Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Dec 1936, p. 75

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,,,,e vy .j on "Swing Rogers and fliusiasticalh- r(ýçcomine luded. for clev- da.S'îvwad odv..-ýoodl'.s leading fashion authority i ter. direction.. agile . danicinig. am11 d<1 tO the ecleftlents oln ~pak1îîz msi. il he te eaureSpîwr Tacv.am Jen ar9 itntro uii iitooramied zippers, en szp-Àrklillr msic, wil. e.- he eatirc nd eatherI. a dress for Carole Lombard« in attraciioti at the \X3 ilnctte thieate-rlslr(--ire and popular teainiof Myrna :-icis inî ov" o i tiîs Thlursday. FridaY-. and Sa-tuirday.j Loy amI illiamn Powell, and ' the 1rrîîton a aaon. 0 Astairù an.d Rogers turui i tfeir ifflit>icate<l but amui sin oevbck1-teihwoltrtdes îî-;uàl faultless performnces~' nd poie 1eô h othiIarious ;silver zip)persý with nîonogrammned FHekn iBroderieki curuuclies i n iana bIniemooni.. *Eah rîî,e rnxceedingîv mart dtid Victor o f tlivfour in i ttspctr isst BT E I M ni k e a seîIUliih>o O i ev tem rat- ish t e :aniaging dtr fa i cEri<- Blore; i%nCWSat>Vr vliîcli* iin.ocentlv libelO iîodsup ispar M~rn lovand1 she retal1te witha of th(-. film weIL. 1uit [or five million dlollars.. In. or_______ ____ be conipetition .hetwetin f theie motl I)V "Phçîtoplav "a lkf-ri-jîe'dinigdesigners as to its use. One inz ilm putliattio, * at thed Varsitv of Paris' leading modistes recently Te." featuiring Giniger th'll e teatto tthefor f s Fî introduced hr:lliat1y Ncolored zippers Fred Astaire. and en dy t indavforfor ays Monda . tr- on dark fabrics. Travis Bantoin. HQl""".7't tinçmuiu. Picture ,tîuska~ ncîng 45 IOn('C t tega tflC I -Picur~seemsý' to - - --- - -Sat Feature Starts 7,:40, 9 :50 Sat., Dec. 12-One Day Only a -ouae-waj "éLAST OF gTEE R&ndoiph Scoi-B'i'mi Barnei Peature. Startb 2 :00, 4 :05, 6:-10, 8:15, 10:20 Sun.,ton.iTuë;* e. 1 . 3-14 115 d-court. Bill Poi-ell. su1ave mani of jyt-ars.- f age; C-Chtldren, 8 to'l12 yearfi if agý FEmiirte Faily. o10 Olls tht"(îrldl. ikhired t rected h (!GOrg.e emîon S,'tel -el s. will be itîhe lafds-. he , e (hete the Way Quethiat shtotîlîlStar'Al liegr at i~-~. oîeIl idce. Hi sar h he recetnher 10. 11. 12-. Swig Timre. joyedb v t(JNva- hroulgli, and gets îaugîîs at the for SiF.in ~ i o ~ d b ~ therate ()l about t\No r thiree ~every for Ar 4"iî Bb Sn, Lionel Barrymore "Sinîg. B a 1)Vy iinilltvt. \h-rua is sltl poise( s1orA )cîîw 5 6 7 "h'Gre 'ing" directed byv Sidniey Lanfivld 1utsial, 'lracy offers the restrained: and~ ~ ~~~~~~~1 strîgAieFc dil viialit\ nf his better performnances, <u fsv"frF iwa Robert Montgomery Madge Evans Extr!a Added Attraction "You Can'tGet Away WIthleXI nGreatest of a.l1 crimive xposém, with. .1. Edgar Hoover and real '«G" Meni. Peature~ Starts Sun. 2:45, .5 :05, 7 :26, 9-45 lion., Tues. 7 :45. 