lot. Priced, te sell-only Wilmette 1216 or $11.500. R. Johnson, Gre. 1855, GlenvleW 677, 83-t Ilol. 1855. 1 ' Nine rooni brick residence of ColoWHITE FRAME C 0L 0NI1A L-I11q nial- architecture, two fine baths, atWANTE0 TO REN-HOiÏUSES heart. of Lincolnwood: 7 spa,. tached ga ragre, large1 recreati on clous rooms, 2 ba., large yard. WE HAVE HAD NUMEROUS INrooni. Landscaped 'lot ln Very exReal value 'at $21,500.. Offer. quiries for houses to rent, furnlshed CLAPBOARD COLONIAL, 5 SPACIQUS clusive nèighborhood. R. Johnson, Gre. 1855, Ho]. and unfurnished cheery roorns; auto. heat; . Would appreciate your 1-car 1855. ~lsting your kou8ewith . garage: ulce yard;*, iiieliate possesHAVE CLIENT FOR UNFURNISHED *WILMETTE T sion; $75. ., house for Winnetka or Glencoe. 5 bedFor appolntment, caîl MÉ. Lohsand. TR E CLAPBOARD COLONIAL roonis, .3 baths. WII1 play $150 to $165 Don't overlook this chai'ming 8 per month. rooni home wlth 5 bedrooms, ALSO A CLIENT FOR EXCUSVEAGENT SUMMER 21/2 baths; oil heat; beautîful rentaI. Wi1I pay up to $1,000 per month. wooded lot; near station-at 517 DAVIS ST.; EVANSTON 1603 CHICAGO AVE., EVANSTON 'Must be on lake or have a swimming pool. 1309 Çhestnut Ave. Make offer. Gre. 2700. Rog. Pk. 6636 * Wil. 608 UNI. 6886 W. MeLauglin, Win. 2700, IIOL. 6843 Il11LTN31-1te WIL. 1666 Bni. 1855. 584 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 177 9 9L30-ltc LIST YOUR HOME WITH IN LOVELY EAST KENILWORTHw-HOMIýS lu Supacious. modern bri!c resi%, -ltc scar<c re~ ?971,TN:31 I~~1& Wu~ EVANSTON SEARS REAL ESTATE. FROM WATER'S ýEDGE,' 240Lawndale Avenue. rice $30,oO W. G. RUGGLES & CO. SHORE-TOWNS REALTY CORP. HARKNESS & LLOYD EAST WILMETTE KENIL[WORTH 3cônivenient local office EVAMSTON-522. Davis St. Grenlaf1855 Hollycourt 1855 WVINNËTIKA-790 Eum St. Winnetka 2700 Briargate 1855. HIGHLAND PARK-S S. St. Johýns Highlaaid Park 1855 3 convenient local offices. EVANSTON-522 Davis St. Greenleaf 1855 Hollycourt 1855 WINNETKA-790 Elm St. Briàrgate 185 Wlinnetka 2700 a n reproduction cost. finainciig. OPEN FOR th 5%~ SPECTION SUNDAY 3-5. 324 Sheridan R.oad. Miss Cronk, Win. 2700, Bni. 1855. 1571 Sherman Ave, Evanston Rog. PI<. 2616 Uni. 2600 Wil. 2602 111LTN31-lte 351 IN- HIGýHLAND PAR-,ý5S. & ~ WRwr'0 LISTING Highland Park 1855 99LTN31-ltc FOR,. >ALE-APT. BUILDINGS S:t. Johns 1WINNETKA TWO APARTMENTS (20) SPLCIAL PRICIES TO JAýN. MY For the bLar WINNETKA Famnily E HAS AJ es; 6 bedrr E the necessary reqi 2 -baths (anot-ier sasi ST ONLY. LINDEN AVE-9 RM. BRICK Colonial. 6 bedroome, 3 baths; lot 75x187; $25,000. Subject to. offer. Mr. Pletsch, Win. 2700, Bri. 1855. SHOWN BY APPT.. ANY TIME BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME ON wooded knoll cf 6% acre. ad- Lu-ý 404 Linden Ave. Winnetlca 3250 INDIAN HILL ES 97LTN31-lte g8 -n. English hse ~ HWO. 3 flrepla( 4 BEDROOMS, À BATH ' GARAG'E. 1TA.1 eASY AND VERY REAS. TO HEAT.ý Winnetka 3250 H1ubbard -Woods. Sublease tilt MaY at 140 Center Street IlLTN31-ltC $55. Or new, lease. Whnnetka 2692. 97LTN3-1ltPi 140 Center Street R. KB. WHtIi.INfl<i R. B. WH" KER KER C0 I room« brick home'near schools and IDO YOU WANT TO BUT A NICE SiX, transportation? Drive by 1606 Colfax, then catI Wlmette 1660. 111LTN31-1tet