~ifLa : EVERYSOY OR GIRL:SCHRISlTMAS GIFT CHOICIE - s, For, be, it, knoWn- 1Roger. is., a lot of humnanitatianism.done up in a'smal package. In bis chubby fist lie gripped two pennies, bonestly ýearned and legally paid to' himi by bis. music teacher 'for keqeping tili durng .his. muùsic> lesson. Two pennies, thought Roger, will go1 a long way toward helping sonie ünfortunate youngsteî atlitcted with tuber.cuiosis, if spent for Christmas Seals., Suiting the action to the Lhought, lie made his way* to the Heath Center and demanded allI the Seals that two pennies would buy. An attendant, appreciative of the spirit shown by the boy, decided that, for this very spe-. cial occasion, she would put on a, barG~OES TO LOS8 ANGELES gaisle of Christmas Seals, and, as Mrs. Howard Becker, 912 Greena result the purchasing power of Roger's two pennies advanced 100 leaf' avenue, left Wednesday morning for Los Angeles, Calif, to join lier per cent. 'huislhand, who is engaged ini business in that city. wiIl be heli buI10ay aternoon. On December 20 the Sunday Iivening club will resume, witb an illuslecture on "Angkor the Magni-. trated ficent' by Sydney Greenbie, associate, editor. of Asia. The club seiries will. run continuusly until the e.id. of March. Subscriptions aire still being asked by the Sunday Evening club compmit-_ tees, of w'hich the. village chairme n are as. follows: Mrs. Conger Re -. nolds, Kenilworth;: Mr. and Mrs., Walter" C. ýHughe 1S,.Glencoe; J. R. Harper, Wilmette; and Dr. H. A. Orvis, :Winnetka. Those who. help underwrite the expenses of. the. club are given seats in. the reserved section on the basis of one seat for evéry $5 unit, in the gift. 1A. 2 Yars EXPERTI Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Biser of 42,3 ARmtt Greenleaf avenue returned> to WiImette Iast Thursdav from Kansas RETURNS FROM WEST at TALRS-AUl K.aunabiY vie.a1 Beautitul TOOL CHESYS $9m $5u $3.50 DOLL BUGGIES ... $.00 ........ RANGE ELECTRIC .. Do Yur Chrismas Shopping in WiImetteI U TEDDY BEARS, CI'IWISTRY SETS ........S$1.00 ....$ ... $1.00 t. S6.95 I ~ VFor tie Home Christmas Tr.s Ornamenti. Christmams Tr.e 1914 wi 30160 dero..a Street ai Vilmente Theater,