10:05 Wed., Thurs., Dec. 16-17 66TWO là i tVOWU* JoeI McCrea-Joenet Fxtra-Latest Issue "MNarch of Tlime" Feature Starts 7 :40, 9:45 Fri., Sat. Dec. 18-11# NMenjoui Ted Healy, Gregory Ratof. ami Jeuan l-iarluwN% protests abolit ev-7 and Patsy Kelly, blas been schedu1111(1ervtlîintg convinicingly. Tinero dcl Ltg aby g GladN-'& George takes .the ieaditim for mer1. A.SngBbyS an fna.rolv iii the Varsity's attraction 0on1.' ecefor 2 A. ng.stofth and Mouday: 1 u~~Viesdav, \Vednesdav, and lThursdaND mjr1-Th ,sto h Hilarious Farce o' tnext wetek Nwl - "Valiant is icaus," for F 1vihilarixî iarce. eîetyWord for Carne" wllbes the Fcnbe 1, 1. IîastýI on t1e cross>-couintrNy putrsuit 111., Paraniount picture. directed Jtfii. for F. ut) a \Nell-known ît ovie star. fnrnish-: bý 15 iictrv(f Do-euiber 1~ -T in a Crowd." liv tIhe \Vîhnlettc theater for Suî 'da. * - "11PIOSNN PARADV" Stuart Erwin-Patsy KoIly ,ý, in, ttittrt;iiiiietit for hsl» , N\lioll -s__1 the - 1- fo . ; d - lllv -\- 'vr v ueV its %. iécu. Hat the. - ,"diIejoveI'Yýc I*lithîîî"iatiîc praise froin e\terv rtwa;P. Uclla, fronli a large ýectiO1i011 tue public lui,1>cii gwveu tlo 1lie Gorgvoii, Hwtss wlîiclî will bu 5cen it hie \Vilnîecttc theater on Iedy Wedîesay.and Tusa o i xetk. l)irected bv Clarctic Browni. th-' i-tuirtcstar,; Joai Crawford (as JîcLrý ," tvI ieHefl.for A .and ~ igA aî a u Cri\ Vfe"diete îorotîîh\ u incr, aii d starriîîg lrmiî la olvo tIsaio aiî lu ll biBoles, Billie fû eniîîî ahin.inatifactturBrk iiitd aitei)ar l'liTesel-er, rep)ort that 144,0W0 eopie. of thle ý ,lîîe oi< lîe \\ornaii who ausnaicrssuiou h-îCrl u- 1;.nîhard wore i'n "HaîîdAcross the er1 atid os bvele b landI>isbrotiglit out rmr.hvweil Tible" havc heeiî 501(1. Miss Lonm.1w -leý\ur directioti. and by spleindid jbard \will next bc etiii"S-n chara cienizatioti. lit k recotni1ded IHigh,. Swing To. and îvill preseut it~t tlîgv*liflrunit pic- a_lxatittis coquinîe. à> au dti - 1 1201 Centua1 Ave. f)ooî '- WiI 3U opei ýveek dikys, 6 :30 p. ni. Per-for-mance begtrîs at 7 p. ini. SaLt. & Suris. door-s open at 12 :30 Per-foiiiilzilce begins at 1 :00 p. m. Thurs., Fri., Sat., D)ec. 10-11-12 gv-*O al 1,lioîîel Barrymiore i t e__________________________ Pei .\ii Aure"\- Jackson). R 1 )rti IL j ÀA m"x. . "SWING TENU" -l:aMllravgot his staut 111.K~-'~ 1back ii1Q13 k v rjiin> and dirc.dnigj u lie -reve rs - __________________ SIGN lni FANNIE jec l-Iurst,. celehratcd H4URS1T atîtlor. P)arailiount. production schieduled t bgc ilnied in.the near future. )~L L Alne MBIIUIlI Barmen 1J

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